Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Little Bundle of Joy

"Om nahd fahd!"

by MyVengefulRomance 12 reviews

Uh-oh...there's he first sings of my sadistic-ness to my innocent characters. READ AND REVIEW!!!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2007-04-02 - Updated: 2007-04-03 - 1710 words

` Disclaimer- About as real as Pamela Anderson's boobs.

A/N- Wow...two chapters at once. Normally, I wouldn't do that, but I wrote one chapter last night but the site wouldn't let me post. :( So now, you get two. Yay! happy dance But now all of you are only gonna review this chapter, but not the one before this...dammit. Well, sigh enjoy...

A Month Later...

Gerard stood in front of his full-length bedroom mirror (I told you he's a diva.) sideways, staring at the way his stomach stuck out. He'd been standing there for at least an hour, trying to find an angle in which he didn't look like a hippo.

His doctor told him that since he was carrying twins, he'd show earlier than others. So, here he was a sixteen weeks and three days with a body that looked so strange, almost alien.

He still had a flat chest (The male body is still unable to produce milk.), but then, as he looked down his body all of a sudden his stomach jutted outwards and then curved back down into his pants, in the same, non-gentle curve.

In Gerard's opinion, he looked awful. But then he remembered that he was going to get much, much bigger. Hell, he still had six months to go. His due date was on October 5th. It was April 2, 2007 right then, as he stood staring at his reflection in the glass.

Tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear, he sighed and went into the kitchen to call Mikey. Ever since he got pregnant, the brothers Way had, if possible, grown closer. And though Gerard was the first-born and therefore older, Mikey was being an over-protective big brother.

Gerard smiled as he thought of Mikey. His little brother wasn't so little any more, with his wife and his own plans for children.

Gerard leaned against the counter and grabbed the phone off the hook, dialing. He then balanced the phone between his ear and his shoulder, grabbing the thing needed to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (He was hungry and lazy. What else could he eat?)

"Hello?" Mikey's voice filled Gerard's ear and he smiled to himself.

"Hey, Mikes, what's up?" he asked, spreading the peanut butter on the bread. There was a muffled "Who is it?" and then Mikey yelled, not moving the phone away from his mouth, "It's Gee again!"

Gerard winced, and said, "Way to yell in my ear, jerk-wad."

"Oh," Mikey chuckled, "sorry. What it do, brother?"

"What does what do?" Gerard asked, confused. He grabbed a spoon and scooped up some jelly.

Mikey sighed, "Never mind, idiot. Anyway, is Frank there?"

"Nope," Gerard said, shoveling some peanut butter into his mouth, forgetting that he was on the phone. "'Ees ah da shmore."

"What?" Mikey asked. "Wait...are you eating /again/, fat ass? Christ, man, those babies are gonna be huge as you!"

"Om nahd fahd!" Gerard wailed through his peanut butter. It was stuck to the roof of his mouth, and he was now rummaging through the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"/What/?" Mikey exclaimed. "Geez, what are you eating, cement?"

Gerard chugged down some water and then swallowed thickly with a quick, "I'm not fat."

"I know, Gee, I was playing around," Mikey said exasperatedly. "Now, where's Frank? And what were you eating?"

"He's at the store, buying me 'Edward Scissorhands'. And, I was eating peanut butter, of course," Gerard replied, putting all the ingredients away.

"How're my nieces and/or nephews doing?" Mikey questioned, his voice immediately getting more excited.

Gerard shrugged, forgetting that Mikey couldn't see him. "Oh, they're good. Not kicking yet, thankfully, but every once in awhile I think I'll feel one move, but then I'm not sure if they move this early. It could just be gas or some shit like that. But, dude, I had SO better not be getting like hemorrhoids or some shit like that, but my ass hurts like hell."

"Did you tell Frank?" Mikey questioned, immediately concerned.

Gerard sighed, "Nah. It's been bothering me for a while, but today it got really bad. And, dude! It's fucking embarrassing to be having problems, you know, down there."

" could be serious. Call Frank and have him take you to the doctor," Mikey ordered. Gerard laughed to himself, imagining Mikey's overly concerned expression.

"Mikey, I'm fine-."

"No, you're not. Gerard, you know the risks and-."

"And you do?" Gerard interupted, incredulous. "I sure as hell know the goddamn risks, Mikey. I'm the one who gets told every time I go to the doctor that I could die any time due a simple problem I didn't know was a problem. What do you know, Mikey? Huh?"

Mikey was silent on the other line, until he sighed deeply.

"I'm worried for you Gerard. I don't want to lose you. Go to the doctor, Gee, and just get it checked out."

Gerard's face hardened.

"I can worry for myself."

Mikey gasped as the line went dead, before yelling, "Goddammit, Gerard, you fucking idiot!" He then grabbed his keys, his cell phone, and his jacket, before jogging over to the door.

"Where are you going, honey?" Alicia asked, leaning against the doorway, watching Mikey with her head cocked to the side.

Mikey paused, glancing back at her and saying breathlessly, "Gerard's. He's being stupid, and I'm going take him to the doctor's before he does something stupider."

Alicia nodded and blew her husband a kiss, which he returned with a slight smile, and she said, "Be careful. Do what's best for Gee, but don't force him to do something he doesn't want to."

Mikey smiled and said, "I won't. Love ya, babe."

"Love you, too," she responded as Mikey sprinted to his car and then drove off to Gerard's.

Frank was walking through Wal-Mart, wearing a baseball cap, an oversized hoodie, and a pair of oversized sunglasses (Gerard's, of course.).

He was searching for a DVD to satisfy Gerard's strange craving for watching Johnny Depp movies. But, then again, Gerard had asked for a chocolate sundae topped with green peppers and salt last night. So, this craving, though odd, wasn't exactly that strange.

Every time he saw a teenaged girl, no matter how preppy, he walked in the opposite direction. He didn't want to risk getting recog-.

"OH MY GOD!!! It's Frank Iero!!! SQUEE!!!!" the high pitched cry came from just in front of him. (The girl literally said, 'Squee.' Not even exaggerating here.) Frank froze, shuddering as the cry sent shivers down his spine. Then, he slowly looked up to see a grinning blonde and her not-as-pretty sidekick clutching her arm as they both bounced up and down.

"Hey," he said, lifting his hand in a meek wave as his smile faltered.

"O. M.G," the girl said. "Like, dude, you are like, as gorgeous as you are, in like, J-14. Can I, like, have an, like, autograph?"

Frank blinked. Since when did real people talk in IM speak?

"Um, I don't have a pen. Do you?"

The sidekick dug in her purse and then triumphantly pulled out a permanent marker.

"Here," she said, walking over to Frank and placing it in his hand, purposely rubbing her fake boobs against his arm. Frank blinked again.

"You know I'm gay, and my boyfriend's pregnant, right?" Frank asked, staring at them. He nearly laughed as their surgery enhanced faces fell.

"Oh," Boss-girl said, defeated.

"Well, then, keep the pen, fag. See ya later, loser," Sidekick said, flipping her hair snottily.

Frank's eyes widened, and he said to the sidekick, "You'll never be as pretty as your bestest buddy there. You'll always be second best." And then he walked away, leaving the girls gaping and trying to yell something like, "FAG!!!" after him. He only laughed loudly, walking past the DVD section.

He then skidded to a halt, backing up a few steps and turning to the sale rack. With a grin, he snatched the movie off the rack and then went off to pay.

Gerard, eating the sandwich he had just made in at least thirty seconds. He was pacing the kitchen, angrily mumbling to himself, repeating stuff like, "I can take care of myself," and, "I'm a grown man."

With a sigh, he stopped and buried his face in his hands with a groan. As much as he didn't want to admit it, his ass hurt, and badly.

And now, to make matters worse, he had to use the bathroom. He, shaking his head and still muttering to himself, walked down the hallway and to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind him, he slid his pants to the floor and sat down, and then he did his business.

He squeezed his eyes shut, tears trickling down his face as pure agony drowned out his sight and hearing ability. Wiping, he stood up and then glanced down at the toilet bowl, his eyes widening as the first scream ripped from his throat.

The water was bright red. Blood. He screamed again, and then it hit him.

The babies. Oh, sweet Jesus, the babies.

He collapsed to his knees, his arms around his stomach tightly, sobbing loudly. He didn't hear the front door open, nor did he hear his brother yell, "Gerard? Where are you?"

He only heard the rushing sound filling his ears as agony ripped through him. He screamed again, the effort tearing his throat and taking the last bit of energy from his worn out body.

His eyes rolled back in his head just as Mikey shoved open the door, and shrieked, "GERARD!!! NO!!!!"

His world then faded into darkness as he collapsed backwards into Mikey's arms.

A/N- I gonna kill Gerard? Or shall I prolong his suffering? America, the vote is YOURS!!! Vote, and I'll see what I can do. (None of you are gonna be like, 'KILL HIM!!! DO IT!!!' Unless you're homophobic or don't like Gerard...but then why would you be reading this?) So, review.

Song(s) of the day- 'Curse of the Curves' by Cute is What We Aim For, and 'The Great Escape' by Boys Like Girls (Oh, man, this ENTIRE band is hot!). Now, REVIEW!!!!!!
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