Categories > Games > Skies of Arcadia > Raiders of the Lost Heart

Chapter 5

by ImonZ 0 reviews

A crack in the facade

Category: Skies of Arcadia - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Characters: Aika, Fina, Vyse - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-04-06 - Updated: 2007-04-06 - 2639 words

Chapter 5

A crack in the facade

Now we had everything settled. Although, things had taken a different turn than I had expected. But I couldn't afford to make it the long way. I had to be back within two weeks or else...

"Okay, let's get aboard the /Delphinus/," said their leader, Vyse.

"Before that, how will we handle the towage?" I said.

"We can take care of that later. First, we need to make a stop by Valua and drop of some 'extra crew'."

I nodded slightly, but within I felt disgusted. Just bloody perfect! It wasn't enough that I had to put up with some company to get the treasure, I had to go to Valua as well! I had never, ever, liked that place, or the Valuans.

"We'll go with that little white lifeboat out there," said Vyse. "Just follow it. You can't miss the ship"

"Catch ya later!" said Aika. Then she and her friends walked out.

I closed the door after them, went over to the ship's wheel and closed my eyes, as if to get myself together.

Just a small stop, nothing else, I thought to myself.

I looked out of the window and saw the group gather in a small lifeboat. They took of immediately, after looking backwards to make sure I had spotted them. I started up the engines and sailed after them. There wasn't much traffic out, so it was easy to keep track of them. And those braids of that redhead helped out as well.

It didn't take long for us to reach their ship. I had to admit, it was quite impressive. It didn't take a genius to see that it was a battleship, and that it was from Valua. How those Blue Rogues got a Valuan ship of that magnitude was beyond me, but then again I had a Valuan spy-ship. The lifeboat glided up next to the cruiser and the passengers disembarked.

After a few minutes, the ship started to sail for a course at the west along with the stone-reef, then straight north-west. From here, the course would be quite straightforward. Skyway to hell. All I had to do was follow the ship until we arrived at Valua. I just hoped that the salvage we would gather was worth the effort of travelling to that miserable country. In fact, I didn't have a clue. That whole pirate base could be as empty as the average Valuan head. All the "research" I had talked about was just made up to give substance to the map. Octavio had existed, but I didn't know about his death. Maybe he held on to every coin until the end, or maybe he had spent it all. But a white lie wouldn't hurt them. It wouldn't be my fault if we were left penniless.

Then a thought struck my mind. They hadn't been willing to tell me where their base was located. I could understand that they didn't want to reveal their whereabouts to anyone, but I didn't want to be dumped somewhere in the middle of nowhere, without having a clue where I was. Since I just had to follow their ship, I let go of the steering wheel and had a look through my cabinet. There it was. The bracelet set with a compass. Now I would be able to see where we would be heading. Although it was probably somewhere near Nasrad, since Vyse had said it might take "One or two days". I searched some more and found a black shirt with long sleeves. It was unnecessary to show the device to each and everybody who had eyes to see with. I changed quickly, made sure that I and no one else would be able to see the compass, and then went back to the helm.


Aika stood on the bridge of /Delphinus/, this time at her regular post by the navigation panel with Fina, listening to the report from the Valuan guard.

"So they managed to trick him down to the harbour then?" Vyse asked.

"Yes. All together with the dews," the guard replied in short-cut tone.

"Heh, I thought he might be interested in that big offer they gave him. What happened next?"

"It was all dumped in the ocean. I saw the whole event from the /Delphinus/."

That had been the whole plan. Sure, it wasn't that usual for common Nasreans to throw huge amounts of bottles of valuable dew from the docks, especially when the screaming owner of the falling bottles in question stood nearby, but it was better than having Valuan soldiers storm in and bring him down to the ship for transportation to Valua.

"They're probably at the world's bottom by now," said Vyse. "So, it was a successful operation then?"

"As far as I could see. There is, of course, the possibility that the salesman might have seen through their disguises, but I doubt that."

"I bet the salesman wasn't all that happy?"

"From what I saw: no."

Hopefully, the salesman would be disheartened enough to quit selling these potions. And since they cost an arm and a leg, he would suffer from a setback in his finances. At least it was a small revenge. And no one would ever indulge in any of those dews again.

"Serves him right," said Aika. "Although, maybe we could have set Fina on him instead."

"Why would we do that?" the blonde silvite asked.

"Well, according to Vyse here, you 'went berserk' when you two encountered that salesman," Aika said with a grin.

"Whoa, don't listen to her!" Vyse said quickly while he was still manoeuvring the ship.

"I just scolded him," said Fina. "I didn't go berserk."

"But he looked really scared, you know. Look, I didn't mean it to sound that bad."

Aika smiled.

"Too bad I didn't get to see it."

Fina turned and looked Aika straight in her eyes.

"You will if you don't shut up!" she said with a cold voice.

Aika was taken aback. Vyse turned his head slightly at Fina's direction. He looked amazed too. What was this?

"Wha... hey, I... I didn't mean to upset you, really," Aika managed to say.

Fina giggled at Aika's surprised look.

"I know. I'm just teasing," Fina said mildly.

Aika shook her head but she smiled none the less. It was quite clear that Fina had changed a bit during the time since the Crystal War. But while she had ditched most of her shyness, she was still the same gentle gal as ever. She was more fitted for the world of the Blue Rogues, to put it shortly. And especially now, with the upcoming treasure hunt! Aika couldn't hold back a smile of eagerness. This was going to be fun!


Finally, they had reached Valua. Aika and the two guards went to the lifeboat and set the course for the harbour, while Delphinus waited behind. The redhead looked back and saw that Esteban's ship had made it. Now they were going to set up for towing. While they did that, the lifeboat glided into the harbour.

Valua had really changed. Several of the survivors had joined together and built a new town where the old Valuan capital once stood. It was nothing fancy, just a bunch of wooden houses, but it would improve. And in the middle, as discreet as a native Ixa'takan on a Valuan Upper-City dance ball, stood a large mansion. That was Enrique's home, and it also housed the council chamber and so on. He didn't want to look extravagant and, by the way, he couldn't. Valua's emperor had to struggle day and night to rebuild the country. But he had a great amount of support from his people. The fact that he had been in Vyse's crew really helped out, as practically everybody in the whole of Arcadia saw the Blue Rogue as a hero. What a ride they had experienced that time! After that, it had felt good to withdraw for a bit, relax, while they set up their own Blue Rogue group. But now, ever since she had picked up that horrible dew two days ago, it seemed that things had got a move on.

The guards then disembarked the boat. Aika quickly turned it around and set the course for Esteban's little ship. The tow-cable had been set up just right; the only thing left was to bring him to /Delphinus/. She looked up and saw that he already stood on the deck. As she sailed closer, she could see that he carried a light-brown backpack. Hadn't he changed clothes, by the way? She could swear he had worn a short-sleeved shirt when they met; his tanned arms were completely hidden now. She shrugged. It didn't matter, really. She laid the boat next to the ship and said:

"What's that stuff?" Indicating his pack.

"A change of clothes and supplies. I don't know how far away your base is."

He probably wouldn't need it, but she couldn't tell him that. And, by the way, they wouldn't let anyone starve aboard their ship.

"Okay, ready for some treasure-huntin'?"

"Not until my ship is at your base," Esteban said with a voice that was completely washed away from any emotions. As himself...

"Guess not. So, you got everything you need from here?"


He stepped aboard the lifeboat. She immediately took off towards the Delphinus at a very high speed. Too fast really, but she felt like having some fun. When they reached their destination at starboard side of Delphinus, she made a hard break. Esteban was not prepared for it, and he fell off his seat. He frowned slightly, but kept quiet.

"All aboard," she said and jumped off. Esteban followed.

After mooring the boat, they crossed the deck, entered the ship and headed up to the bridge. When they entered, Aika said:

"Everyone is aboard, all preparations are done. To put it short: Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen!"

Fina stood at portside's panel-row, monitoring her controls while Vyse remained at the steering wheel.

"You said it!" said their captain, then he turned slightly serious. "I'm sorry to say this, but you'll have to wait down in the galley for a while."

Aika stared at her captain.

"What? Why?"

"Not you. Esteban, I'm sorry it has to be done like this but..."

"You've made your point already," said Esteban. Not grumpy, annoyed or anything. He just said it. Then he started to move out.

"I'll go with you," Aika said and walked after him. "Just hope Vyse can control this vessel without me, huh?"

Vyse smirked and then said:

"Well, actually, it's quite a feat to control it with you on the bridge at all."


"Anyway, I just need the set out the course. It shouldn't take long, then you can come back."

"It seems to me" said Fina. "that Vyse really wants to have braids."

"That's right!" said Aika. "So be prepared for it!"

By now, Esteban had already started to walk down the stairs. Aika had to run a few steps to catch up with him. Vyse had no intention of throwing anyone out, but they all wanted to keep Crescent Isle's location a secret.

Aika reached Esteban just as they had reached the deck. He walked with his arms crossed, probably seeing his wrists as the most exciting in Arcadia. They reached the floor. The door the galley stood open. Already on their way there, they had felt, and heard, that the Delphinus had started to move. Hopefully, it wouldn't take long. And if Vyse took the "high way", nothing would get in between them. Then it wouldn't take long until they could go back up to the bridge. While they waited...

"Do you want a glass of ice-tea?" Aika asked.

"I'm not thirsty," was the answer.

"OK," she said, pretending to have misheard him. "I'll take a drink as well."

While Esteban sat at the table, Aika went behind the counter over the kitchen, and soon, after some mixing, returned with two high glasses of a clear liquid. One day, she had forgotten to boil the water when she made tea. To experiment, she had then added some ice, lemon and sugar. The new mixture had been delicious, even Vyse and Fina had agreed.

"Here ya go," she said and put down the glasses. "One Aika's Special."

Esteban took a small sip. It seemed to be the only time he opened his mouth.

"So..." Aika said, trying to make conversation "Where do you come from?"

"Sailor's Island."

And where did she come from, would be a natural follow-up question. Ah, well.

"How did you manage to find us that fast, in Nasrad and all?"

"I had a job there yesterday, and I had heard about your captain's presence."

"A job. You're not a bounty hunter, are you?"

"The title is mercenary."

"Don't get me wrong here but, aren't you... a little young for that? I mean, most people in that profession are older, that's all."

Aika had expected a harsh answer or an evil eye, but Esteban just nodded in agreement, almost reflecting.

"It's a part of the disguise, as some people prefer to have someone relatively unknown to do some jobs."

"Aha." At least he hadn't turned angry, although she found it hard to imagine him upset. "Such as?"

"Mostly courier jobs."

"I see. Is it exciting?"

"It pays."

They went silent. Aika didn't like it, so she tried another approach.

"Where did you met Vigoro?"

"Somewhat north of Nasrad."

North? He couldn't have tried to go to their base? No, Vigoro didn't know the location of Crescent Isle. But still...

"He didn't say what he was doing there, huh?"

"He never got that far. Only that his ship had broken down."

Two sentences! Yay! She smiled.

"Quite stealthy of you to snatch the map from him." He didn't reply, so she continued: "And how nice of you to think of us then. It's been ages since we had a treasure hunt."

"I thought of your ship. Not necessarily of you."

Oh, why hadn't she expected something else in reply? This guy never seemed to relax his guard. Always acting as cold as the tea he was drinking. Maybe they were sat just in front of each other, but if the distance in between them was physical, Esteban would have been in Ixa'taka.

"Well, treasure just happen to be my one of my favourite things," Aika said and looked out of the window, seeing the clouds pass by. "That and shooting down Black Pirates."

As she looked back, she found herself under Esteban's glare. His face was a mask of contempt, and a slight anger. And it was all aimed at her.

"Some 'Blue Rogue' you are," he said in a cold voice. "Murderer."

"What...?" Murderer? What was this? What had she said now?

"Do you really think that killing is something you do for fun!?"

There she was really stuck for an answer.

"I... I didn't mean it like that. It's just a Rogue lingo. Nothing serious."

He dropped his anger, and was back to his usual cold self.

"You Rogues are a little odd." He took a sip of his ice-tea.

"Odd? Well, up until now I'd never heard of a mercenary with standards. Standards as in moral."

As soon as she said it, he snorted. Fortunately, the tea fell down in the glass, and he started to cough. Strangest of all, he had a look on his face, as if he had betrayed a trust or being caught doing something he shouldn't do, just like he had looked when he had almost told them the location of the treasure. Why? The only thing he had said was... that killing was wrong...
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