Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Missing Chapstick

Commence the stalking

by my_famous_last_words 0 reviews

It's just a story about me and my friend haha It's not true at all either!!!!!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-04-06 - Updated: 2007-04-06 - 500 words

Angela and her friend Ashley stayed a distance behind Gerard Way as he walked the streets of New York City.
"Angela what are we doing?" Ashley asked
"Shush!" Angela said, "Sunglasses on!" she put sunglasses on, Ashley followed suit
"Ang this is dumb!" said Ashley
"Shut it Ash!" Ang said, they walked a bit closer to Gerard who looked over his shoulder, they pretended to be looking at a sign.
"You know we stick out more wearing sunglasses right?" said Ashley
"Ashley keep those sunglasses on!" said Angela, they continued following Gerard
"I need to get close enough to steal his chapstick!" Angela whispered
"Did you think I was joking when I told you at school?" Angela said
"Well yeah" said Ashley
"As if--there it is!" she said as Gerard pulled out the chapstick.
"Oh goodness! Why not steal something WORTH stealing, I mean really chapstick?" said Ashley
"Okay you know what I don't think he'll press charges if someone steals his chapstick" said Angela
"This is so stupid!" said Ashley
"Then go home!" Angela said
"No way I wanna see if I can meet Bob" said Ashley, they followed Gerard into Starbucks. They sat at a table with their sunglasses on. Gerard got his coffee and spotted them, he walked over
"Ashley keep him distracted while I get the goods" Angela muttered
"Are you two following me?" asked Gerard
"No. Why would we do that? I don't know who you are!" said Ashley, Angela pulled things out of his jacket pocket carefully. She pulled out his wallet, keys but no chapstick. She carefully put it back knew it was in his other pocket, she snuck over to the other side and pulled out chapstick and sunglasses. She took the chapstick, and sat back in her seat.
"Where'd you go?" Gerard asked
"No where!" said Angela innocently
"You were there then you disappeared!" said Gerard
"Did not!" said Angela
"DID T-wait, why am I fighting with a 12 year old?" Gerard said
"I'm 15 thank you very much!" said Angela
"Whatever you're still a kid" said Gerard
"I'm a teenager, which means, I scare the living shit out of you" said Angela
"YEAH! Umm is Bob coming anytime soon?" Ashley asked, Gerard sat down with them
"We're not allowed to talk to strangers!" said Angela
"Well you talked to me for the past 5 minutes" said Gerard, "Now tell me why you're following me!"
"We're not!" said Angela and Ashley
"Well you two know exactly who I am and you're a fan of My Chemical Romance" said Gerard
"Why would we know?" Ashley asked
"Cuz you know who Bob is and she's wearing a My Chemical Romance Hoodie" said Gerard
"Uhhh there are a lot of Bob's in the world and umm I just got this for my birthday! I don't even know who you are! For all I know you could be a pedofile!" said Ang
"Whatever" said Gerard leaving.
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