Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll learn to love again


by gerardisgod 0 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-07 - Updated: 2007-04-07 - 386 words

Jessica sat on her bed in her room, staring at the wall which had her photos with her best friends over it. A month ago Gerard, Jessica's best friends girlfriend Louise also a good friend of Jessica died. They where all torn up but Jessica and Gerard where both torn up not of sadness of anger.
She remembered when Gerard told her.

"Jess, he hasn't told you as he?!" Gerard looked at the girl huddled up in a ball in the corner.
"No what?" Jessica looked up starring into his best friends teary eyes.
Gerard sat his self down on the floor next to her.
"She cheated on me...." She looked up about to say something but let her best friend carry on "For the whole 4 years we where together, she was sleeping with other guys she never loved me"
"Who told you?" Jessica asked studying the side of Gerard's face.
"Lewis he slept with her" a tear escaped Gerard's eyes and rolled down his face.
"LEWIS he's supposed to be your friend!" She shouted then regretting seeing his eyes fill up with tears again "sorry the last thing you needs someone getting angry"
Jessica looked away for a second hating seeing her best friend so down she looked back at him his knees at his chest, head in his lap quiet sniffing coming from him and salt tears dropping from his eyes.
Jessica straightened her legs and took her best friend into her arms and kissed his forehead.
"It'll be okay Gee I promise she never deserved you don't get torn up about it"

Jessica looked at the picture in her hands of Gerard and Louise together. They looked so sweet and innocent so happy, and the whole time Louise had been betraying them all, left Gerard heartbroken after all he'd done for her, he'd been so happy.
Jessica ripped the photo in half screwing up the side with Louise and chucking across the room.
She didn't matter anymore she betrayed them all. Only Gerard mattered, every time he smiled it made her day.
She loved Gerard and would do anything for him and this time it was no exception.

Please tell me if you guys want more and me to carry on with this on here, i update a lot once i get going
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