Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Rain

Clear Blue Skies

by RenoTurk 0 reviews

It's time to prepare for war. Please R&R. Thank you to everyone that is reading this and to those of you who have given me your feedback! I really do appreciate it.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Sci-fi - Published: 2007-04-08 - Updated: 2007-04-08 - 983 words - Complete

I'm the man with the rock in his hand, got
The rock in my hand gonna stone you stone you

Make a change, gotta rearrange
Idle minds, crushing time
I am...all sins
And you're the reason for life

Soil - Halo

They met on a rather windy field and both men were nervous. Thomas more so. Thomas had the information and handing it over was the hardest part. What he handed over could get him killed. What he knew, what the Vatican hid and what it was worth...

Tru leant over the bonnet of the car savouring the feeling as it was still warm. Thomas handed over the folder before they drove over to the border and into a small café. Thomas explained that Charlie was with the central guardians. Had Tru been able to think of anything else he needed?

"Yes I visited a place called the Origins." He said his voice another low rumble. "I need you to check the records for a Shanemah. What happened and why he never came to us. Then I shall be heading to discover where the roots of Iterations are."

"I brought you a present." Thomas nodded taking the information. "You might like." He passed a case under his feet and stood up. "Well I've got a long trip back so you just keep out of trouble or keep the trouble away from me okay?"

When Hellion finally pulled over somewhere quiet it was in France. He opened the case, two nice semi-auto pistols glared back at him. Thomas had expected him to run in to some serious trouble. Under the first layer resided twenty clips. He checked the guns over, perfect.

"Good lad." He muttered before putting them under the seat. "Only thing is I don't want to do this." He put his head on the steering wheel and rested for a moment. He felt the cloying pressure to get this over and done with even though he was the one that had declared the fight himself. He mumbled away to himself before setting off again.

He finally ended up in a small hotel room, dripping taps in the shared bathroom and the damp wallpaper spoke of its quality but it was cheap and it was more private. He unfolded the information and spread sheets and photos on the bed. Fielding's picture was there and he lifted it to the light. She was an attractive woman and he couldn't argue that but he could argue that she had not thought of the young girl.

Thomas had got what he needed, they were scientists dating back. It was way back in fact to some point around the thirteenth century only they had been renamed when they moved to America and appeared there in the 50's. Tru picked up pictures of their members that had been identified but did not see one of Shanemah anywhere. He was going to Kutna Hora next he decided. If that was the place where it began then that was where he would start too.

He packed the car up and took another look around to see if he was being followed. He could see something on the hill in the distance but he decided he couldn't afford to be too paranoid. He wished he had a few hours later when the car behind him drive past. The windows sliding down.

It reminded him of the mob in Chicago, he had seen the films. The window came down and he ducked instinctively. The pelting of bullets on the frail glass did not last long. Down the long French roadway there was little traffic and Tru had to bring his arm up from the wheel to his face. He cursed himself as he tried to concentrate on driving and bringing his blood to react and force a shield out along his arm.

The car only just had enough shadows on the roof for him to pull them down, feel the cold slither up his arm and react with him. The bullets rang out about the car like dried peas shook in an empty can. He struggled to keep his car on the road and then they pulled off swiftly ahead of him and Tru felt warm blood running over his cheek where a bullet had grazed him.

He put his fingers to his face, the black sticky iquor coating his arms transferred over to his wound. He cursed again as it stung and he felt the warm liquid run down his cheek. Another shirt ruined and another window to replace. He still hadn't got anywhere near his destination either!

He was forced to inspect the damage and the diagnosis was bad. He sighed and looked at the peppered side door though grateful he had not got Charlie with him and only a stray bullet had glanced his cheek. He prayed that was Iterations and not someone else making the situation more complicated.

He knew nothing of Alchemy, he needed to learn. He had always thought it something scientists shunned but then again it was metallurgy so maybe he was off course. He poked his finger in one of the bullet holes. It fizzed on his fingers, it reacted to the perspiration. It burnt him as he touched it. He was grateful he had not got a bullet lodged in his body. These people were serious. He could well die trying to solve the problem.

Tru looked down the road and back to the car. Perhaps the car would be best left abandoned. A less obvious trail might well be better for him to move about. He gathered what he needed and headed the rest of the long road on foot. He planned to hitch the rest and then find a hire car in the next town. If he was lucky he could slip to the next point of interest without more incidents.
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