Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > The Dark Side of the Moon

Chapter 3

by Confusedchick 0 reviews

Rin is found and returned to Kagome's village by Inuyasha. When Rin awakes she explains to Kagome a little of whats going on.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Rin, Other - Published: 2007-04-12 - Updated: 2007-04-12 - 903 words

Chapter 3

'Is that Rin I smell?' Inuyasha asked himself. He had been walking, because Kagome called him insensitive and he wanted to know what he could do. He then smelt Rin and smelt blood.

"Oh God." He whispered and ran through the forest quickly and found Rin lying there in a puddle of rain and blood.

"What happened, Rin?" He asked quietly then slowly picked her up gently and carried her back to the village.


"How long are you going to ignore and avoid me?" Sesshoumaru asked. He leaped from the tree he was in and stood infront of Rin. Rin almost jumped out of her skin.

"Excuse me, Lord."She said trying to get passed him. She figured the best way for him to marry Kagura was if they were to stay away from each other.

"Rin.." He growled and grabbed her wrist.

"Please talk to me. This Sesshoumaru never begs." He pleaded. A tear streaked her face.

"It's nothing to talk about, Lord." Rin said.

"Rin, please, talk to me like you usually do. Please don't be mad, because I have to marry Kagura!" Sesshoumaru yelled.

"I knew it was coming sooner or later. I should have known. It's only fit that a Lo-" She was cut off by his soft lips. They kissed passionately. She let tears slid down her cheek as Sesshoumaru left her lips and kissed her tears away.

"Rin, this Sesshoumaru wishes not to marry that witch. He wishes to marry you, although I cannot I will still love you and you only." Sesshoumaru whispered and Rin sighed.

"I guess I'm stuck being the pregnant mistress." She said still crying a little. Sesshoumaru stiffened and looked into her eyes to see if it was a joke.

"Your.....your.." Sesshoumaru tried but Rin finished his question and answered it.

"Pregnant? Yeah. Missed my moon cycle and I have been feeling morning sickness for a while." She said calmly then smiled.

"You should get started on mating with Kagura, so ya'll can start the kingdom together-" Rin was once again cut off by his lips. This time excitment and joy was in the kiss. He smiled the brightest she had ever seen, which wasn't much.

"Rin...forget Kag....whatever! Your carrying my pup! That's all that matters." He looked like an excited baby that was about to get his favorite candy.

"I shall have to move you in." He stated.

"What? I can't.."

"Yes you can and you will."

End of Dream

She woke up in a hut half naked. She looked around and tried to get up but pain shot through her side.

"Shit." She whispered.

"Aw child. Ye finally up. Ye had us scared for a moment." Kaede smiled.

"Drink this while I get Kagome." She handed her a flask. 'God this stinks.' She said and wrinkled her nose to it. She had a horrible headache, so she drunk it it quickly and sat the flask next to the futon she lay on. Shortly after Kagome ran in.

"Rin! We were so worried about you!" She squealed. Rin held her head and ears.

" did I get here?" She whispered.

"Inuyasha saw you in the forest bleeding and brought you here. We cleaned up most of your wounds and you just drunk the pain reliever. You should relax for a few days." Kagome said polietly and smiled brightly. Rin put on a very small smile.


"I just felt like fighting that's all." Rin whispered.

"I want you to be careful you hear me. You got seriously hurt out there. Um... Can I ask you something?" She said as her voice entered a whisper.

"Yeah." Rin replied and got comfortable on the futon.

"Do you have control over you body at night?" Kagome asked whispering. Rin snickered. Kagome looked into Rin's cold blue eyes.

"Not really." Rin said simply. Kagome was completely confused.

"What do you mean? Has a demon took over you?" Kagome asked getting closer to her.

"You could say that. You see, Kagome, Sesshoumaru is still in my heart. His powers and spirit goes to his mate and wife." She whispered. Kagome's eyes were huge saucers when she finished.

"You mean...What about Kagura!? I thought was his wife and mate! I know he took you as a mate too, but I thought...."

"He never took Kagura as a mate nor wife. We got married in a small garden with Kaede as the pastor." Rin cut off Kagome to say. Kagome was letting everything soak in.

"So your saying that Sesshoumaru's spirit still lives with you so he takes over your body at night?" Kagome said with a very quiet voice.

"Well everytime I'm about to fight a demon." Rin said.

"So how did Sesshoumaru die?" Kagome asked. Rin sut her eyes quickly and held her ears.

"NOOOOOOO!" Memories him come flooding back.

Hey hey! I finally typed this chapter..took me shorter than I thought :) yay me no more lazy (for now) You will love me..anywayz Just incase someone happened to wonder this is not a continuation of Your Inadequate World. Just to clear that up. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading and please review for me :D nothing left to say but...
u rock cuz i rock
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