Categories > Original > Drama > Demons Trade

Demons Trade

by Sloanxxx 0 reviews

Jaxs gets into a fight with her closest friend, Josh. And day by day... She... Becomes.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-13 - Updated: 2007-04-14 - 588 words


There is no sound coming from around me. I can't hear the harsh wind howling across my face, and pinching my skin and drying my eyes. I can't hear it blowing into the maze of trees surrounding me. I can't hear it, because, I don't want to. I just want to die right here, right now. This pain is too much! I've lost so much blood, I'm bruised and scratched everywhere and no one is going to be here in time to save me. But maybe, if I just pay attention for a little bit I'd here someone calling for me? Just, maybe?

"Jaxs!" Someone is calling my name, someone is looking for me, and this someone has a familiar voice. And I feel safe, despite the marks scattered everywhere on my skin.

The voice... The familiar voice, I want to know where it came from! Sadly, my eyes are getting tired, and I feel as if I am about to die. But, what happens if this person finds me dead? What if I never find out who the voice belongs to? No, I must keep my eyes open to see all, and my ears unplugged, to hear all.

This blood loss makes me fall onto my knees and palms. There is this aching feeling in my leg. I can't stand. What is wrong with me? I open my lips but nothing comes out. I try again, and attempted to scream for help, but I just don't have the energy! I don't want to die!

"Jaxs! If you're out there, say something! Where are you? Where are you!" The person's voice is screaming out for me. What do I do? I don't want this person to give up and go home! They must save me!

I give up on trying making my voice heard. There is no way. I let my face hit hard against the dirt ground and I close my eyes, ready for my deep slumber, but once my ear hits the ground I can here all these vibrations; the smallest things, like bugs crawling near me somewhere on the surface, and underground. And I can hear the biggest things, like a squirrel picking up an acorn from the ground and quickly racing back to a tree, climbing it, and storing his acorn where he will soon forget where it was located.

One thing that really catches my attention is feet running on the ground. The pair of feet is running fast and the vibrations seem to be getting louder. This makes my eyes shoot up. I bring my hands to the ground and push my body up to my knees. I look around franticly. They will find me! They will see me and help me! And just as my thought ends, I saw him running in the forest, dodging squirrels and low tree branches and bushes on his way to his destination; me. I can't be any happier! I will be healed and cared for and this brings a smile to my lips.

"Jaxs!" He yells and runs faster to me. He gets on his own knees and looks into my eyes and I look into his. His eyes are tearing up and he pulls me into a long embrace, like a pair of big wings protecting its owner, the angel. It felt good. I bring my hands up to around his neck and hug him tighter, as I began sobbing onto his shoulder. I didn't think I would live, but Josh changed that.
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