Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > keeping a secret from you...


by skeleton_crew13 4 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way - Published: 2007-04-14 - Updated: 2007-04-14 - 439 words

when the movie finished, Gerard took Frank and me back home. again, the car ride was awkward.

Frank and i entered the apartment. Mikey wasnt home, so it just us, two. i felt Franks eyes burn into my skin as i walked from the living room to my room.

2 days later

i woke up suddenly and looked at the digital clock on my nightstand. 1:39 am, the bright red numbers said...i dont know why i woke up...maybe it was because i had the dream about my parents again. the one where they got murdered. i slowly got out of the bed, grabbed my favorite black hoodie, and left my room. everything was dark except for the light coming from Frank's room. i quietly passed his room and made my way towards the front door. i unlocked it and went out.

i left the apartment and the whole apartment complex before walking out on the lonely streets of New Jersey. my legs knew where they were heading and needed no instructions for me. the only way i was able to see was because of the yellow streetlights that were on. some were flickering on and off so that was kind of creepy.

i finally arrived at my destination. i stood in front of the giant, black, iron gates of the cemetery. the nightwatcher was also there, but he wasnt the same nightwatcher that was here 3 months ago. he was a different one...

"what do you want?!?" he asked rudely in his really deep voice.

"id like to go in and pay respects to my parents" i was what i always said to the nightwatchers when i came out here past midnight...he sighed and unlocked the gates. i stepped into the cemetery and he locked the gates. i stared at him confused.

"safety issuses..." he said "just let me know when you want to come out." he said alot nicer than he had before. i nodded and slowly began to walk through the cemetery. it was really dark and it looked spooky. it kind of reminded me of the cemeteries in scary movies and then the zombies just pop out of their graves...i took the idea out of my head as i neared the 2 tombstones that read 'Dr. Matthew Daniels' and 'Marie Daniels'...

"hi mom and dad" i whispered as i kneeled down. "i had the dream again" i felt tears form in my eyes. i put my hands in the pockets of my hoodie. i felt something cold and thin in the left pocket. i pulled it out to see what it was...a razor...
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