Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Won't Hurt You II

Clean Up

by mcr_lover103 2 reviews

Saturday morning **UPDATED AND CHANGED**

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-04-17 - Updated: 2007-08-14 - 406 words - Complete

Chapter 8:

Saturday morning Roxanne woke up with a smile. The concert had been amazing to say the least. wiL sang his heart out on stage and did his impressive microphone tricks. But another amazing thing was the emo boy that she had sat next to her. His name was Daniel, also known as Tyr, pronounced like 'tear'. They instantly had hit it off, though neither of them would admit it. They had even exchanged myspace names, them both too embarrassed to ask for actual phone numbers.

Changing into a fresh black outfit, she trotted down the stairs to find her mother cooking breakfast and Richard, sitting at the table, reading the newspaper. As she sat down at the table, she could see Richard glance at her with a look of disgust. He went back to the paper after shaking his head. She could only guess that he couldn't get why he was stuck with her as a step-daughter.

"How are you this morning Roxanne?" Her mother asked politely, turning the bacon which was sizzling on the hot skillet.

"I'm doing okay", she replied simply with a smile, "Thinking about cleaning my room today actually"

"About time you did. It's a pig sty in there," Richard grunted while flipping to the sports section.

"Richard, theres no need for that," her mother scolded before turning back to Roxanne, "Me and Richard are going out today, I hope you don't mind honey"

"It's no problem. I like being home alone. And besides, I don't have to worry about making too much noise anyway," she replied with a sweet smile, eating the meal which was placed in front of her.

Gerard sat in the hotel waiting room, anxiously waiting for the mysterious Eliza to come. She had been kind enough to meet him here in New Jersey on one of the band's days off. He was nervous since he wasn't sure that he was ready for a date. Just then he saw her come in, her short black hair giving her a pixie look. Standing up, Gerard walked to meet Eliza half way.

"Hello, I'm Gerard obviously. It's very nice to meet you," Gerard said politely, warmly shaking her hand.

"I'm Eliza. Thanks for giving me a chance," she responded with a smile.

"Well let's get going shall we? I hope you don't mind, but I have an amazing restaurant picked out already"

"Doesn't matter to me. Anything sounds fine"
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