Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Aftershock


by 854439 4 reviews

Chapter Two, as promised.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-04-24 - Updated: 2007-04-24 - 1650 words

"Thank you, you've been great!" I waited anxiously as Gerard hopped down from the stage (much to the security guards horror) and strode over to me. He was grinning like a madman, the thrill of performing onstage evident and almost oozing out of him.

He held out a hand to help me across the barricade, which I gratefully accepted. Halfway across the barricade I stopped, the barricade making its way north as I settled myself precariously on top of it.

"Lucy!" The black haired girl blinked to show she was listening, as I was already the centre of attention. Yay. I held my own hand out. "Coming?" I wasn't bothered whether Gerard approved, it was MY birthday and I wanted to talk a random yet kind fan.

She gaped at my hand for a moment before nodding slightly and taking a light hold of it. I swung my leg over the barricade before attempting to help her over. I felt like slapping Gerard as he helped too, as this only made her tense up and it became more difficult to help the girl over.

Finally, we made it.

I took a hold of Lucy's hand before Gerard took my free hand, leading the two of us to and through the stage door.

The chattering of the crowd became a dull hum as the door closed behind us. Gerard still leading us, we made our way into the dressing room where everyone else was gathered, though it seemed half of Thursday (our support band the rest of the guys were on good terms with. By this point, I had only met the once previous and wished never to repeat it after Donna went AWOL at them for leaving so many dishes...) had gone to fetch coffee for everyone.

I let go of Gerard's hand and let him talk with friends while I turned to face Lucy. I smiled as she looked past me, studying everyone else in the room. Her eyes settled almost hungrily on a few people every so often, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes slightly.

"You are so lucky," she commented as I finally lead her to a group of armchairs in one corner of the room. They were out of everyone's way, far enough for her to be okay talking to me, but not so far that we were being ignored.

"Why?" I asked, amused.

"You get to live with these people..." I laughed.

"It's not as good as you might think,"

"Fine, then, you get to date Gerard!"

"Again, not as good as you might think," She stared at me for a moment before we both laughed.

"What's he like to...y'," I shrugged, aware I was probably about to give the same answer I gave all the other girls.

"He's...average..." And yet I surprised myself by being more honest than I ever had about it. "I wouldn't say he exceeds the mark anywhere. I mean, it has more downsides than upsides's not bad," My normal reply tends to be a reply that suggests that he's average, but it's really great.

Which it is sometimes...

"What's Alicia like?" Lucy asked, eyes settled firmly on Mikey and Alicia on the opposite side of the room. By chance, Alicia looked up from her current spate of fixing Mikey's hair and locked eyes with me. I motioned to Lucy with my head and she nodded.

"What's up?" Greeted Alicia as she took the empty chair next to Lucy, holding her hand out. Nervously, Lucy shook Alicia's hand before swallowing hard and slouching in her seat. Alicia laughed. "I'm not that bad, am I?"

"Oh, you're worse..." She scowled playfully at me before smiling.

"So, we've got two hours before we leave, what do you want to do for the rest of your birthday?"

"And for the rest of your wedding day," I continued.

"Yeah, congratulations, by the way," Both Alicia and me looked down at Lucy, sat staring up at us.

"Thank you," Beamed Alicia.

"And happy birthday," I grinned.

"Thank you," I thought a moment. "I know!" Alicia gasped in mock surprise.

"You know something!?" I rolled my eyes.

"Come on..." Taking Lucy's hand, I proceeded to drag her through the gathering of people, Alicia close behind her. I grabbed my make up case from in front of a mirror before setting off out of the dressing room.

"What are you doing?" Asked Alicia, coming to stand beside me.

"Having a fun birthday," I replied, setting off down the corridor.

Not far down, there was a door that was open. The lights were off, but it was labelled as a dressing room. Helping myself to it, I pushed the door open and switched the lights on. I squinted into the light, happy to find the dressing room to be a small one, with just two mirrors and a couple of seats.

Still dragging Lucy with me, I set the make up case in front of one of the mirrors. Gently, I seated Lucy in one of the chairs.

Alicia, laughing, lifted herself onto the counter.

"W-what are you doing?" asked Lucy.

"I'm doing your make up. Then, if they've not talked themselves to death, we'll see about getting you some autographs..." She looked about ready to explode with happiness. Which in turn made me feel happy. "Y'know, it has been absolutely AGES since I put make up on someone OTHER than the guys," Alicia opened the case for me, before proceeding to prod about in there herself. I giggled.

"What?" She enquired, looking up from the case briefly.

"Another one - it used to be hell keeping Frank out of there. Bert I gave up on," She smiled and went back to peering inside. I reached past her head and collected a few items before turning to Lucy. "Do you wanna look pretty, have the black strip across your eyes or look half way to being dead?"

"Ooh, go for pretty!" Exclaimed Alicia. "She always looks good when she does her own make up!" Lucy giggled.

"I'll go with looking pretty..." I nodded and picked up the eyeliner.

Fortunately I had yet to start anything when Bob and Frank came crashing through the door.

All three of us jumped, Lucy squealing for added effect, before turning to face the duo.

"Stop! I didn't mean it!" Shouted Bob, crouched smiling in the corner of the room.

"Yes-you-did-and-don't-lie!" Argued Frank, punctuating every word with a feeble slap to some part of Bob's anatomy.

"Everyone calls you a man whore! Why pick on me!?" Alicia and me burst out laughing whilst Lucy sat and watched the scene unfold, unsure of what to do.

"Because you said it to my face!"

"You TOLD me to tell you to your face!"

"SO!?" Bob, finally un-cornering himself, darted past Frank, scrambling out of the door. I reached out and grabbed Frank's shirt before he could chase after him. He pouted at me.

"Sit," I ordered, pointing to the empty seat. He lowered his head and sniffed playfully, plodding over to the seat and collapsing in it. Giggling, I looked back at Lucy, sat frozen in her seat. Her eyes were steadily trained on Frank, seemingly glued there.

I giggled again before proceeding to start Lucy's make up. Which, of course, frank tried to help with.

"Oh, try this!" He suggested, having just applied lipstick to his forehand, finally filling in the last space on that one. I sighed, irked slightly, before taking the lipstick he was holding out for me.

"How much longer?" Whined Alicia playfully. I smiled.

"Nearly there," I replied, starting on the lipstick.

Once I was done, Lucy just sat in her seat.

"Aren't you going to look in the mirror?" Asked Alicia, eyeing Lucy. She scrunched her eyes up before turning to look in the mirror. She peeked an eye open before slowly opening the other. She gaped at her reflection for several minutes. I grinned - happy with my work.

Her eyelids were dusted with a copper colour that faded slowly into silver. Her eyelashes were neatly separated and thickened with black mascara and her lips were a deep brown shade.

For the first time in a while: she wasn't looking at Frank.

As the thought occurred to me, I looked at Frank myself. His head was in my make up box again, oblivious to the fact I was done.

Leaning around the back of Lucy, I prodded him in the side. He squealed and jumped off the counter, rubbing his side.

"SAM! Don't do that you-" He stopped mid-sentence as he caught sight of Lucy, "Whoa," Me and Alicia exchanged glances.

"Doesn't she look nice?" Enquired Alicia. I bit my lip - she didn't like to meddle in other people's affairs, but took it upon herself to 'help people out' most of the time. Mikey he must be in love: He says it's 'endearing'.

It's not annoying, no, but sometimes you want her to just go away - which she does eventually if you stop answering her.

Frank nodded distantly.

"Uh-huh," He murmured open mouthed "Very much so," Lucy blushed lightly and looked at her lap, twisting her hands together.

"And she didn't before?" I gasped accusingly.
"She looked beautiful before, now..." Good old Frank: prone to speaking his mind.

Lucy grinned in her seat, blushing harder.

"Aren't you glad you didn't use blusher now?" I laughed at Alicia before pursing my lips.

"Don't be mean," She rolled her eyes. "Frank?" He nodded. "Want to escort Lucy back to everyone else?" She snapped around in her seat to gape at me.

"Love to," She cringed and slowly turned back to face Frank.

"I..." She stole my infamous goldfish impression before Frank smiled and took a light hold of her wrist, teasing her out of her seat.

"Come on," He encouraged, gently tugging her along with him.
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