Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Original Prankster

Battle Scars

by BlueTawney 3 reviews

Injuries and punishment.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-04-25 - Updated: 2007-04-25 - 4356 words

Chapter 6 - Battle Scars

I'm not going to lie to you; after running away from Frank I went and hide like the wimp I am.

What the fuck is wrong with me? So I may not have gotten laid in a while but surely I'm not so desperate as to fall for him? Ok. Maybe I am. Who am I kidding?

By the time I got back to FOB's bus it was really late. Everyone was either asleep or off hanging out on another bus enjoying the rock star lifestyle.

Slumping down at the table I let my head fall onto the hard surface in defeat. Why is nothing ever easy?

Lifting up my head I spotted a note lying on the table next to where my head had been. Picking it up I read it dejectedly.


What happened?! The MCR set went off fine! Guess your flirting wasn't as good as you thought!

Pete X

Crumpling up the paper with a low growl I threw it hard at the bin and missed. Not only did I fail to prevent a prank but I failed to initiate one aswel. Brilliant. I bet Syd's having a right laugh at all this.

I am really not looking forward to tomorrow.

A few hours later, as the sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, I was still sat at the table; wide awake and quite frankly shitting myself.

I had spent the night jumping at every sound and drinking far too much coffee.

Getting up I decided to face the problem head on. Screw waiting for Matt to come to me, I'd go to him and at least try to plead my case. Creeping through the bunk area I hastily got changed. Throwing on some cut offs, a tank top and trying my hair back with a scarf. Grabbing my sunglasses, I walked quickly off the bus and in to the cool of the morning.

Tip-toeing stealthily round the buses I stopped sharply as I encountered the most bizarre sight.

Pete and Syd.

I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. Am I seeing things? Maybe the caffeine's making me hallucinate?

Nope. Still there.

Pete was carrying Syd bridal style in his arms. Syd with her head resting serenely on Pete's shoulder, her eyes closed. Pete had his shirt off...why does Pete have his shirt off? Am I witnessing the aftermath of some sordid rampant sex session? No. So don't want that mental image in my head.

Ducking back in to the shadows as Pete moved past I suddenly noticed Syd's leg. She was bleeding, a lot. The dark red stain was seeping through some sort of makeshift bandage. O shit. What's happened now?

I don't exactly like the woman but seeing that much blood was worrying to say the least. I watched as Pete took her to the Med Tent and then ran out in the direction of the MCR bus.

I debated whether or not to go and see if she was alright, but the idea was quickly thrown out as I saw all of MCR, minus Frank, go running in to the tent, worried looks on their faces.

Finding Matt it is then.

Two hours later I was hungry, hot and dying for a coffee. More importantly I still hadn't found Matt and was getting increasingly more concerned. Though I didn't often speak to him he was usually around, giving out orders to his minions and pretending to do work.

Not only that, but it felt as if everyone was watching me. Not a nice feeling I can tell you. I probably did look a little strange though, creeping around behind amps and jumping at every noise. Idiot.

"Of course it fucking hurts moron."


I froze and tried to duck down behind an amp but it was too late.

She rounded the corner and stopped dead, her eyes locking with mine. I straightened up quickly and stared back coolly. She snapped the phone she had in her hand shut with a flick of her wrist and shifted uncomfortably on her crutches.

For some reason it wasn't quite as satisfying as I would have thought seeing her in that state. She looked far too pale and the crutches she was supporting herself with only served to make her look small and fragile. It was oddly unnerving. I was so used to her strutting around like she owned the place, head held high, and eyes hard and determined.

We stood awkwardly looking at each other. I wasn't sure what to say to her and I guess she felt the same. I wanted to ask how she'd hurt herself but didn't know how to go about it. We'd never really had a conversation that didn't involve swearing and insulting each other so this was unknown territory for me.

"Well this is convenient."

I jumped at the sudden voice and saw Syd wobble slightly on her crutches. Turning sharply I found myself face to face with a very angry, very red faced looking Matt. He stood with his hands on his hips, a satisfied grin on his face.

O shit.

"Err..." I trailed off and took a step back so that I was now in line with Syd. Call me a coward but I really would rather not be at the front of the line for this bollocking.

"Matt...see what happened was-"

Matt cut Syd off quickly with a wave of his hand and I saw her eyes narrow at the brush off.

"Whatever your excuse is Syd I don't want to hear it. The same goes for you Leo."

I opened my mouth to protest but thought better of it when I caught the warning look in Matt's eyes. Maybe I'll just shut up...

"I've had about enough with the both of you. I would fire both your asses if I could but unfortunately you're both the best at what you do and I can't afford to loose you mid-tour."

I felt a glow of pride at the compliment but quickly focussed on the fact that I should be looking ashamed not pleased and so ducked my head down trying to hide my smile. Peeking a glance over at Syd I saw her looking discretely my way and I struggled not to laugh at the equally smug look on her face.

"Therefore..." He paused dramatically and I rolled my eyes.

Bloody hell you'd think he was giving us the last rights, get on with it already. I'm not sacked so hurry the hell up.

"I have decided that as punishment you both have to move back to the Tech bus for the remainder of the tour."

I jerked my head up sharply.

"WHAT!" I snapped automatically and heard Syd mirror my exclamation of horror.

Not the Tech bus. It's like a complete shit hole. I was so relieved to move out of it onto the still messy, but not half so fucked up, FOB bus. I mean come on, I am a head of my area, there's no way I should have to mix with the teenage, pot smoking, binge drinking Tech's who still think that fart jokes and burping are funny.

Someone please kill me now.

Moving back to that bus means from now on; no sleep, no privacy and a permanent head ache from all the alcohol and weed consumed. As if this tour couldn't get any worse.


Oh crap, he is so not sticking that anywhere near me! Some dude with more tattoos than Frank, pretending to be a nurse, is trying to stick a great big fuck off needle INTO my leg! I have no faith in doctors. Needles don't bug me; hence my numerous tattoos but doctors...they just freak me out and I don't trust them.

Its not just some random dislike either; there is a reason for my distrust.

One day at the circuit Danny was trying to show off to some of the older guys, bragging he could do a Superman. He had kinda done it; once. So he went off on one when I tried to talk him out of it and ended up face planting into the dirt. He had a swelling in his brain, but it took the docs 3 days to find it.

So forgive me for not putting all my faith into some guy who saw E.R. and thought, "yeah, I can do that.".

Fuck is it me or is it cold in here? I can't stop shivering. All of a sudden I heard someone climb on board and swayed from side to side as the new weight shifted the bus on it's suspension. Can you get seasick on a bus? Apparently so.

"Syd, what the hell happened?"

Being face down, on the table I couldn't see who was talking, but from the slightly squeaky voice I could tell it was Mikey in an obvious panic.

"I fell." I muttered sullenly. Here comes the interrogation.

"On what? A carving knife? Shit that looks deep." He gasped as I saw him move closer...well his shoes move closer anyway.

Always the sweet talker.

"It's just a cut. I'll be fine once it's stitched." I said refusing to let him know my insecurities. The fact I'm flinching every time the medic's shadow moves is my only tell.

"Actually it's quite deep." The medical guy chirped in from somewhere to my left. The guy had an annoying voice but surprisingly nice shoes; New Macbeths.

"You're lucky you didn't lacerate any tendons or ligaments. There's a lot of grit in here that needs to be washed out and you've lost a considerable amount of blood. You're not going anywhere fast." The medic finished as he ran his hands up my leg. Pervert.

"Look I'm fine. It's nothing." I said with gritted teeth, practically clawing the table as I felt a white hot pain right in the cut.

"It really doesn't look like nothing." Mikey chastised, "Bob, Ray and Gee are outside. I'll go let them know what's going on, back in a sec."

"Mike?" I called out as I suddenly remembered, "Could you get the guys to fetch Craig? He's out on the track still. I think the wheel is somewhere to the left. I didn't pay much attention though. Oh, and my helmet."

Mikey paused midstep.

"Sure. I'm sure Bob will be sprinting off to get it; he's been dying to tinker with Craig. Ok that sounded bad didn't it?" He laughed.

Bob was a bit of an engineering genius. There wasn't much he couldn't fix. He liked to watch when I worked on Craig. I could see him itching to help out but he always refrained, knowing I don't accept help willingly.

After a few brief goodbyes I felt the bus tip once more as Mikey left. I could feel the flesh of my leg being pulled but it was numb at the same time. It felt like the inside of my leg was crawling. I'll admit, I wasn't feeling too good and the swaying of the bus only added to my discomfort.

I could hear hushed conversation from outside, before the bus swayed again. All I could hear was shuffling. The next minute Mikey was on his back smiling up at me. Trying my best to hide my somewhat pained expression; I gave him a weary smile through the hole in the table.

"Hey." He said sympathetically.

"Hey." I said with a wince as the medic prodded me.

"So, how did the wheel end up 'somewhere to the left'."? He asked frowning.

"To be honest. I don't know. The axle just gave way on landing." I replied, suddenly feeling very tired.

"Didn't you just put new suspension on it?" He enquired.

"Yeah, I did. I know it was safe. I wouldn't ride if it weren't." I snapped defensively. Craig was safe when I checked him yesterday, I was positive about that.

"Plus I know Bob checked it over. Just to be extra sure."

"Cheeky fucker. I am perfectly capable, I've been fixing bikes for years." I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah well, we don't want anything to happen to you." He said seriously, his eyes still full of concern. I felt bad that I'd made him worry so much.

"Yeah well fat lot of good it was anyways." I said with a sigh.

I was avoiding his gaze, still absolutely freezing. I thought the radio said it would be over 100 degrees today? Guess these trailers have got pretty good air conditioning.

After a few minutes uncomfortable silence, Mikey spoke again cautiously. He was still on his back. That stupid anthrax shirt on for what must be the 10th consecutive day. I hate to think what's been on this floor so I really hope he washes it.

"Do you think someone tampered with it?"

"Maybe." I said thoughtfully, "Not sure. Pete denied any involvement and he recons that Leo wouldn't do anything like that."

Mikey paused at the mention of Pete. I could see the cogs turning in his brain.

"Why was Pete shirtless?" He asked, not even bothering to hide his grin.

I rolled my eyes again. Men.

"He was doing his night in shining armour turn." I said trying to act nonchalant but finding it hard to get the image of Pete's eyes out of my head.

Mikey smirked up from the floor, raising an eyebrow. But before I could retort medical guy saved me a half assed explanation and a lot of embarrassment.

"All done. Let's get a look at that hand whilst you're here." He said cheerfully. Far too cheerfully for this time in the morning.

I sat up on the table, Mikey getting up and squeezing my shoulder as he made his way over to a chair. God I think I'm going to puke. Finally looking around the room and getting a good look at all the medical equipment and sterile white surfaces, turned my stomach. I can't let Mikey see me throw up.

"Erm, Mikey? Will you go fetch my brown O'Neil hoodie? It's in my bunk." I asked quickly as the bile began to rise. He gave me a sceptical look, was I really that transparent?

Mikey stood up and walked over to the door, before calling back.

"By the way, you face down on the table? Sweet view man."

Even through my sickness I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

Ten minutes later my hand was re-strapped and I was fuming. The stupid medic reckons I have to take the entire day off in-case I go into shock and coz I lost a splash of blood. Oh please. The only shocking thing was he managed to do his job properly.

As I hobbled uncomfortably on crutches in search of cigarettes, my phone began to ring.

"Yeah?" I questioned as I shifted awkwardly, trying to position the crutches right.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" Danny yelled down the line.

Putting the phone between my shoulder and ear, I carried on my quest.

"Nothing Danny, keep you panties on." I replied calmly.

"I get a phone call from Mikey saying you have your wrist in bandages and just got your leg stitched up and were currently walking off on crutches. What the hell do you expect me to say?" Danny snapped, his voice thick with worry.

Mikey. That little fucker grassed me up!

I sighed, totally exasperated and getting increasingly desperate for nicotine.

"Ok, firstly? My hand is something totally unrelated, MOM. And secondly, I just landed badly and caught my leg on the foot pegs. No biggie."

"Yeah and I just 'fell' too." He said sarcastically. I can picture him doing air quotes.

"Look. Someone tampered with Craig. I will find out who and I will make them pay. In the mean time I have a job to do and if I'm not already fired, pulling a sickie will certainly do it." My spurt of hopping along was killing me and I stumbled a bit, head beginning to swim again. I need to sit down.

After a few seconds silence, Danny spoke up.

"Does it hurt?" He asked, his teenage curiosity returning now he knew I was okay.

I sighed deeply. I am the older sibling. I should be the one giving the third degree.

"Of course it fucking hurts moron." I replied exasperatedly.

As I turned a corner, quite an achievement when balancing a cell and crutches let me tell you, I locked eyes with Leo. Oh just fucking great. Come to admire her handy work I bet. I flicked the cell shut, ignoring Danny. It's not the first, and certainly won't be the last lecture he gives me I'm sure.

Well this is awkward. Leo doesn't look as smug as I thought she would. Maybe she really didn't do it but then who else could it be?

Whatever numbed my leg was starting to wear off, and I shifted unsteadily on my crutches. I wanted to apologize for last night but I couldn't find the words. I don't usually apologize...encase you hadn't noticed. Plus my mind was still scarred by her and Frank. Come to think of it, Mikey didn't mentions Frank's name when he said the guys were outside. Maybe he was too busy in Leo's bunk.

"Well this is convenient."

I flinched at the sudden voice and wobbled on my damn crutches. Looking over Leo's shoulder as she turned her back to me, I saw a very, very pissed of Matt. He stood with his hands on his hips, a pleased smirk on his face. Better try and explain I suppose, but before I could speak Leo made a barely audible "Err..." before shuffling backward next to me. Here goes...

"Matt...see what happened was-"

Matt cut me off quickly with a wave of his hand. How dare he? He might be the boss but still, no one gives me the hand. I gave him the best death glare someone struggling to stand up on crutches could pull off. Which he ignored and carried on speaking.

"Whatever your excuse is Syd I don't want to hear it. The same goes for you Leo."

Leo opened her mouth to speak. But decided against it after Matt shot her a dark, warning glare. Even I didn't want her to say anything. She may be the enemy, but I don't want her to commit verbal suicide.

"I've had about enough with the both of you. I would fire both your asses if I could but unfortunately you're both the best at what you do and I can't afford to loose you mid-tour."

I could help but smirk at this. I was the best. I didn't get my job because I know Mikey. That will shut up the crew. Score! I lowered my gaze to hide the fact I was loving this. I peered over at Leo and found her doing the same thing. Feeling a sense of camaraderie with Leo, I struggled not to laugh.

"Therefore..." He paused dramatically. Such a fucking diva. Zar Zar Gabor eat your heart out.

"I have decided that as punishment you both have to move back to the Tech bus for the remainder of the tour."

"WHAT!" I yelled simultaneously with Leo.

The Tech bus is like a complete shit hole. The mess didn't bother me. It was all the scene kids who were hired as cheap labour smoking weed and getting drunk of their asses that made it hell. Leo had an equally horrified look on her face, her eyes wide and disbelieving.

Someone please kill me now.

"And further to a quick briefing from Dr Grayson, Syd you have the day off. And Leo, you will spend the day helping Syd move her gear to the techs bus."

"Yer what?" Leo barked, her accent strong. Stupid bloody brit, as if I want her help anyway.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I protested, "I'm fine! I've got stitches, I'm good to go and I don't need any help."

"Syd. You look like crap." Matt replied frankly.

I scowled and glared daggers at both Matt and Leo. Matt glared back at me.

"After the medial report I'm not taking any risks. Go move you stuff and if I spot you outside of the MCR or FOB bus's at any point today, I will write you up and neither of you want me to do that." He said threateningly before turning to focus his attention on Leo.

"Leo, keep an eye on her and if I find out you ditched I will write you up aswel. I want constant supervision. We've all heard about the bus incident and what she's capable of."

Before either of us could protest Matt turned and briskly walked off to avoid any further confrontation, probably knowing I wouldn't take this lying down.

"Syd, I..." Leo began.

"Save it Limey." I snapped.

I stormed (staggered) away towards the bus to get my stuff. I could hear Leo following. Least she had enough brains to keep the fuck out of my way. I am not a little kid. For Fuck sake. As I got nearer to the bus, my storm turned into a slow stumble, it's surprisingly strenuous using crutches.

The bus door was locked when I got there, meaning that the guys must be at sound check and probably wouldn't be back for the rest of the day. Perfect.

Entering the code, the doors slid open. Oh hell. How am I supposed to get up these steps? I went to put my bandaged leg onto the first step. Big mistake. Wincing, I reeled backwards until a steadying hand found my shoulder.

"You, erm, need any help?" Leo asked appearing beside me.

"No." I said as I shrugged her hand away. "Go on ahead. I'll manage just fine thank you."

I will be polite, only because I'm trapped with her for the rest of the day and don't want to make things any more uncomfortable.

Once Leo was on board and out of site; I threw my crutches to the floor and sat on the bottom step. Slowly easing myself up each step I made it aboard. God this is so humiliating.

Once aboard I spotted my hoodie by the couch. I pulled it on hurriedly, but still shivered my ass off despite it's fluffy lining. Still feeling less than perfect, I sank onto the couch and curled up into a ball in a vain attempt to get warm.

For a spit second, I thought I saw Leo look concerned; I really must have lost allot of blood. She stood by the 'kitchen' uncomfortably shifting from foot to foot.

"Want me to get your stuff together?" She asked after a moments awkward silence.

"Don't touch my stuff." I barked. Harsh but I was really starting to feel sick now. Oh stomach clenched and I felt the bile rise once more...I'm gunna spew. Bolting up right, I made a break for the bathroom, grabbing hold of every surface along the way to try and remain upright. As I cashed to my knees, I emptied what little stomach contents I had into the toilet bowl.

I sunk back into the space between the toilet and wall trying to gather myself. Leo peered round the door.

"You ok?" She asked, "I heard barfing."

"I'm fine." I replied feeling a little light-headed. I will not let anyone, especially her see me like this. "Could you shut the door. Please?"

Leo came in and shut the door. Ok, is she stupid or what?

"Ok, maybe you're just not used to American customs. But over here, when someone is in the bathroom and they ask you to shut the door? It means you stay outside." I explained slowly, as if talking to a small child.

"I'm following orders. I'm keeping an eye on you." She replied smartly.

I went to get up, but I was stuck. I couldn't put any weight on my leg and I was just too weak from all the chukin up to pull myself up. Guess I'll just stay here...I always did like the bathroom floor.

"Need a hand?" Surprisingly I couldn't see any smugness or merriment in Leo's face, only honest concern. Begrudgingly holding my hands out she hauled me up off the floor and put my arm over her shoulder, helping me back to the couch. I will never live this down. Least no ones around to see it.

I kicked my shoes off, noticing a nice rust coloured stain on the back of my favourite dc's. Great.

Leo was sat next to me, staring holes at the empty coffee pot.

"Help yourself." I said watching as her eye's lit up.

"Thanks." She sat up and got to the coffee machine in less than 2 steps, flicking it on to brew a new pot. Caffeine junkies. Pathetic really. Damn I could murder some Pepsi.

"You want anything?" Leo asked as she routed around for a cup.

"Pepsi max in the fridge." I said pointing to the small fridge in the corner.

"You sure that's such a good idea? You just chucked up after all." She questioned.

I gave her my best "Die Bitch" look and she shut up, gabbed a can of Pepsi and tossed it to me.

"Cheers." I said as I cracked the can open and took a swig. Heaven.

Leo was leaning against the counter top, twiddling a spoon between her fingers kinda like a cigarette. God now I can taste cigarettes. It's been like, 4 months since had one aswel. The last time was when Stu...god damn it...I so don't need to be thinking about him right now.

The kettle clicked off and I watched as Leo quickly poured a cup full and took a sip. She didn't even bother to put any milk or sugar in...jeez and I thought I was bad with my copious amounts of Pepsi. This woman beat even Gee in the coffee addiction stakes and that's saying something.
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