Categories > Games > Final Fantasy X-2 > As Flies to Wanton Boys

Chapter Two - Nooj Amuses Himself

by Ikonopeiston 0 reviews

This follows Nooj into the Crusaders. The establishment of the squadron and Nooj finds ways to entertain himself.

Category: Final Fantasy X-2 - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Nooj - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2005-10-31 - Updated: 2005-10-31 - 3758 words

A/N: Parts of this chapter may be objectionable to some readers for various reasons. Please be advised that some of the subject matter is not at all suitable for those with delicate minds or of a prudish nature. It is, I remind you, rated 'M' for good reason.

Chapter Two
Nooj s'amuse

The Crusader camp to which Nooj was attached was located on the road leading from Djose to the Moonflow, near the spot where the path took an angular turn. From this strategic spot, the armed force could monitor several points with ease. Because of the semi-permanent nature of the camp, a number of facilities to provide services to the men and women stationed there had also sprung up. Rin, an Al Bhed entrepreneur, had established a trading post in a large tent and left it under the care of one of his many protégés. There were other business, housed in similar mobile structures, purveying other necessities to the troops. One of these was a surprisingly well-equipped and varied house of pleasure featuring both men and women, boys and girls, and a few assorted animals of the less lethal types. A bar with live entertainment was open at all hours of the day and night. Facilities for bathing and having uniforms cleaned were offered for token sums, the hot baths being particularly welcome after prolonged periods in the field spent hacking through fiends and bandits. And, discreetly hidden away in the brush was a very private and very expensive establishment catering to very private and very depraved tastes. It was to this place of commerce Nooj went directly after his interview with Major Ciele.

Nooj was a man of strong passions and a habitué of both the pleasure house and this other - which might be termed a house of pain. He had discovered the most efficient way to sublimate the rages which had begun to threaten his self-control was to be found in such places. It was not the perfect solution but it did work and prevented worse things from happening.

"Good morning, Captain." The woman behind the reception desk was well-trained. Real names were never used here. "Will it be the usual today or have you any special requests?"

"The usual I think. Have you anyone short and just slightly overweight? Male, of course."

"Hm..." She flipped through the file in front of her. "I think we can supply that. We had a fresh shipment from the temples last night. Here's your key, the first room on the left. Would you like to sign the slip now or wait until you're finished."

Nooj glared, "You must be an idiot. You should remember I don't want to talk to anyone after I'm through. I'll sign now." He scrawled his identifier on the scrap of paper she extended toward him.

Once in the private room with the outer door locked behind him, Nooj tossed his sword aside and drew his dagger, carefully testing its point. He prowled restlessly within the narrow confines between the bed and the table, pausing to reposition the bowl and its matching water pitcher. After a few minutes, the inner door swung open and a man was ushered into the room.

The new occupant was about a foot shorter than Nooj and lightly padded with a soft layer of fat dimpling his pale skin, garbed only in a sleeveless shirt reaching to his mid-thighs. He walked over to the taller man and stood humbly before him with eyes cast down and hands folded at his groin. Nooj looked him over carefully before nodding to the attendant, "He'll do." The door closed and the two men were alone.

"Are you here of your own free will?" Nooj knew they all signed documents to that effect but he was unable to begin without verifying their submission for himself. "Have you been persuaded to this decision by any threat or promise?"

The man looked up, resentment and resignation mingled in his gaze. It was a look to which Nooj had become accustomed. "I am here because I am willing and I am doing this freely."

"Your reason?" The Crusader could not let it go without trying.

"My reason is my own. I was told I would not have to reveal it to any one except a priest."

"I want to understand why those like you do this." Nooj insisted.

"Why do you think you have a right to understand? You're just the consumer. Do you interview your food?" The smaller man was not without courage or wit.

Nooj shook his head. "I don't want that. I want to know why."

"It's not your affair; you and people like you need us and use us. Be satisfied that you have us."

"Do you know what I intend to do?"

"Not exactly. It doesn't matter. I am here to serve you as you wish without any limits or restrictions." Still there was the stubborn undertone.

"I am going to hurt you - hurt you very badly. Are you prepared for that? When I am done you will more than likely be dead." He continued his own ritual of interrogation. "You will not die easily nor quickly. Do you understand?"

The unnamed man nodded.

"And knowing this, you are still willing?" Nooj persevered. "The room is soundproof. You may scream as much as you need. I will not be moved and no one else will hear you. There is only a small chance I may spare you but, even then, death may be preferable. I must be sure you consent to this." He paused then went on, "One thing I will promise you - you will come to an understanding of many things before the end. You will reach this understanding too late, however it may comfort you somewhat." The dark eyes, incongruously bleak in the young face, probed the other man's comprehension with a chilling lack of passion. "I will never know your name, nor will anyone other than the priest who sent you here. You will vanish from the world unvalued and unknown. Your existence will cease as though you had never been. Do you accept this?"

"Yes. I accept what you say but now I am curious. What will I understand?" The little man asked with his first show of interest in the conversation.

"You will have your answer soon. Unlike me. You still refuse to tell me why?"

A silent nod was his only answer. Not ever a stifled sob. Nooj took one step forward, tipped up the other's face with a hand on the chin and, moved by a great surge of love, gently kissed the man's lips before he raised his dagger to begin.

When it was done, Nooj walked over to the bureau where the pitcher and basin rested. He noted with distaste that he had some smears of blood on his clothing as well as the expected stains on his hands and his dagger. Even with that inconvenience he felt better, much of his tension gone and his anger largely dissipated. Toward the end, he had succeeded in seeing the image of Ciele on the face of the unnamed man and that had helped. So had the vision of knowledge pushing aside pain as life flickered out in the man's eyes. Breathing shallowly to avoid the stench of blood and offal in the air, he fastidiously cleaned his hands and his weapon, regarding the discolored water with disgust.

He sat down on the firm surface of the bed for a brief while, collecting himself and reliving the events of the past hours. He did not like to expose himself to the curious contempt of other eyes immediately after this activity. These occasions always offered him much the same sort of release as congress with a woman and he preferred to relish the echoes in privacy. The climax was mental rather than physical but the ultimate effect was similar. Each served to still a different set of demons. He knew he would visit the pleasure house as well before he slept this night, after he had assembled the ones who would comprise his new squad. He might even treat them to assignations as a token of their new positions. Yes, that would probably be the right thing to do. It would be the sort of thing a good leader would think of. They would enjoy themselves and he could disappear into the general rejoicing.

Not for the first time, he wondered what accounted for the small but steady supply of personages to houses like this. It had something to do with religion and, as he was firmly anti-clerical, he doubted he would ever fully grasp it. But he was serious when he questioned those he used; he was always curious about things he did not understand. This peculiar institution was a mystery to him; he did not like mysteries.

Without sparing a glance for the no longer recognizable figure on the floor, Nooj rose and adjusted his garments, making a mental note to go by his barracks and change so that he could drop the soiled tunic off at the cleaners on his way to inform the names on his list of the great honor to which they had been summoned.


It had become as routine as a roll call, growing easier as he progressed on his way.

"Lieutenant Farata. You have been chosen to become a member of an elite within the elite. Report to assembly room B and await further information." He had repeated this formula six times and had only three more candidates to reach. He could have sent orderlies to summon the nine but he preferred to do the task himself in order to see how each responded and to expend some of the excess energy he had accumulated. With a stretching of his lips which was possibly meant as a smile he went on to the next on his list.

"Lieutenant Byllt."


Nine young, freshly hatched Lieutenants stood at attention in Assembly Room B waiting for what was to come. They were a heterogeneous crew, seven males and two females, dressed in whatever combination of uniform and leisure clothing they had been wearing when they were tapped by the Captain who now stood gazing critically at them.

"It has been decided to create a squadron of Crusaders to operate independently of the main body here and elsewhere in order to respond with speed and expertise to control small disorders before they become great ones. You nine have been selected to make up that rapid response body under my command. You must know that the risks will be great but that the rewards will be commensurate to the dangers. You will be paid more generously than those not in this squad and you will have greater opportunities to make rank that you would otherwise have. It was given to me to select you; if I have made an error, you need not accept the challenge. You are at perfect liberty to decline to become part of this cadre. You have ten minutes to decide."

Nooj turned aside and pretended to busy himself with a pile of papers on the desk, ignoring the excited buzz of whispered conversation behind him. Only when silence again ruled did he face the group again. "Well?"

"Sir," Squab, the oldest and most experienced of the nine, saluted. "We are all of the same mind, sir. It will be our honor and pleasure to accept this assignment under your command. What are your orders, sir?" All nine snapped to attention as one.

"I am, of course, pleased to hear of your decision. Major Ciele has kindly given his permission for our team to choose a name by which it will be henceforth known. Do you have a preference?"

There was another huddle with fiercely muttered and hissed argument before Squab stepped forth again. "Sir. With your permission we will be call the Blood Avengers, sir."

Nooj stifled his gag reflex, "Very well. And now, my first order is that you repair this evening to the Pink Paradise for an evening of relaxation to celebrate the formation of the Blood Avengers. At my expense, of course. I shall meet you here again tomorrow at seven hundred hours to make plans for our relocation and further organization. Undress uniform will be worn at that time. Dismissed."

The team could hardly believe its good fortune. A ringing cascade of cheers broke out as they made a dash for the bath houses to prepare themselves for a night of passion and general drunkenness. Nooj scowled at their backs. Blood Avengers? Bah! They had neither sense nor imagination. He felt himself to be decades their senior even though he was at most a year older. But his judgment had been correct. A carnal treat was the proper gesture of a commander. He could easily afford such things because there was little demand on his purse. As a Captain, he was entitled to a share of the treasure collected by successful forays and he was paid well in addition to the bounties. He had no great concern for money; so long as he had enough to keep himself and to placate his demons he was content. There was no need to save for the future. He anticipated no future.


The evening was still mild since the cold season was weeks away and the meadow hummed with the sounds of couples who had chosen to take their pleasure in the open air. Nooj had visited the establishment earlier to give the madam a list of the names of the Blood Avengers and request she keep a tab on them which he would settle at the end of the evening. He was known to be a man of his word so there was no difficulty making the arrangements. When he arrived at the house after dark had fallen, he could see several of his group already well occupied.

"Greetings, Captain Nooj, do you want to choose a companion? Kanya is free." The madam linked her arm in his and smiled up at him, knowing he had frequently used the tall dark-haired girl in the past. She tugged him over to her desk.

He thought for a moment then shook his head. "No, I don't think so tonight. Do you have a short blonde available. Somebody new, maybe?" He did not want to be reminded in any way of Kaith at this time not by coloration and not by name. A stranger seemed a safer choice.

The madam, her breasts bouncing like tethered balloons, thumbed through her book. "OK. I've got just the one for you. Here, take a look." She pushed the binder over to him. "Her name is Diuane. She has some special talents you may fancy."

He raised a curious eyebrow. "Oh, and what would they be?"

"I know what you like and she's the best I've ever seen. She can thread a needle without using her hands." The madam laughed, making a remarkably bawdy gesture with her tongue and fingers.

"Then by all means, I must try her. Go on and send her to me." Nooj scrawled his name across the bottom of the page. "If she's not up to your advertising, I'll take it out on you."

"Any time, Captain. I've not forgotten the last time. Your usual room is available."


When the blonde girl with the fanciful braids pushed open the door, Nooj was already undressed and sprawled on the bed, the sheets drawn up to his waist. He beckoned her to him. "Do you know what to do?"

She flipped a wanton hip in his direction and smirked. "I'm no beginner. Just lie back and relax; leave it to me." With deliberately seductive moves, she began slithering out of the scanty garments which enhanced her body without disguising it. When she stood quite naked before him, she advanced on the bed and began to slowly pull away the coverlet. As he became visible to her sight, she paled slightly.

"You're a big 'un, aren't you? I ought to charge double."

"Lady, the deal has been struck. Don't bother with the flattery; get about your business." Nooj was perfectly aware of his proportions and their effect on whores.

Diuane knelt on the bed between his legs and bent forward, taking him gingerly into her mouth. She was lightly built, small in all her parts and it was a struggle. She looked up and, disengaging for a moment, said, "I'm glad it's not going in the other place."

"That comes later," he assured her without smiling. "This first. Get on with it." His hands caught her head and moved her firmly to the destination he desired. "Now."

Obediently, she stooped to her task, stretching her lips around him and taking his sack in her palm. Only the small sounds of muffled sucking and lapping disturbed the silence in the room. Nooj was not one to make noise in his pleasure, in any of them. When his climax approached, he clenched his teeth to hold back any moans or cries and let his body take its own path, arching and penetrating the girl to the back of her throat, filling her with his flesh and his fluid. She swallowed convulsively and gasped for breath as the obstruction was withdrawn and she was mistress of her mouth again. Almost suffocated, she flopped like a landed fish across his thighs, her lips bruised and swollen.

When he had recovered from his spasms and could speak, he patted her head. "You are good at that. Your madam was right. Now, rest a little and then we'll have another bout."

She slid up on the bed to nestle against him and he permitted it, pulling her close so as to enjoy her warm smoothness. She snuggled her head into the hollow formed where his shoulder joined with his neck and made little cooing sounds. Nooj enjoyed women very much. He was young and his blood ran hot. Against his will, he thought of Kaith and the innocence they had shared. Unless he was completely drunk, she always came to his mind when he lay with a woman, no matter the size or color. Kaith had been his first, the one with whom he had formed his tastes and habits, his perfect partner. She was dead and preserved in the amber of his memories, clean and flawless. He had not wanted to think about her tonight. It always seemed like a sacrilege to remember her purity after he had visited the House of Pain.

He traced the contours of the breasts and hips of the woman in his arms and tried to drive the image of his dead lover from his mind by thinking about all the other women he had bedded since he had become a Crusader. His experience had been varied and educational since then. Like an insomniac counting sheep, he recalled the looks and feel of the bodies he had plundered until he fell asleep.

Nooj was aroused in more ways than one by the touch of a small hand fondling him in a very intimate way. He smiled lazily and squeezed the breast he had been caressing when he had dozed off. "Ready for more sport, lady?"

She answered with a playful tweak as she stretched her neck up to reach his lips. He kissed her, exploring her mouth with his tongue until she broke for breath. When she offered him her nipple, he took it eagerly, nibbling and pulling like a nursing infant. His hand slipped between her thighs feeling from the moisture there that she was ready for him.

He was more than ready to make as good a use of her nether lips as the others and did not delay in spreading her legs widely to accommodate him. Shifting his body over hers, he entered her slowly, watching her face as he pressed steadily deeper. He could tell he was hurting her and it excited him even more to see the question in her face and to hear her panting whimpers. Deeper and deeper he plowed until it seemed he would split her before he was done. She tried to escape, pushing futilely at his chest. Nooj gave a short coughing laugh and pushed the final distance, striking against the furthermost parts of her womb, forcing a scream from her throat. Pinning her beneath him, he rested for a while, letting her adjust to his intrusion.

"I thought you were an experienced whore," he mocked, holding her wrists locked in one hand above her head. "You're putting on an excellent show. How many have you convinced you're a virgin with all this moaning and crying?"

She smiled, a rictus of pain and desire to please. "It's no game, my lord. I generally just play the flute and you're a little more than I reckoned for." He ground against her until she gasped, sensing her own passion igniting again in spite of the pain.

"Then I'll be sure to get my money's worth." He began a rocking motion with his loins while at the same time chewing on her nipples. She moaned as his attentions stimulated her and her body melted in his embrace. She was transported into a state from which she was aware only of the increasingly powerful sensations he was evoking from her sensitive erotic areas. Then suddenly he struck into her depths, spilling his seed as he permitted himself a single harsh cry. Diuane wrapped her legs around his hips and joined him in climax, with a mewling wail as her release shook her. Slick with sweat, the two lay interlocked until Nooj rolled away from the limp figure of the woman.

"So you survived?" He asked with complete seriousness. "I was worried for a moment."

"Yes, Captain, I survived. But I want a few days off before I take you on again." She was still shaking from the aftermath. It was unusual for her to respond so intensely to a customer.

"You're a brave one. I'll leave you a bonus - and the promise of at least a week before I ask for you again."

She propped herself on her elbow and watched him dress. "I think you like to hurt people, don't you?"

He stared at her as he tied the cords at the neck of his shirt. A surprised note coloring his voice, he answered, "Yes. Of course."
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