Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The World's Great When You An Iero.

Mess With One Iero, You Mess With Them All. Barbie Doll's Excluded.

by kaytrubie 2 reviews

A darling little story about Roxie and Frank's childhood. Quite a strong swear word...just in case :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-04-18 - Updated: 2007-04-18 - 555 words

"Roxie, will you marry me?"
"oh, yes, Franks, I WILL marry you!"
Frank smiled his adorable little smile and leaned in to kiss Roxie when...

"AHHHHHHHHIEEEEE!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!" I just woken up...and I dreamt that Frank had asked me to marry him. All fine and dandy. Normally every My Chemical Romance fan-girl's dream. But to be honest, marrying Frank Iero wasn't something I dreamt about. Well, obviously I HAD just dreamed about it, but it's not something I particularly want to do. The reason? My names Roxie...Roxie Iero. Yeah, Frank's sister. Big woo hoo. It may seem great, but trust me it's not. Fan girls, press, not seeing my elder brother and best friend for weeks on end....It's not fun.

Really, its not.

I have a story, from when we were little. One day, we went to visit our dad...he was fourteen, I was nine. There was this kid on the block our dad lived on, who was bullied the shit outa me when we went to visit. He was called Dean Young and was 16. He liked hurting little kids. One day, I was playing on the front lawn by myself with my Barbie's (and yeah, I still played with them up until I was 17. Hey, I'm cool like that.), when Dean comes up and take my favorite Barbie off me. It was a Sleeping Beauty doll, and it was gorgeous. She had long blonde hair I brushed religiously, with a beautiful long blue silk dress, and I wouldn't let anyone else touch her. So there I was, making a wedding for Sleeping Beauty and Frank's Action Man, when Dean snatches Sleeping Beauty off me. He then continued to rip off her dress and throw it in the mud. Then, he took out a pair of scissors and cut off all of her hair. I ran back inside and cried my eyes out. I mean, I almost made myself sick, when Frank walks in. "Hey, hey...Roxie? What's wrong? Shhh now, tell me what's wrong..." He asked.
"D-D-Dean....sniff...C-Cut off....Cut off Sleeping Beauty's hair!!" I managed to snivel out.
"WHAT? That little mother fucker! GOD I'm gonna hurt him so bad!" He shouted, and ran out of my room. A few hours later, I walk down stairs to see Frank sitting on the kitchen chair, a long nasty looking gash on his cheek, his nose bleeding like a maniac and a purple eye.
"Oh gosh, what happened? FRANK!" I ran over to him and grabbed him with my little hands.
"Ahh, if that little dick hurts my baby sister, I hurt him. It's not nice seeing you cry." He replied. It turns out that when Frankie went to confront Dean, He saw Frank coming and guessed why he was running over. So before Frank could do anything, Dean turned around and smacked Frank right in the eye. But Frankie's a fighter, and smacked Dean right back. There was a fight, but Frank won. That's what he's like. Way to protective over me, but hey, I aint complaining!

He's also a vain twat...he loves getting his picture taken, and secretly loves it when fan girls tell him how "aBseRLouTly fUkInG GorgEoUS hE iS AnD HoW SupErLy HaWt hE iS". It's terrible, I know, but that's Frankie for ya.
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