Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Famous Last Words

Chapter Three: Told you so...

by violent_kisses 7 reviews

Chillin out with MCR...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-05-01 - Updated: 2007-05-01 - 730 words

Hello! Sorry it took so long to get out. Ive just had two weeks of hell from school. But since that's all over, you guys can expect more frequent updates! Horrah!

ps. Keep in mind I wrote this at like 3 am. Thanks.

Diclaimer: FANfition. durr. I don't own MCR, just myself and my own lyrics.


Famous Last Words

Chapter Three: "Told you so..."

I sat there, with my mouth attractively reaching down to the ground. I couldn't believe that our little crappy band was opening for My Chemical Romance. Holy fuck. I looked at Gerard and noticed this look on his face...kind of one of recognition. Great...I'll be remembered as the spazzy chick in a dark alley...

Suddenly my thoughts were broken by Cam's nails digging into my arm.

"Oww you shit!" I shouted, smaking her hand away.

"Sorry..." She mumbled out, nervously fidgeting in her seat. The silence seemed to engulf the room once more as we all awkwardly glanced at each other.

"'re the girl from yesterday, aren't you?" Asked Gerard.

"Uhh...maybe?" I replied, looking down.

"Yea! It was you, with the broken lighter!" He said. I just nodded in response and looked down shyly.

"So you guys already met? Cool..." Frank said. He then turned towards the rest of us before continuing. "You guys rocked that show tonight. The fans were going nuts."

"For real. The music and the lyrics...kick ass combination." Ray said, huge smile on his face.

"Thanks!" Cam replied finding her voice. Seems she's past the shy stage. "Angie writes all our lyrics."

"Really?" Gerard asked.

My eyes opened wide, and I lightly smacked her side. I gave her my famous "Shut up stupid" look, but as usual, she ignored me.

"Yup, every single song, written by her. Then we all brainstorm to find out the rest."

"Awesome. Its one hell of a process for us too." Frank continued. "So, when did you guys first start touring?"

"Well..." Began Cam as she broke out into our little story. As the night wore on, we grew comfortable with each other and were talking like old friends. Mike, Adam, Bob, and Frank had taken up positions around the tv, playing video games, while Cam, Ray, Mikey, Gerard and I were just discussing our favourite music and bands. I couldn't help but look at think I've finally met one of the people I look up of the people who inspired me to be in this band. This band, as cheesy as it may sound, seriously helped save my life. If it wasn't for music, I don't know where I'd be right now. Mid thought, Gerard turned and looked at me, giving me a small smile. I gave one back before looking away and blushing like a mad woman. Its weird to imagine that I'm sitting and hanging out with one of my favourite bands, and that starting next week, I'd be touring with them.

Before too long, time had managed to creep into the early hours of the morning, so parting with promises of hanging out later in the day, the members of My Chem left our room.

"Holy fuck eh." Mike said scratching his head. "We fucking just hung out with My Chemical Romance."

"For real! And not to mention we're going to be touring with them." Said Cam, bouncing around on her bed.

"This tour is going to seriously fucken rock." Said Adam with a smile before turning to me with a laugh. "Gee finally met Gee. Two Gee's on one tour!"

The group broke out into laughter, but then Cam stopped and looked at me. "Oh my God! You were telling the truth!"

"Well duh." I replied.

"You did meet Gerard yesterday! Oooh, sorry Gee Gee." Cam stated sitting beside me, grabbing onto my arm. I looked towards Adam and Mike, a great big smile on my face.

"Oh just say it already..."Adam said with a smile.

"Told you so..."

I really did hope this tour worked out all right. It could be the beginning of something good.


Many thanks, love, hugs, and cookies go out to:


You guys totally rock. Thanks for the awesome support!

Let me know what you all think of this chapter.

Angie...or Gee Gee.
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