Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > A User's Guide to Pregnancy.


by Meg2005 7 reviews

This is not an update but it's a very very very important memo for anyone who has or do read my stories.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-05-06 - Updated: 2007-05-06 - 285 words - Complete

May 6, 2007

Hey guys,

So I know that this isn't an update and I'm very sorry for that, (Finals are this week so I'm kind of a mess) anywho I just wanted to give everyone and heads up on a developing situation that was brought to my attention today.

Plagiarism: the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
You guys may be wondering why the hell I'm posting this. Well as I was studying today a friend of mine sent me this link:

This is a girl on Buzznet who has copied and pasted every single chapter of my Chelsea and Brendon story, and taken credit for it.

This is really disappointing to me because I worked very, very, very hard on this story and the girl stole it for me.

So I'm going to ask everyone who has a Buzznet account to send her a message or comment on my story she has posted. Tell her it doesn't belong to her or something in hopes that she removes it and owns up to stealing it from me.

If you are the girl that took my story: I hope that you are aware that plagiarism is very, very illegal and all of my stories are copyrighted so have fun fighting this one off.

Thank you guys, my awesome readers for standing by me, I would hate to have to stop writing for you guys because of this.

Send me some messages on aim if you want (Morningair0525) or on here, it would be great to hear from you all! :D

Much Love,
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