Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto

Black Fire and Ice

by NevanaEshe 0 reviews

NarutoDrabble It was natural for him to take these daily 'walks', but lately the need had become more of a routine. It calmed the demons within him.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2005-11-10 - Updated: 2005-11-10 - 330 words - Complete


Black fire and ice. The smell of burning flesh and the sounds of humans and animals alike screaming in agony, were barely discernable over the sounds of his laughter. Red flames but clear rain, fighting for dominance. It was all in his head.

It was all just a dream.

So started the early morning routine, followed closely by instant ramen to try to fill up the emptiness inside.

It didn't work.

Pulling his coat tighter around his body, Naruto stepped off of his balcony and onto the rooftops, picking up his speed as soon as he realized that the rain from the night before had all but evaporated in the early morning sun. It was natural for him to take these daily 'walks', but lately the need had become more of a routine.

It calmed the demons within him.

He was careful to be quiet, hoping that no one would see him. He sighed. There was many a time when the residents below had noticed him, as he had been hit by everything from brooms, to kunais, to shurkians and even a scroll or two.

He tended to keep those.

Hunching over the Hokage monument, he watch as Konoha awoke. There were very few things the kept him here anymore.

He didn't feel like he could trust himself anymore. Everytime he would see these people - the people of Konoha - he could feel a blood red hatred welling up inside of him. Black crossed his vision momentarily and startled, he drew a kunai. Letting his chakra seep out, he searched for the intruder that he swore he had seen.


Picking himself up he started to head towards the bridge, hopping down a few balconies to take him to the streets. Landing silently, he started to run, hopeing that he was fast enough to dodge the items that were flung his way. He knew it was early, 5:00, and that he should, in all likelihood, still be asleep.

He settled for running.

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