Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > World By Storm

World By Storm

by MyVengefulRomance 8 reviews

"It's in our heads; it's in our hearts: the world by storm!" Weirdness ensues. I'm confused too, guys. This is just odd. A one-shot, Frank/Gerard. WAYYY AU.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] [?] [V] - Published: 2007-05-07 - Updated: 2007-05-08 - 834 words - Complete

` Disclaimer- I don't own, this never happened, don't sue, the usual.

A/N- Let's pretend I don't have a bunch of unfinished stories and just focus on this, yes? Okay, agreed. Besides, I was sick, so I have an excuse. Um, inspired by the song 'World By Storm' by Aiden. (My new third favorite band.) And....this is odd. I don't know where this came from, so please don't ask for an explanation. I'm just as confused as you are, honestly.

"It's in our heads; it's in hearts: the world by storm!"

The city streets are crowded with the angry rebellion; the bloodied fists raised high against the gray sky. Their crimson splattered faces are contorted in anger, their mouths shouting out the adrenaline fueled chant.

"It's in our heads; it's in our hearts: the world by storm!"

Thousands of voices rise together in the air which seems to be filled with dirt and poison. The voices swirl up together, rising upwards and growing in power with each refrain. The anger and the defiance flows freely on the wind, to the point where you could feel it.

"It's in our heads; it's in our hearts: the world by storm!"

The destroyed town seems empty, the buildings vacant. The blank and dirty eyes of the windows stare ahead brokenly, the glass shattered long ago either by the bombs or the guns or the riots. Broken bodies and destroyed vehicles and collapsed buildings fill the parts of the street not filled by the rebellion.

"It's in our heads; it's in our hearts: the world by storm!"

Their voices are growing in either number or volume, but it seems to shake the earth. Or, at least, the last building standing. The lone building contrasts against the gray shy, its black metal rising high and menacingly. The purposeful menace does nothing to deter the growing crowd.

"It's in our heads; it's in our hearts: the world by storm!"

Inside, two men cower in each others arms, their faces white as they stare into each other's terrified eyes. One, short with black hair with bangs hanging in his face and a lip ring, clutches the other tightly. The other, a thin man with shoulder-length black hair and no piercings, cries shamelessly, continuously shaking his head.

"It's in our heads; it's in our hearts: the world by storm!"

They can hear them outside. They can hear the voices surrounding the building, coming closer. They know what this means. This is the end.

"Where'd we go wrong, Gerard?"

The first asks the question softly, into the second's neck. The second, Gerard, tenses.

"We shouldn't have done this, Frank. It was a bad idea from the start. A bad idea."

And the chanting grows louder. Frank freezes, releasing Gerard and crawling out from under the desk. He lets out a choked sob.

"They're inside, Gerard. They've gotten in."

Gerard crawls out slowly, sniffling.

"I know. We're going to die like the rest of them, aren't we, Frank? Don't lie to me."

Frank sighs, and nods slowly. He then takes Gerard by the waist and pulls him close, their lips smashing against each others and their teeth cracking against one another's. The kiss is passionate at first, slow. Then, as the voices become louder and louder, coming up the stairwell, the kiss becomes needy and almost sloppy.

"It's in our heads; it's in our hearts: the world by storm!"

Their tongues are now battling; each tasting each other's mouth for what they know is one last time. They are wrapped in one another, their arms and legs tangled. They are one.


And then, the chant is inside the room. The lovers break apart, facing the mob now pouring into the room. Their eyes glitter with defiance and loss, still in each other's arms.

They see the front line pull out their weapons; a sardonic grin grows on Gerard's lips.

"AK-47? I would've thought you'd be more creative."

Frank's eyes spark with a tongue of flame, the soft smile gracing his lips at his lover's comment contrasting with the fear of what would soon happen.

"Silence. You know what you've done, now you must pay. Any last words?"

The leader spits out the words as he steps forward, eyes narrowed with AK-47 raised. Frank shakes his head, while Gerard grins.

"You may have the world by storm in your heads and in your hearts, but sweetheart, we already have it in our pockets."

Frank laughs openly, Gerard's grin widens, and their eyes widen in anger.


The shout rings out from somewhere in the back, and the guns all go off at once. Pain floods their senses, and as all goes black, they are still in each other's arms.

They are still one.


A/N- Whoa. That was fucking weird. Please review. I'll love you forever, if you do. REVIEW!!!!!!!
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