Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Romance Is Dead

Chapter One

by rainydaykid13 5 reviews

Sequel to "The Music Or The Misery"

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-05-11 - Updated: 2007-05-11 - 284 words - Complete

Patrick walked into the house and dropped his bags.

"Dad!" Kendall shrieked, flinging her arms around him.

"Hey, Kendall!" he smiled.

"I missed you," she said, stepping back.

"I missed you, too, sweetie," he replied.

"Hey babe," Leah said, walking into the room and latching onto his arm as Kendall pretended to gag,"How was recording?"

"Great," he replied simply, kissing her neck.

"I'm so glad you're home, we can be together again," Leah said sexily as Kendall proceeded to gag and roll her eyes.

"Yeah, for the next week and a half."

Leah looked confused,"Week and a half?"

"Well, yeah. We have to go on tour to promote the album."

"Fine,"Leah sighed, annoyed.

"Dad, can I come along?" Kendall asked hopefully.

"Are you sure Leah doesn't want you to stay here and keep her company?"Patrick asked, looking from Kendall back to Leah.

"Oh, it's alright. We had a great time while you were gone, but she needs to spend some time with her daddy," Leah said, feigning kindness.

"Oh. Well I guess it's alright."

Kendall grinned as Patrick dragged his bags off to his room to unpack.

"/Oh we had a great time while you were gone/," Kendall mocked,"Liar."

"Brat," Leah spat instantly.

Kendall flipped her off.

Leah immediately clamped her hand over Kendall's, "Take it back," she said through gritted teeth.

"You're hurting me," Kendall said, trying to pull away.

"You hurt me, now take it back."


"I'll tell your dad not to let you go with him."

Kendall ripped her fist from Leah's grip, "Fine, I take it back."

Kendall turned and stalked angrily off down the hall, muttering incoherently under her breath as she went.
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