Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Unexpected Endeavors

Unexpected Kidnappings

by scottishfae 0 reviews

IYFG Nominee // An unexpected request rocks the shard hunting group when Kagome, mistakenly, agrees to the deal. Now the group must not only deal with the end of their quest but a moody Kagome, an ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Parody, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyo, Kirara, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Published: 2007-05-16 - Updated: 2007-05-17 - 2197 words

A/Ns: And here's the next chapter. I can't say I'm particularly proud of it. I think it may be a tad bit boring. So I apologize for that.


Chapter Five;


Rin watched as the people around her bustled about the village. Various people went about their jobs, shopping or selling, greeting each other with polite quips before continuing on with what they were doing before.

The little girl looked lost in the sea of people and, for the most part, the people around ignored her. Except for the woman standing next to her, holding on to her hand tightly as if she would be stolen away at any moment.

"Let's go, little girl," came the woman's voice.

Her tone seemed to be caring but her patience was running thin and the concern seemed force.

She tugged Rin forward, dragging her among the throngs of peoples to do some shopping.

"Good day Takahashi-san," an elderly man said.

He stood behind a stall of various vegetables, harvested from the fields surrounding the area. Takahashi Aiko stopped to greet the man and looked over his produce. The bag in her other hand was already stocked with a few other things from earlier booths visited.

"And who is this cute little girl?" the man asked.

Aiko sighed and forced a grin. "She's the little girl we saved from that youkai yesterday but it seems the trauma has done her some harm because she won't talk to anyone."

"She won't talk? Do you at least know her name?"

Aiko shook her head. "I suppose, since it seems she'll be adopted into our village, she'll be given a name soon."

The produce man nodded. "Well she seems like a sturdy young girl, if you need to send her to work, I'll be happy to take her in. I could use her in the fields."

"Thank you, Fuji-san. I'm sure she would be quite useful for you. I'll send her over tomorrow."

The old man nodded and grinned down at Rin.

The little girl pulled at the hand holding her in place but it only tightened further preventing her from running off. She whimpered a bit, wanting to return to her normal life. The sound brought the attention of both adults.

"What's wrong?" Aiko asked.

Rin bit her lip before replying quietly. "I want to return to Sesshomaru-sama."

Aiko's eyed widened. "Sesshomaru?" Fuji said behind him. "The Taiyoukai?"

The woman nodded.

"Why would she want to return to him?" he asked again.

"If you can speak, what is your name?" Aiko asked, a bit forceful.

"I want to go back to Sesshomaru-sama and Jaken and Ah-Un," Rin answered.

The woman holding her hand squeezed hard, making Rin flinch from the pain. "What is your name?"

Rin shook her head, her lips kept tightly together. "I want--"

"/Sesshomaru-sama/," Aiko finished, her tone filled with disgust. "I heard you the first time and could care less. You don't belong with that filthy demon--"

"I would reconsider who you would call filthy."

The marketplace stopped as every eye turned to focus on the tall, silver-haired youkai standing not but a few feet away from the produce stall. Two more youkai stood a few feet behind him.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Rin shouted.

The little girl managed to break free of Aiko's grasp and ran over to the Taiyoukai. She hugged him around his leg tightly. He patted her head before telling her to go with Jaken out of the village.

"You are this Takahashi Aiko that my retainer spoke of?" He spit her name out with utter contempt.

She nodded her head, straightening up from her earlier kneeled position.

"You, bitch, will learn your place," he said before turning to look at the rest of the village that had gathered around him.

A few of them had brought weapons, but that would help them not if Sesshomaru decided to attack. "For your punishment of kidnapping my ward and attacking my servant, the men of this village will be brought down river to build a structure to my specifications."

A murmur went through the crowd.

"And who says we'll listen to you?"

Sesshomaru turned to look at Aiko once again. "You shall do as I say or you shall die. There is no other choice."

The woman swallowed at the threat but she didn't back down. The Taiyoukai regarded this and then made his decision. "You, wench, will be required to perform a service to this Sesshomaru as well, since you were the instigator of said atrocities."

Aiko snorted. "As if I would lie with a youkai."

Sesshomaru just looked at her blankly, not allowing an emotion to be seen. "Do not presume that this Sesshomaru would touch a human wench such as yourself," he said. "You will report to the place I designate the week after the next new moon. There you will serve the new occupants of the home the men of this village will have built."

The woman looked to protest but was stopped. "If you do not show up, or if the men do not show up by this evening, I will come back to this miniscule village and show no mercy to the people living here."

With that, the imposing Taiyoukai left the village as abruptly as he appeared, leaving shocked and speechless.


Sesshomaru watched as the humans came stumbling down the path with tools in hand. Several youkai were there already, looking after the stocks of wood that had been brought earlier.

The wood the Taiyoukai had chosen was cut from one of the protected forests within his boundaries. The old trees grew strong and many of them were the offspring of the more powerful plant youkai. Even when cut down, these trees retained their youki, allowing Sesshomaru some amount of comfort knowing that if the hanyou failed at his duty to protect, then at least the house would provide suitable protection until he could arrive.

"Get a move on, you lousy humans," one of the bear youkai yelled.

Said humans jumped at the youkai's angry call. They hastened their steps but the caution in them was still very apparent. It made the few other youkai growl before turning back to their own tasks.

An older man, in his thirties, stopped in front of Sesshomaru and bowed. "We have come to help, as you requested of us. Please spare our village from any harm."

The Taiyoukai looked down on the man and then over to the youkai who had yelled earlier. He was a brawny male; short and stout, but with a great deal of strength. He was foul tempered and easily angered, but he was also reliable and precise. There was little doubt in the greater demon's mind that the bear would do the job assigned to him quickly and with the perfection that Sesshomaru demanded in every aspect of his life.

Kin stepped up to the bowing man and resisted snorting. "What's your name?"

"J-Jiro," the man answered.

"Well Jiro, seems like you're the spokesman of the group," he said. "You'll work directly under me."

Kin chuckled as the man swallowed nervously and nodded.

"The rest of you, line up."

The men, old and young, scurried to make a single file line. The bear youkai, under the observation of Sesshomaru, went down the line slowly, inspecting each man and appointing them to different positions.

Satisfied that things were going to go as planned, Sesshomaru turned from Kin and walked over to Jaken who was moping next to the water. The toad had been prostrating himself more than usual since Rin's loss.

The little girl had tried to comfort him but eventually she had left to play around the area.

"Jaken," Sesshomaru's deep baritone called out to him.

The toad looked up and fell to his knees. "L-Lord Sesshomaru! W-what must this lowly, pathetic, unworthy--"


The tone in the Taiyoukai's voice was enough to shut the other up. Satisfied with the silence, Sesshomaru continued: "I need you to fulfill an important task for this Sesshomaru."

"Yes, my Lord?"

The toad's expression had lifted, though fear and worry were still traceable in his eyes. Sesshomaru held out a scroll, sealed with a wax imprint of his family's crest. Jaken took it with both hands and cradled it to his small body.

"Take that to the miko Higurashi Kagome."

Jaken bowed, knowing better-for the moment-than to argue with his Lord's choice of bedmates.

"She can normally be found in the village next to Inuyasha's forest," he continued. "However, I have recently received word that my brother has taken his little pack off to the east. Take Ah-Un and go at once and track her down."

Jaken bowed and turned.

"And Jaken."

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru?" the toad said, twirling about again.

"Please tell Inuyasha to stop his foolishness and allow the miko to rest before the new moon," he said. "She will need to be ready."

"Yes, my Lord," Jaken said and scurried off towards Ah-Un.

Rin ran over and gave the toad a hug before his departure. Jaken squawked in disgust, but he did not push her away, Sesshomaru noted.

After watching the retainer fly away on the back of Ah-Un, Rin ran over to Sesshomaru.'

"What is it Rin?" he asked, not looking up from his surveying.

Rin smiled up at the man, looking out the same as he was. "Where is Jaken going?"

"He has an errand to run for me. He will be back soon."

"Oh," she said.

Sesshomaru waited. It was never too long before her curiosity got the best of her.

"What errand, Lord Sesshomaru?"

"He is delivering a message for me."

"Oh. Anything important?"

"Everything I do is important. I would not do it if it wasn't."

Rin smiled and attached herself to his leg. In some round about way, he had complimented her, though he had not done so intentionally. "Who is the message for? What did it say? Why did you send Jaken? Are you still mad at him?"

Several of the human men were glancing over at the display the Taiyoukai and the little girl were making: she clinging tightly to him, chattering away, and he looking disinterested and imposing.

"Jaken was in need of something to do, his behavior was below his.../age/."

Rin picked at Sesshomaru's pants, letting him know she was aware that he had skipped over some of her questions.

"I was never mad at Jaken," he said. "He tried to defend you, however poorly, and when aware of his weaknesses, he came to me immediately. His actions were correct."

"You should have given him a present," Rin said.

She smiled at the confused look he gave her. "Jaken did something good, so he deserves a reward."

She spoke in that logic only children could, as if everything they said made perfect sense and arguing it would be futile.

"I did reward him," Sesshomaru answered.

Rin looked up at him, confused.

"I did not kill him for losing you."

Kin snorted from across the way, obviously hearing the conversation. The Taiyoukai ignored the wrong and instead shot a look at the bear. Kin apologized for his eavesdropping, however unintentional, with a bow and turned to order some of the humans around.

"Lord Sesshomaru?"

"Rin let's go, it is time for you to find food."

He began to walk off, Rin following a few steps behind.

"Lord Sesshomaru?" She asked again.

He inclined his head slightly to let her know he had heard.

"Who were you sending a message to?"

"Higurashi Kagome."

"She's the lady you mentioned the other day. Who is she?"

"A miko," he said.

He could feel her confusion. "A woman who has agreed to help me with an important matter."

"Really? What is it?"

"She will bear me a son."

Rin stopped in her tracks. She looked at the Taiyoukai, her head cocked to the side. A frown marred her face. "A son?"

Sesshomaru nodded.

Rin chewed on her lips, worry taking over her mind.

"Rin," he called.

She looked up and saw that he had gotten quite a bit ahead of him. Pushing the thought to the back of her mind for a moment, she ran forward to catch up with the Taiyoukai, following him as they left to find food.


Words on Rin: I am taking a bit of a different stance on Rin's character. I'm basing it off common behavior of elder children when it comes to new siblings. It may seem a bit OOC for her, but we never got to see her in a role similar to this. So please bear with me. There is no romantic love between Sesshomaru and Rin, but there are some possessive qualities I'm exploring.

Words on Jaken: While I don't like love Jaken as a character or anything, I have to feel sorry for him within the fandom. He gets put through some horrible things. So don't expect a lot of Jaken bashing (or any character bashing really), because I have plans for him. Plans that don't involve him getting the stuffing kicked out of him.

Continued editing process, I think I got most of it. 05-09-07
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