Categories > Games > Final Fantasy X > Crossed Worlds

Sephiroth:The Mamas Boy

by Emzo-The-Emo 1 review

This my first story! I'm writing it down by hand in a copybook during school Enjoy^_^

Category: Final Fantasy X - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Humor - Characters: Lulu, Tidus, Wakka, Yuna, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-09 - Updated: 2007-05-09 - 222 words

Welcome to the FanFic: Crossed Worlds, by Emzo-the-Emo
It's a crossover with people from FFX, FFIX and FFVII
It's a FFX FanFic because it's set in Spira
Its done in dialogue
N.B I'm not an emo I'm just depressed ^_^

Chapter One: Sephiroth, the Mamas boy

A dark cave lit by a single candle. A young man with a masamune
and one wing stands next to some sort of pod thing.

Sephiroth: Soon this world shall be cleaned of impurities, Mother

For some reason he thinks the thing in the pod is his mother. I think it's a dude ^_^.

At the mouth of the cave another young man, with a buster sword and spiky blond hair stands silently. By his side is a red lion-like beast with a fiery tail.

Cloud: Thanks for coming Red
Red: No problem

He stretches

Red: This guy is kinda loopy don'tcha think?
Cloud: Yeah, I mean how can Jenova be his mother?
isn't it a dude?
Red: Can't really tell since it gots boobies

Cloud laughs

Cloud: Nice!

He goes in the cave

Cloud: Come on
Red: Gotcha

They walk in a few steps and hit a shiny thingy
And by hit I mean disappear

Cloud: Oh shit>_< Sephiroth walks up to the portal

Sephiroth:Thats wierd....
He shrugs and walks through

Coming soon!!!!!!Chapter 2!!!!!!!!!!
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