Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Things Were So Simple

chapter 5

by sweet_on_my_chem 4 reviews spoilers

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Other - Published: 2007-05-17 - Updated: 2007-05-18 - 849 words

I woke up to Gerard and Mikey's mom shaking me slightly
"Get up hunny" she whispered. I didn't want to get up, though I did.
"is it time for school already?"
"no" she stated with a smile
"then if you don't mind me asking why am I up?"
"well, I am going to take you to get you some new clothes" her smile was getting bigger
"what about school?" I ask in panic, I don't know why, just habit I guess. When ever my mom would let me miss school it either spelled trouble for me or her.
"I was going to let you skip, but if you want to..."
"No. no I don't want to I was just wondering..." I stopped before I said something I was going to regret
"good, and we need to pick out something nice for tonight" I just froze. He told her, its not that I mind. I just never thought Gerard would open up to his mom about something like that. "why don't you go jump in the shower, and we'll get going, okay. And if your hungry there are some ego's in the freezer. Im just going to go to the bank real quick" she said kissing me on the forehead
"thank you" I said almost bursting into tears, I wish my mom could have been like this. But why waist time on wishes, you cant change a person.
I go down stairs and opened the freezer. They had like 5 box's of different ego's. The regular ones, mini's, one's with maple syrup in them and strawberry and blueberry filled. I grabbed a blue berry filled one and threw it in the microwave. I sat down at the table and there was an envelope with "Jackie" written on it in big fancy letters. It had already been opened, so I just took what was in it out. It was a letter from Gerard.
Im really excited for tonight, pick something nice out with my mom. I want you to feel beautiful. And mom, if your reading this, which you probably are, Jackie and I are going bowling tonight so..." the microwave beeped and interrupted my reading. When I got the waffle looking thing it was soggy but I didn't care I was starving. I walked back to the table and sat down picked the letter up again and continued as I ate. "help her please. Well that's all I wanted to say, see you later.
P.s. love yah"
"aww" I said aloud dropping the blue jelly filled ego on it "fuck, now it's ruined" I yelled. I got some napkins cleaned up the mess and went up stairs to take a shower. I turned the hot water on and jumped right in. It felt so good, I wanted to stay in there forever. I washed my hair slowly, making sure to get all of the shampoo out, and then conditioned it. I grabbed a wash-clothe and lathered myself up, rinsing slowly. I grabbed a towel and dried off.
I threw on my pants, a T-shirt their mom was letting me borrow, and Mikey's hoodie. It was soo warm, it made me feel at home.
"Jackie, you ready?" I heard some one call up the stairs, I assumed it was their mom
"Yep, be right down" I yelled back taking one last glance of myself in the mirror, and ran down stairs
"where do you want to go hun?"
"I don't know, I've never really been shopping before. Well not to any nice stores"
"that's okay" she said as we hopped in the car

When we got home from the perfect day out. I was set back by about 10 miles. There he was just sitting there on the stoop. I couldn't breathe.
"What the fuck Jackie?" he asked "I got a call from you school, they said you weren't there again, didn't you learn last time?"
"who are you to scold me like that, you ass hole. You fucking kicked me out, left me to die. And yeah I did miss school today, what are you going to do about it? Your not my dad, hell your nothing to me, just a straight up FIIRST CLASS ASS HOLE" I screamed back
"if you ever fucking speak to me like that again..."
"you'll what?" I cut him off "slap me, go ahead. It'll only hurt for a day or two maybe not even, but you'll have to live with the guilt. And if you EVER lay another one of you FUCKING HANDS on me again, I'll call the cops" I stared him straight in the eye. I wasn't afraid of him. All he could do was hit me, like I've never had him hit me before, I can handle it. He grabbed my wrist and twisted it, making my bags fall, and dragged me away from the house. "NO! NO! NO!"I kept screaming. All the way back to that hell hole of a place I used to live in
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