Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Break Me.

We're suppose to be blood-sisters... Why am I on the floor crying?

by BenjisRiotGirl79 0 reviews

Katie fell to Her knees with Joel still holding onto her. Once Joel thought it was okay to let go, Katie stood Up and started walking for the exit, Only to be stopped by Benji.

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-05-21 - Updated: 2007-05-21 - 613 words

Katie's P.O.V

The doctor's wrapped my head up and took care of the wound.

I wanted to see if Maggie is alright.

Joel and Benji wanted to go with me but I wanted to talk to her about this incident alone.

I opened the door to find an empty bed.

There is only one place in this hospital that she would go... Kaleb's room, I walked until I found the room number that belonged to him.

That thing she calls her loved one.

So much for love. I opened the door to find Kaleb in his bed and Maggie next to him.

"What are you doing in here?" I whispered in anger. "She looked surprise.

"I needed to see if he was alright." Maggie said in shame.

"Ï could of told you that. Why do you come back to him?! HE PUT YOU AND MYSELF IN THE HOSPITAL!!!" I started to raise my voice a little but I stopped myself soon after.

"Katie! Kaleb is sleeping. Can we please talk about this later?!",
Maggie demanded in a soft but stern voice.

"No. We'll talk about it now outside or Kaleb here
Has a rude awakening, got it?" I waited for her to respond, but she just got up from where she was sitting and walked out the door.

I followed close behind.

Normal P.O.V

Immediately, Maggie jumped down Katie's throat, "Now, what the hell do you want?!"

Katie returned Maggie's fire, "What the hell do I want? What the hell do you want with a no good, beat down loser who has to get joy by beating his girlfriend?!" Maggie's face dropped, almost in disgust, "Who the hell are you to talk?" Katie glared at Maggie wondering what should come at her.

"What are you talking about?" Maggie threw her fists upon the nearest wall, "FUCK KATIE! You know damn well what I'm talking about. Shit, your dad hit you all the time. He almost KILLED
You and you have the nerve to talk shit. Your dad was a living, breathing example of a changed man."

"My father is different and has nothing to do with this, Maggie!", Katie said screaming inches away from Maggie's face.

Maggie pushed Katie away from her and said, "He changed,
Didn't he?" Katie couldn't stand it any longer. She pushed Maggie back and screamed,

"I said leave my Dad out of this, Maggie!"

"And...What if I don't. He's just like Kaleb. Admit it."
A clean slap was heard across Maggie's face.

Suddenly, Maggie threw a punch at Katie and she practically jumped on Maggie.

Both of the boys were watching the girls wrestle it out for a few seconds until they realized what was truly happening.

Benji swooshed down and grabbed Maggie by the biceps.

After Benji got a hold of Maggie, Joel grabbed Katie, who was still trying
to go for Maggie.

"You fucking bitch. Don't ever compare my loving father to that piece of useless shit.", Katie screamed still trying to fight Joel's grasp.

"People change Katie. Get it through your head! If you really believe people don't change, then your father died without a chance to prove himself." Katie brokedown in anger, fighting Joel off even harder.

Benji let go of his grip when Maggie threw her elbows into his torso.

She walked off towards Kaleb's door.

She paused, and looked down at Katie in disgust before walking in and closing the door behind her.

Katie fell to Her knees with Joel still holding onto her. Once Joel thought it was okay to let go, Katie stood Up and started walking for the exit, Only to be stopped by Benji.
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