Categories > Cartoons > Xiaolin Showdown > The line between good and chase

Entering the den

by momo_is_juicy 0 reviews

When the xiaolin monks lose a certain shen gong wu that shows the past,how far will kimiko go to keep hers a secret... super ultra Kimiko x Chase (chamiko?)

Category: Xiaolin Showdown - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Chase Young - Published: 2007-05-21 - Updated: 2007-11-17 - 516 words

Chapter One : Entering the den
note: let me just say: yay! this is my first fanfic so please go easy on me. sigh we go...
disclaimer: I do not own Xiaolin Showdown or any of it's charecters...i just think chase is reeeely hot!

Background Info: the xiaolin monks lost a new shen gong wu (called the Aiko Scepter) to chase young today. The wu is a large crystal ball atop a short yellow staff, when you look inside the orb it can show you anyones past.

I winced as a large rock made contact with the top of my foot in a painfull thunk. As much as I wanted to, I couldnt cry out. From what I already knew of chase Young, he probably already realized I was there...Still, I wouldnt take any chances. Regaining my composure, I quickly scaled the outer perimeter of his lair and lande noiselessly on the other side.
From where I stood, the mouth of the cave entrance seemed to glare down at me. I swallowed back my fear and continued toward the roughly carved tigers head.
To my left a rustle sounded, I froze reflexivley, I was surrounded. I fell into my fighting stance as the jungle cats appeared, like ghosts, from the shadows."Well well well..." A silken male voice mused "It seems I have a guest." My entire body tensed as chase young appeared before me, eyes gleaming. "And here I thought I'd surprise you."I cooed insolently, trying to keep my voice as flawlessy calm as his. He smiled then, Light and warm but still a bit devious.
"what brings you to my den?" he asked, circling me like a hungry panther. I squeezed my hands into fists to stop their shaking. "I'd like to propose a deal." my voice was becoming less shaky, and I was more than gratefull. He stopped in front of me and raised a brow "There are only two kinds of people who make deals with the devil, kimiko," his voice was seductive, teasing as he leaned in closer "which are you?" I didnt answer, I dont think he excpected me to, but met his eyes with the fiery will that had driven me here. He smirked, "welcome to my home." he purred and with that we vanished in a flash of light.
We reformed inside his palace,which I had only seen once or twice before. It amazed ne to find how tranquil the setting was. Cool towering waterfalls and white marble colums were something you'd excpect from olympus, not hades.
I stepped back and ordered myself to refocus on my goal."Thirsty?" Chase asked, bringing a bowl of steaming liquid (lao meng lone soup ) to his lips. I crossed my arms and glared at him "I'd rather just get this over with." I replied. He shrugged, unaffected by my biting tone and sighed "very well." We transported to another room. The room in which I would decide my fate.

Alright! Im done like dinner. how'd you like it?
please crush my dreams or glorify my hope!
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