Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Bury Me in Black

This would be the time for screaming and fainting........again

by NeverOkay 4 reviews

blah deeee blah I hate being sick.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-05-22 - Updated: 2007-05-23 - 1048 words

No notes from the author today. I am in a very bad mood. And also, if I don't make sense, I'm sick and kind of rambling and weird.

Somehow I knew I was unconscious. I was in a fuzzy state of mind where I didn't know where I was and didn't know why I was there, but for some reason, I was happy. It was a little scary. But I let my mind drift away, and somehow it found its way back to old memories of mine.
I remembered when I was 5 and desperately wanted a brown and white cocker spaniel puppy that I would name Snickers. The way my fantasies went, with pictures of me and Snickers romping across dew-covered, rolling grassy hills, it was pretty clear I had watched too many dog movies. But I begged and begged my mom to let me get the puppy that at last I think she got sick of my whines and said that she would go out to the animal shelter the next day. That night she came home with a box.
"Here," she said, thrusting it into my arms and walking away. I opened it eagerly, expecting to see my beloved Snickers. But instead, I caught a glimpse of a squirming ball of fur huddled in the corner of the cage. It was a cat, not a dog. Not Snickers. I stared into the box as a tear threatened to drip down my cheek, and eventually I let them fall, but later in the confines of my room.
For a while I wondered why Mommy hadn't known about my Snickers. I sure talked about the dog a lot for something that existed only in my dreams. Why hadn't she remembered what kind of pet I wanted? Now we had a bad tempered cat, that, as was apropos, loved my mom and hated me enough to decorate my arms with red scratches, many of which scarred. It was not until a few years later that I realized Mommy had enough on her mind not to care at all about me, basically if I lived or died. That night, just remembering it...... but that was enough. It was like my brain shut off and I couldn't think anymore. Instead my mind flashed forward to another memory.
With all the crying I did when I was younger, it didn't come as much of a surprise that I spent a lot of time in my room, crying into a pillow or tasting the tears as they wound a path down my cheek. I had always read in books about salty tears. But I discovered that, as much as I tasted them, the tears didn't taste salty to me. It was strange, how even growing up, I was unique.
As the memories faded away, I felt another sharp wave of pain wash over me. But it wasn't a screaming pain or a crying pain, it was more of a friendly wake-up jab. Well, maybe not friendly, but it definitely meant, "Get your eyes open and get off your lazy ass!" That's just how I took it. So I opened my eyes.

The first thing I noticed was the faces. All wearing similar masks of concern, all the same worried features. All the same faces that I had pinned up on my wall or looked at in glossy magazines. I almost fainted again. Around my bed/cot/futon/Ihadnoclue were Gerard Way, Mikey Way and Frank Iero. Only slightly farther was Ray Toro, sitting at a table, and Bob Bryar was drinking a Coke and walking over to where I lay.
Usually when I dreamed of meeting MCR, I usually hugged them all and broke out into an insane smile of shock. But I couldn't believe this was happening! I just sat in shock. Slowly I brought my right hand up to pinch my left forearm.
"Hey," Frank said, "Don't pinch yourself. We're real. I swear." He grinned and put a hand out to stop me. I almost fainted again. I couldn't believe I actually touched Frank Iero. Our hands brushed. If I was a fangirl, this would mean screaming, jumping up and down and swearing never to wash the hand again. But I still sat in shock.
This seemed to bring the rest of the band alive. "She's awake!" Mikey cried.
"Yes, idiot, she's awake." Frank said, rolling his eyes.
"Are you okay?" Gerard asked, his eyes full of concern.
"I, um..... I well, am I okay?" I asked them, thinking if there was a doctor, they would probably know more seeing I had up till a few minutes ago been unconscious.
"You actually don't have a fever," Gerard said. "That was kind of a stupid mistake by me."
"I made the same one," I said.
"Anyway," he went on, "the doctor thought you had jetlag combined with mild heatstroke and you just fainted from the exhaustion. Since it didn't look like you had a place to stay, we got your bags from that hotel and told the doctor that you were going to take you on the tour bus."
"I thought you were staying in the hotel!" I said. "Wow, I guess even dedicated fansites make mistakes."
Frank cocked his head to one side like a confused puppy and I couldn't help but laugh.
"I was following you," I explained. "I wanted to meet you all so I booked a room in the hotel and-"
Frank finally understood. "You got kicked out of you room too!" he said. "We thought we were the only ones."
"They kicked you out?" I gasped.
"Yeah. We didn't get an explanation either. So we decided to stay on the tour bus."
"But... but I can't I have to-"
"No," Gerard said, and gave me a shy smile. "You're staying here. On the tour bus. You wanted to meet us, right?"
"Wow..." I trailed off with a slightly crazy smile.
"Are you going to faint again?" Frank grinned.
"No." I said. "Definitely not."
"Good," Ray said. "Now tell us, how did you try to find us? Something about a fansite?"
So I told the whole story. I almost couldn't believe it! Sitting here, chatting with my favorite band in the universe. But my adventures were only beginning.
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