Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Boy With The Thorn In His Side


by rainydaykid13 6 reviews

Haunted once again by the nightmares of his childhood, Pete is beginning to fear that these twisted scenes may be more than figments of his imagination, that they may be trying to warn him of somet...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Horror, Romance - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2007-05-23 - Updated: 2007-05-23 - 767 words

I sit at the kitchenette the next night as the bus rolls on a highway out of Chicago, talking and laughing with Joe, Patrick, and Andy as we attempt a game of cards.

Suddenly my Sidekick begins to vibrate in my pocket.

"Hello?" I speak into the receiver.

"Is Rae there?" It's an unfamiliar male voice - lazy, muffled, distant.

I glance around the bus, "She's in the shower," I say quickly.

"Go get her."

" Who is this, anyway?"

"A friend."

"Who the hell is this?" I persist.

Instead of answering he hangs up.

"What was that?" Rae asks, walking into the room, pulling her wet hair into a low ponytail.

"Some guy wanting to talk to you," I explain,"He wouldn't give me his name. I don't know how he even got my number."

She grins.

"You know who it is?" Andy knits his brow in confusion.

"Maybe," she says.

"Who?" Patrick wonders.

"Just some guy I've been talking to."

The phone starts to vibrate once again on the polished wood table top.

I look from the Sidekick to the other people in the room before picking it up, "Hello?"

It's silent on the other end,"Hello?" I repeat.

"Give it to me," Rae says.

I hand it to her and she turns away, vanishing into the bunk room with my Sidekick.

The guys and I sit in awkward silence as Patrick shoots me a questioning look.

I just look away.

I've been acting strange since Rae joined us on the tour, but no one knows why.

Moments later the silence subsides as Rae strolls back into the common area.

"Who was that guy?" Joe asks.

"Nobody," she giggles.

"What do you mean 'nobody'?" I ask, arching my eyebrow.

"I mean I don't want to talk about it right now."

"Why, what's the big deal? Why can't you just tell me who the hell is calling you on my cell phone at ten-thirty at night?"

"Hey, can we just drop it? There is no big deal."

"Fine," I say, shuffling the cards once again.

An idea hits me,"Hey, um, Rae?" I ask.

She's sitting on the couch flipping through a People magazine, carefully inspecting a horoscope as if it were the Bible.

"Yeah?" she replies, flipping the page past a shampoo ad.

"Want a card reading?" I ask, hoping that maybe this could give me a bit of insight.

She looks up, giving me a questioning look,"You read cards?"

"My uncle taught me," I nod.

She shrugs,"Sure," she says, standing up and walking over to the table.

I feel four pairs of eyes boring into me as I shuffle the cards, handing them to Rae.

"Cut the deck into three piles an make a wish right before you make the third," I tell her.

She follows my instructions and I take seven cards from each of the piles to make one of my own.

"For yourself," I say placing the first card face down.

"For your family,"I say placing the second beside it.

I lay four more down and say their categories, all in a row:"For your wish. For what you expect. For what you don't expect. And for what's sure to come true."

She nods and watches intently.

I lay the rest of the cards on top of the others.

There are two cards left.

"And these are surprise cards," I say, placing them to the side.

I turn the wish pile over and find a nine of spades, a Jack of hearts, a two of clubs, and a three of spades, and feel the corners of my mouth turn to form a scowl.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

"You wished about a guy."

"How do you know?"

"A fair haired man next to the nine of spades," I point to the Jack of hearts.

"What's the nine of spades for?"

"Disappointment," I explain, "The two of clubs says you'll get asked out, but then you'll get let down."

"And the three?"

"That one stands for tears."


I set the wish pile aside, flipping it over so that it's face down again.

I pick up the what-you-don't-expect pile and reveal an ace of clubs, a five of clubs, and an ace of spades.

I feel my heart stop beating in my chest.


"Nothing," I quickly flip the pile back over, ignoring them.

"Just tell me what it means," she says persistently.

"Just be careful, OK?"

"Be careful?"

I can't answer her, I can't say the words, as though letting them escape my mouth will make it come true.
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