Categories > Anime/Manga > Battle Royale > Battle Royale 2: The Revenge

Who Says Family Has to Get Along

by Saijumi 0 reviews

The game has begun and now the students are getting revenge on each other.

Category: Battle Royale - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Horror - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2007-05-25 - Updated: 2007-05-25 - 514 words

Genji Uematsu (Male student no.17) and Megumi Tamaguchi (Female student no.17) found a nice hiding spot in a small grocery store. Genji was loading Megumi's sawed off shotgun, he had received a bullet proof vest which he gave to Megumi. Megumi was getting food items that they could quickly eat and didn't have to cook. The type of food that Genji had was rotten squid, he knew something was wrong when a strong smell hit him when he opened his bag. Megumi got some peanut butter, so that was kind of good and as promised on the video, they got water, two huge bottles each.

Megumi returned with cookies and potato chips. She then reached over in the freezer in the back of the store where they were to get some fruit drinks so they wouldn't use up the water. All the electricity was cut off so, the drinks were kind of warm. Genji quickly ate his meal because he hadn't eaten since breakfast and it had to be at least midnight. He then went to the front of the store to keep watch behind a counter, while Megumi finished her food. Man, she was a slow eater.

A few moments later two people wondered in the store and Genji appeared with his shot gun. The two held up their hands at the sound of the shotgun. Megumi appeared at the front with a flashlight and flashed it on the two figures. It was Sam Uematsu (Male student no.18) and Utada Toyokomi (Female student no.18). Sam was Genji cousin, he was Japanese-American. It was not clear about the relationship between the two, but from what everyone else could tell it wasn't good. Utada was part of the deliquent group of kids, she would usually only associate with older gang members, but she sometimes was seen with Yukimura's gang, there was even a rumor that they were going out. Utada was tall and skinny, like a model, which sometimes would fool her opponents. Sam was very average looking, he had tan skin and long brown hair, he got it from all the illegal American music he listened to. It would always cover his left eye.

"It's me," Sam said. "it's me and Utada. We don't want to fight, please don't shoot."

Megumi went over to the two and patted them down, she didn't feel anything on them so the two let them in.

"What do you have to eat?" Utada said.

Genji shrugged his shoulders and went to the back to get the leftovers, soon he heard gunshots and heard footsteps. He rushed to the front where Megumi was and found her lying on the floor. He turned her body over and whispered her name. She opened her eyes and soon got up to her feet. Megumi was playing possum and that meant that the bulletproof vest worked. Now Genji knew that he couldn't trust his cousin anymore, for Megumi's and his saftey. They then pack some food items, used the bathroom, and left the store looking to meet up with someone else.

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