Categories > Original > Drama > For The Love of Baseball

For The Love of Baseball

by kristencali09 0 reviews

For The Love of Baseball is a drama-filled series of the happenings in the highlife of superstars, and their wives and friends.

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-05-27 - Updated: 2007-05-27 - 418 words

FTLOB is set in Austrailia. It is a series about several couples and other singles living in the luxury of superstardom. The city is Sydney, the baseball team is the Sydney Sonics, the new up-and-coming squad hoping to win the Aussie Cup for the first time. But will the drama and the twists and turns in their lavish life take its toll. Read on and find out as the "episode" like chapters bring you something all new to FicWad.


Peter Ash- Peter is 23 and is the newest player on the squad, and one of the highest paid. He is currently dating supermodel Audria Kitchen. He is the son of Robert Ash, owner of AshCorps, the main sponsor of the Sonics.

James King- James is 34 and is the veteran on the Sonic squad. He is mourning over his dead wife, Lisa, who died 4 years prior. He has one son named Alex. James battles the press on rumors of his retirement and of his layoff.

Billy Rogers- Billy is 27 and is the MVP of the ABL. He lives a luxurious life and doesn't like to spend it with just one woman. He also has his own rumors of his affair with Jennifer Blair.

Tom Smith- Tom is 29 and is good friends with James. He has been married to Jennifer Blair for 2 years.

Audria Kitchen- Audria is 21 and is already one of the highest paid models in the world. Dating Peter Ash, she lives a party life, which seems to be too much for Peter at times.

Jennifer Blair- Jennifer is married to James King. Jennifer is an actress, who decided to keep her name. She hasn't been in a "good" movie in quite some time and the papers are very harsh on her promiscuous ways.

Barb Hope- Barb is the high end agent to the stars. She isn't affraid to speak her mind and often says too much. She always seems to get caught up in the drama.

Lauren McInturff- Lauren is 25 and works at a local bar. It is said that she has hooked up with a few of the players, but nothing can be set in stone.

Robert and Sheila Ash- They have been married for 40 years and Robert owns AshCorps, a business worth 500 million dollars.

Are you excited for the next installments? What do you think can happen with all of these wild personalities? It is all to come on the first "episode" of "For The Love of Baseball".

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