Categories > Original > Romance > Summer In The Sun

Friday Night

by PrincezzMaphia 1 review

All she wanted was a Summer job and maybe some Summer Romance. With it came the drama she wished to stay away from. No such luck but that was just how things were when you spent your Summer In The ...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-05-16 - Updated: 2007-05-17 - 3102 words

Chapter One

Friday Night

At the door, we don't wait, cause we know him

At the bar, six shots, just beginning

That's when dick head put his hands on me

But you see

I'm not here for your entertainment

You don't really wanna mess with me tonight

Just stop and take a second

I was fine before you walked into my life

Cause you know it's over

Before it began

Keep your drink, just give me the money

It's just you and your hand tonight

India's POV

The beach is always warm, even at night time. The hot sand is relaxing beneath my toes and it feels great. I have my girl Anastasia with me and we're ready for a good time, though we're in no rush. We're only on our way to Jordan's beach party, like so many other Friday night beach parties. A giggle to my right makes me smile, Ana and Dylan, her boyfriend of almost forever, are doing that cute little thing that couples do when they walk together. You know, walking side by side, holding each others hands and whispering sweet nothings in each others ears. Totally happy for them, I am, but I miss that. Having that one on one connection. Plus someone to snuggle with, wouldn't suck. Ah, well, the beach is in view and I can hear the faint sounds of music. I can't help but sway back and forth to the beat. "Music sets you free.", I can't remember who told me that but they were so right. So, so right. I look to my right to see Ana and Dylan already slow dancing, with a wink to the cute couple I run toward the crowd. They won't mind.

Everyone is dancing in crazy ways. I get close to the nearest guy and we grind it out to the latest jam, Kelly Rowland's /Like This/. The song is hot and this guy isn't too bad himself. Without turning around, I ask him his name.

"Jace.", he whispers, or at least that's how it sounds on the crowded beach. /Jace/, I like that, could even get used to it. My fingertips caress his abdomen just before I show him some of my more /sexual /dance moves, as if grinding on him wasn't enough. His reaction is exactly what I expect, every girl that's /ever /danced on a guy knows what I mean. He's getting a little stiff.

"Ok, Jace, I think you need to cool off." I say looking directly at his 'problem' and with a sultry wink I'm off, leaving him slightly embarrassed. I head back to the beach where there are only a few people, correction, couples. Making out under the stars. Dylan and Ana aren't out here in Make-out land. Watching my step, I tip over flushed bodies and make my way to the shore. Taking a seat just where the tide comes in, the sand feels amazing warm against my butt and the water refreshingly cool against my toes. I lay back on my elbows to watch the stars. When it's really dark out, they always look like a late-night fireworks show. I love it, I wish I could spend all night here. Too bad there is a party going on and I'd /hate /to be seen as /anti-social/. Heaving myself up off the ground is /not /an easy task. Never is once I'm completely comfortable. Ah, well, upsey daisy. With a guttural moan, which I hope is smothered by the moans of the couples passionately making out, I pick myself up and head back to the party. I have my eyes set on a tall, dark and handsome Jace. The beach is still crowded and the fact that Beyonce's /Upgrade U /is on doesn't help matters. The girls are full-on grinding on the guys and, from what I can tell, they're enjoying it.

I spot Jace at the bar with some bleach, or shall I say bottled?, blonde. Yeah, she's chatting him up real nice and he seems to be going for it. Boys, they will never learn. Being the feisty latina that I am, ok you caught me... half, I just turn on the charm and walk sexily over to him making sure to sway my hips, clad in denim shorts, to the beat. He doesn't notice me at first and that's ok because he will. I just know I'll have him all over me in a matter of seconds. My opening comes in the form of ranch dressing dripping from his forefinger. Swopping in, like an eagle to it's prey, my lips wrap around his finger no sooner than I'm standing in front of him. His eyes immediately move from her to me and I feel a smirk grace my features as she walks away in a huff.

"Nice to see you too." he says offering me a huge pretty-boy smile. If I was anyone else I might just get lost in it. Not to mention, those bedroom brown eyes. With a smile of my own I release his finger from my mouth and pull him toward the dance area. Amongst the masses we blend and it feels great. All those bodies rubbing up against each other. Like a dance orgy. Out of nowhere the DJ plays /With Love /by Hilary Duff. Some people are a bit stunned, as this is mostly an R&B set, but I'm not. This is one of my songs and I'm gonna let Jace know it. I dance my way to the middle of the crowd with Jace's body practically glued to me. I zone in on Hilary's moves, specifically the ones she does in the elevator. At times I press my body to his with no room to spare, until he starts to like it and then I push him away. his look of surprise is too cute and I take the time to dance into the crowd, subtly motioning with a nod of the head for him to follow me. It's the thrill of the chase and I'm glad he gets it. We dance the entire song this way, ending in a hot kiss, one I was reluctant to stop. This adds to things I could get lost in, the boy kissed like a God. Only one other boy I've ever known has kissed me that way. He was a God, back then anyway.

"India!" that happens to be my name, "India, over here!" I scan over and through the crowd a while before spotting a beautiful mixed girl with curly brown hair bouncing up and down. Think Corbie Bleu but longer. That's Ana, I know that hair anywhere.

"I'll return, Jace." I give him a lingering peck on the cheek and head toward my still bouncing friend. She reminds me of a fluffy bunny with ADHD. I push past the last person, whom wins the Scowl Of The Night award, and finally I'm standing in front of Anastasia. "You rang?" I ask in my most Lurch-like voice.

"Yeah, whatever." she waves me off, staring over my shoulder, as if that wasn't even funny. "You'll never guess who showed up." the painful look on her face has me wondering if I even want to try.

"Who?" curiosity always wins in these situations. Why fight it? Ana isn't giving up any info, she just keeps her eyes glued to /someone /over my shoulder. "Fine. I'll just have to..." /look for myself/, I was going to say but she cut me off.

"NO!" she shrieks and I'm sure my ears will never stop ringing. "Lets just... go home." she says too enthusiastically smiling over my shoulder.

"Big deal, much?" I ask as she covers her mouth and her eyes spring open. Once more I go to turn around but her hands fly from her face quicker than shit clears a church. "Oww Ana!" great, now I'm shrieking. Her eyes bug out, kind of like those rubber-ducky key-chains, and I can't take anymore. Pulling myself free of her grip I finally turn around. "I don't see what..." /the big deal is. /I'd wanted to say but my mouth wouldn't allow me to speak the words. Nothing but an intelligible "M-Ma-Max?" and a shudder.

"India?" his look of confusion must mirror my own. No way was I expecting to see him here and I'm sure he's thinking the same. Though I can hardly fathom why this Adonis of a man would be thinking about me. Especially after last month, when our much needed break, as he called it, turned into an ugly break up. Haven't seen him once, until now. He's in college so I have no idea why he's still coming to /High School /parties. "You look good." he says through the sexy smirk that used to drive me crazy.

"Thanks." moving a lock of slightly wet hair from my face may /look /flirtatious but it is NOT! I refuse for it to be. "Good to see you. Bye." I shrieked nervously and turned on my heel, rushing to grab Anastasia and pull her wherever I end up. I can't help smacking myself on the forehead, hard, because I just made a complete fool out of myself. Out of the corner of my eye I spot the bar and make a beeline for it, still pulling Anastasia along. I hate drinking but I did just have a throughly embarrassing moment and it calls for a drink.

"I'm gonna go find Dylan." says Anastasia as she wrenches her wrist from my hand.

"Right now?" is she seriously thinking of ditching me right now? /Right this very moment? /I nee a friend here, hello! "Really?"

"Well... you know." she nods to the drink in my hand and frowns. I get what she's saying but I /am /her /best friend/. We don't come around to often you know.

"Yeah, whatever. Shoo." I notice the unintended attitude in my voice seconds after she does. I hadn't entirely meant for it to come out like that.

"Fine!" she says through gritted teeth just before stomping off into the crowd, bouncy hair flopping faithfully behind her. That'll equal an apology but I'll get to that later. I tip the drink past my lips and it flows, effortlessly burning, down my throat. As I don't drink often, this drink immediately loosens me up so I can, once more, dance my way into the crowd. For now I'll forget my Max and Ana drama, I have to see a man about a dance. It's easy to spot him as I know what he has on. Blue board shorts and a skintight dark blue shirt. The girls were all over him, bees to honey if you will. Was is it I have to steal his attention a second time? Do the words '/I'll return/.' not mean just that anymore? Whatever though. I know how to steal him away, again. Rocking my hips to an oldy but goody, by crazy girl Britney Spears, /I'm A Slave For You. /Perfect 'to get a guy' song. Time to put this body to work. Baring my stomach whilst sexily moving my hips to the beat against another body, which happens to be female, gains the attention of all the guys. At almost the end of the song I make my way over to Jace whom, by now, is salivating. I grab him by his wet, tousled hair and bring him down to me just enough for a kiss but we don't kiss. I let my breath linger on his lips, my eyes lock on his and my body moves to a slow and sweet rhythm against his own. There only one look in his eyes, ecstasy and it is sweet. Through two more songs we dance our erotic dance and we would have kept on dancing had /the /song not come on.

Alexz Johnson's Don't You Dare had been our song. Max and I, that is. I can't help but think back to the first time we kissed, as I always do when this song comes on.

We were at my house in the backyard just talking and a sudden storm hit. He wanted to go in but I didn't. I loved the rain back then as much as I do now and he knew it. For some reason he stayed with me. When a huge bolt of lightning crashed just above the water, it shocked me into his arms. That is to say I jumped. He held me and for those few minutes I felt warm, like I'd never need heat as long as he was around. Our gazes met and it was like magic. I saw something in my friends eyes that I'd never seen from anyone. He wanted me and I could tell that he knew I wanted him too. I wrapped my arms around his soft neck and allowed his lips a soft entrance to my mouth. It was my first mind-blowing kiss and I'll never forget it.

Why does the DJ have to play this song? So what if the party is ending and it's time for all the '/sweethearts' /to dance. I can't take this. This song and Max being here all at the same time is too much for a girl to take. I turn from Jace and run. I have no idea where I'm going but anywhere is better than here. My sense of direction must be off because I ran dead-smack into the one person I wanted to avoid.

"Going somewhere?" Max whispered against my tilted head, send a tingling warmth over my body. I wanted to say /yes /but I couldn't, of course. That one syllable of a word wouldn't escape. Luckily my limbs weren't frozen as were my vocal cords. I nod up and down quickly, another embarrassing event, trying to push past him but he puts a stop to /that /too. looping his forefinger underneath my chin he easily tilts my face up toward his. That face, that other worldly handsome face, is ever so sweetly smirking down at me. "A dance for old times sake?"

"I'd love to." I whisper against his lips as my body shudders. His skilled fingers dig into my hips and a moan escapes my slightly parted lips. I remember those hands, so soft yet strong. God, I never realized I missed this so much. We slowly sway back and forth to the piano melody of our song. "I missed this." I say as I listen to his heartbeat. I remember just how it sounds. Boom, boom boom, boom, boom boom. He just chuckles and I feel it run through him.

"I did too." he finally says, kissing me lightly on the forehead. That simple romantic gesture has me smiling from ear to ear. This boy has no idea what he's doing to me. And then our songs stops, only to be covered up by the cheering of the crowd. Showing they've had a good time. Still he holds me. We just stand here because we would look like dorks if we continued to sway. Honestly. "You have any plans with the poster child for steroids?" I laugh at that because he's one to talk. Along with the face of a God he also inherited the beautifully chiseled body. Under his loosely fitted Abercrombie tee is muscle upon muscle. His faded jeans don't even begin to do him justice. Now I remember why this guy had been so hard to resist. What's bad is I can't remember why I was trying to hard.

"No, we were just dancing. How about you?" not that I was planning on going him, oh no! Well..... not without an invite. It has been a pretty long while since my last /great /snogging.

"Well I was gonna go out with the guys but now..." he tilts my face to meet his emerald gaze. " I'm not so sure." his eyes asked and my lips were eager to answer. His lips brushed mine as his eyes gazed intensely into my own. They shuttered to a close as his lips claimed mine and I was lost in a world of pleasure.

"Now there is a couple that's doing it /way /big this Summer!" I heard the DJ say and I felt hot spotlight being shined down on us. Never mind that Max and I weren't a couple! "Give it up for 'em ladies and gentleman!" there were cheers just as we stopped kissing. I couldn't help my blush as I saw just how many onlookers there were, including Jace. Max, however, found it easy to ignore them as he turned my attention to him once more.

"Back to what I'm doing tonight." said Max with a devilish grin. I know that grin and I don't like it. Not. At. All.

"Yeah, back to that." the uneasy feeling is settling itself in my stomach. I wanna volt but I can just hear him out, right?

"I was thinking you could..." he rolls his eyes obviously searching for the perfect word. ".../entertain /me tonight." he smirks. Hold the phone! Rewind. Play back. Did he really just say what I think he said? Entertain him! What am I, a circus clown or something?!

"Excuse me!" I yell, pushing him far away from me. I'm not here for your entertainment! It's just gonna be you and your hand tonight!" the entire crowd goes silent as they look on in shock. "I'll entertain you alright." I say vehemently, more to myself than anyone else. Marching up to him I can already feel my hand flying back and coming forward. And before I have a chance to think, it collides with his face. I wish I had gone for a smack but Damn that felt good. Some girls cheer, some guys boo but I don't give a damn. "How's that for entertainment, you bastard?" I grind out through teeth clenched shut. Max is too busy holding his face to answer. With a smirk of my own I turn and head for a shocked Ana and a smiling Dylan. Leaving him there for the crowd to gawk at.

...On To Chapter Two...

AN: The song, for any of you that DON'T know, is by Pink and it's so perfectly titled U + Ur Hand. If you liked it, loved it, hated it, let me know. Well... not if you hated it LOL. Really.

Kisses + Kudos
P.S. If you like this story enough to paste it somewhere be kind enough to let me know as the chracters and plot all belong to me.
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