Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Pretty in Punk

Chapter three

by AmbeeBabe 0 reviews


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-05-29 - Updated: 2007-05-29 - 512 words

Okay guys, here's chapter three! Thanks for the comments!

"Come on, Bren, I want you to meet my parents!" Amber pleaded to her boyfriend.

The bus had pulled up infront of Amber's house about 5 minutes earlier.

"Do I have to now? I need to make a phone call !"

Amber crossed her arms and sighed . "Brendon, Honey, I havn't seen my parents in 3 months! Sometimes I think you love that cell phone more than me! Who are you talking to anyway?"

Brendon thought for a second to come up with a good enough lie. "William."


"William Beckett , from The Academy is...We're thinking about doing a few songs together sometime soon,:

Amber nodded, seeming to believe him. "Well come in soon, okay Babe? I want you to meet them, you are my boyfriend after all." Amber said.

Brendon walked over to Amber and kissed her softly. " Okay Sweetie, I'll be in soon."

Amber turned and walked off of the bus. As soon as she left Brendon pulled out his cell phone and dialed Sarah's number.

"Hey Bren. I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Sarah, but I can't talk long. Amber is expecting me inside soon."

"You don't think she suspects anything, do you?" Sarah asked, worridly.

"Baby, she has no clue."

Amber leaned against the bus, tears streaming down her face. She had heard every word that Brendon had said to that slut.

"No...h-how could he do this to me? I thought he loved me." She whispered.

"Hey Amber, are you comming in?"

Amber looked up to see Pete.

"Whoa...are you okay?" Pete asked.

Amber shook her head, beginning to cry harder. Pete walked over to her and put his arms around her. "Whats wrong?"

"Brendon...he, he's cheating on me!?" Amber sobbed.

"Oh God, she knows." Pete thought. He held her close to him and let her cry on his shoulder for awhile.

Brendon walked to see the scene. "Baby...what's the matter?"

Amber stepped away from Pete and glared at Brendon. "Don't call me that, I'm not your baby!"

"Whoa, whats your problem?"

"Why don't you tell me? Better yet, why don't you ask Sarah." Amber shot back.

Brendon's eye's widened in shock. He had been caught, but maybe he could lie his way out of this . "Amber, baby, Sarah is no one, she's my sister!"

"Brendon! You don't have a sister! I'm so sick of these lies! It's over!" Amber yelled before turning to walk away. Brendon grabbed Amber's arm and gripped it roughly.

"Let go of me!" Amber exclaimed, but Brendon wouldn't release her.

"Don't you ever touch her again! Ever." Pete said, putting his arm around Amber's waist. "Come on Amber, lets go inside."

As soon as Amber walked inside she went downstairs to the basement, which was her bedroom. Pete tried to follow, but Amber stopped him. She wanted to be alone to sort out her thoughts.

Pete sighed and walked into the living room.

"What was that about?" Ryan asked.

"She knows."

Well, that was chapter three! I hope you liked it!
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