Categories > Books > Phantom of the Opera > Two Sides of Wicked

Unlikely Meeting

by Wickedmagic07 0 reviews

[POTO/Wicked crossover] Erik, having lost Christine, meets Elphaba in Paris as she searches the world for Fiyero. Eventual EE pairing. Reviews welcome! (This was also posted on

Category: Phantom of the Opera - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Erik, Raoul, Other - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-05-27 - Updated: 2007-05-27 - 200 words

Disclaimer: I don't own Phantom of the Opera or Wicked.
A/N: The characters are based on the performances of Gerard Butler in the 2004 Phantom of the Opera film, and Idina Menzel in the original Broadway performance of Wicked.

Two Sides of Wicked

The great and terrifying Phantom of the Opera now sat hunched in a wing-backed throne overlooking his underground lake. A liquor bottle had smashed to pieces on the stone floor beside him not two minutes earlier, but he didn't care. Through the haze created by an alcohol-induced stupor, his brain processed one thing:

She is gone...
She chose him...
She is gone...
But she will return...
She is gone...
I will bring her back.


Elphaba stared stonily out of the rain-pelted window, her cloak close about her shoulders. Tears would no longer come. She refused to believe he was dead. Elphaba turned away from the window, back to an enormous leather-bound book sprawled open on a desk. Denial is the first step, she reminded herself. The winds howled against the glass as she hissed a chant:

Eleka nahmen nahmen atum atum eleka nahmen...
Eleka nahmen nahmen atum atum eleka nahmen...

"I will find you, Fiyero!"
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