Categories > Original > Drama

Moving To Maryland

by brightblack 1 review

This is just a story I wrote because one of my friends told me I should. So yea I did.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-06-24 - Updated: 2007-06-24 - 4787 words - Complete

I'm in a car heading for a town I've only heard of because some stupid punk, or whatever they are, people have made it "famous" The town even has THE stupidest name ever... Waldorlf. I mean what kind of fucking name is that? Its extremely stupid if you ask me but my mom said she wanted "a big move to put the past behind us" BULLSHIT! See this is what happened. My mom found out something, I don't even know what she found out, about my dad and apparently it was something so terrible that is ruined their "perfect marriage" I guess their marriage wasn't so perfect after all. So anyways she found that out and my parents got a divorce and now I'm riding in a car to GAYASS, Maryland. I had to leave all my friends too. Which sucks royal ass even though with two of my friends I didn't spend that much time with them because one was obsessed with her boyfriend and the other was obsessed with horses. Then the only friend that I could actually stand moved so now I'm even farther away from her. Then I have another friend but "I'm not supposed to hang out with her" And to make it all worse I just got a boyfriend who's cute and funny and awesome and makes me feel incredible and I had to leave him! I hate it! I hate my life. I hate my mom and dad for making me leave. But now I'm stuck here in a gay ass car with my gay ass mom driving to a gay ass town in a gay ass state!! The only perk is I get to drive some of the way there. But right now Im not driving which sucks ass. And now I have to deal with gross gas station food. My mom gets out of the car and says, "Aren't you coming in Amy?" "And be around all that gross gas station food? No thanks" "Well I'm not going to leave you in this car alone so you are coming into the store with me!" "Fine!" I get out of the car and slam the door shut. "Dont you take that attitude with me" I just ignore here and go into the store. I walk over to where they are displaying food and there is something there that looks really nasty. The label says it's a fish taco but it looks more like an actual fish that is going to just jump off the table thing and attack me. My mom looked at the food and then decided to just grab some chips. As she brought it up to the counter I looked at the cashier and it look like the fish taco had started eating his face. Eww! Way nasty! We paid then started walking out of the store. I grab the bag of chips from my mom and see that they expired 3 years ago. "Mom these chips-" "I know Amy but I couldn't go in there then not buy anything." "Ok whatever" My mom gets in the driver's seat as I get in the passenger seat and she drives away. I'm just glad to put that scary place behind me. "Mom why can't I drive?" "Because you aren't nearly experienced enough. I don't want you driving on these kinds of roads" "Mom we haven't seen another fucking person for 50 god damn miles!" "I do not care who we've seen or how long it been since we last saw a person! You do NOT use those types of words! EVER!!" I fold my arms around my chest and get pissy. I look out the window at the absolute nothing that we are passing. My mom pulls off to the side of the road and gets out of the car. She comes around to my side and opens my door. "Get out of the car." "What?" "Get out of the car" I get out of the car and she gets in. She motions me to go to the other side of the car so I do. I get in the car and put my seatbelt on. I pull back on to the road and drive off. I drive for 50 miles then the deserted road turns into a freeway. "Ok Amy pull over I don't want you driving on the freeway I growl then pull off to the side of the road. My mom and I get out of the car and exchange seats. My mom pulls onto the freeway and I pull out my headphones and listen to some music. A few hours later my mom stops at a hotel. It's a shitty hotel but of course it is because my mom really doesn't give a shit anymore. I hate what's happened to her. It really fucking sucks. I just stand by the car, as my mom walks into the room "Well arent you coming in?" "Hell no! There is no way Im going to be sleeping in the same room as you" "Fine I don't care. But you really need to knock off that attitude and that swearing" "Whatever" I get back in the car and my mom slams the door of the hotel shut. I pull out my notebook and start writing but after about 15 minutes I get sick of it. I decide to call all my friends. First I will call Stacey. There was no answer at her house phone or her cell phone. I'll try to call Kyle. Once again no answer at her house or her cell. Fine I'll call Jennie. No answer on her cell. She doesn't have a house phone so I can't call that. Ok Lucy. I don't know her house phone number but there was no answer on her cell. Fine I'm going to call my boyfriend, Marty. I don't dare call his house phone because his mom is a total bitch but I'll call his cell. ~Ring, Ring~ "Hello?" O shit it's his mom "Hi is Marty there?" "Yes he is but he's sleeping. Who is this and why are you calling at 2 o clock in the morning?" "This is Amy and I called because I'm moving half way across the country and I thought MAYBE my boyfriend could make me feel better" "How? By having phone sex with you?" "You know what not every girl you son talks to he fucks. So you just need to stop being an over-controlling bitch and just let your son live his own god damn life" ~Click~ Oh my god she hung up on me. That mother-fucking bitch hung up on me! "Whatever" I toss my phone in the back of the car and pull out my laptop. Hopefully I'll be able to hook on to someone's wireless. Around 8 o' clock my mom finally came out of her hotel room with her bags. My mom gets in the car and starts to drive off. I pull out my cd player again and listen to Linkin Park as I slip into a dreamless sleep. I woke up to my mom shaking me. "What the hell do you want?" I ask sleepily and angrily. She woke me up. You never wake me up. I get very bitchy if you wake me up. "Amy I told you to know off that swearing of yours" "Whatever" I lay my head back against the door and start to go back to sleep when my mom says, "Amy I need to talk to you so don't you dare go back to sleep on me" "Fine!" I sit back up and put my headphones around my neck. "Amy when we get to Maryland there is going to be someone there to meet us" "Who?" I ask angrily and look at her. I am in a very bitchy mood because she woke me up and I bet I'll be in bitchy mood all day long "Just one of my guy friends from college" "Yea right" My mom shoots me the death glare and I just look out the window. "He's really nice I think you'll like him" "Ha I doubt it" "Amy I'm getting sick and tired of your attitude. Think of this as a positive move" I really don't feel like arguing right now so I'll just drop it "Ok fine whatever" "Thank you. Anyways my friend's name is Randy" I just sit there in silence. My mom realizes that I don't care so she just continues to drive. I wonder how long I was asleep. I look at the clock and it is 10:42. Wow I got a whole 2 and a half hours of sleep. Joy. My mom drives for a little while longer until she hears my stomach growling. "Are you hungry sweetie?" "I guess I am" "Ok" She pulls off the road and too an IHOP. I'm surprised she's actually taking us to a real restaurant. I got bacon, sausages, eggs, hash browns and pancakes. Everything was very delicious. We paid our bill and got back in the car. My mom drove for a while and finally we were in Maryland! The first city we drove by was Popes Creek. I swear Maryland has the stupidest names ever!!! We drive some more and I see more crazy names, Bel Alton, Port Tobacco Village, La Plata, and finally we end up in Saint Charles where my mom stops for the night. I don't think we are that far out of Waldorf. My mom stops at the hotel and guess who is there waiting for us, Randy and a kid who is around my age and butt ugly I might add. I would go along with the quote, "You're not an ugly person, you're a beautiful monkey" but he would even make an ugly monkey. I get out of the car as my mom runs up to Randy and do you know what she does? SHE KISSES HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My parents just barely got a fucking divorce and she's already kissing other guys!!!!!!!!! I can't believe her! Well after they were done with their little "make out session" I get introduced to the kid that is around my age and Randy. "Amy this is Randy and his son Caden, Randy, Caden this is my daughter Amy" "Hello Amy its very nice to meet you" He sticks out his hand and I just look at it. I look at his face and he pulls his hand back. I can't believe my mom didn't even tell me she had a boyfriend let alone a boyfriend with a son! "Ok I got a room so Janet you go get a room then we'll get settled in" My mom goes and gets a room and hands me the key afterwards. "Amy you and Caden go get your room while me and Randy go get ours." "What?!?!? You mean I have to share a room with someone I just met today?!?!?!?" "O Amy it won't be that bad" "Whatever" I snatch the key away from her and stomp off to go find my room. After I got to my room I noticed that mine and Cadens room are on the opposite side of the hotel then my mom's and Randy's. But now that I think about it more that might be a good thing. I open the door of the hotel and put my bag on my designated bed. Caden puts his bag by his bed, lays down on it and turns on the t.v. I grab one of the keys and start walking out the door and he says, "Where are you going?" "Why do you fucking care?" With that I turn around and shut the door. There is no way Im going to be getting any sleep tonight either. Im afraid Caden will rape me. EWWW!!! I start walking around the hotel, making sure to stay away from my mom's and Randy's room, just to kill time and for something to do because that is the only thing to do right now. I walk past some hotel rooms and I can hear a couple arguing. I don't know what they are arguing about but it must be something big because both people are screaming! I decide to walk on the road parking lot thing because I don't want to get hit by anything that might be flying out of the hotel room. I walk past this big pile of something rotting and I go look to see what it is and its CATS!! A big pile of cats!! I think there were about seven of them and it looks like someone had a little fun killing some cats. That is extremely disgusting. I quickly walk past them. I walk a little longer until I step on something. I pick it up and it's a little stuffed bunny. It's old and ratty and dirty and smells bad and it is also missing an eye but I think it's cute in all of its flaws. It actually reminds me of a little bear I used to have. My bear got burned in a fire. I was soo sad. I start walking back to my hotel room with the bunny in my hand and when I get there I put the key card thing in and open the door. "OH MY GOD!!!!" I quickly close the door. I just saw the most disturbing and disgusting site EVER!!! I just saw Caden watching porn and masturbating. I am utterly mortified. After about 5 minutes of just sitting there the door opens. "Hey Amy, I'm so sorry for that." "Dont worry about it" I walk past Caden and into the room. I sit on my bed and grab my notebook. Caden grabs the remote and says, "What do you want to watch?" "I dont care. I really won't be watching it. So choose whatever." "Ok" He changes the channel and I start writing. My notebook and my music are the only things that have kept me alive this trip. Caden watches a movie for about 10 minutes then falls asleep. I grab the remote, turn the t.v. off and continue writing. I write for about 50 minutes then I decide to go to bed. I look at Caden as I go to turn off the light. Caden actually doesn't seem that bad except for the fact that he's a horn dog. I turn off my light and slip into my covers holding that bunny I found. I wake up to pounding on the door. I get up and get the door and it's my mom. And she looks pissed! "Why the hell are you still sleeping?" "So it's ok for you to swear but not me? What's up with that?" "Do not change the subject on me Amy!" "Whatever" I shut the door and change. I go over to Caden and smack his leg. "Hey lazy ass get up!" "Why??" "Because we have to leave" "O fine!" I repack my bag and walk out of the room so Caden can change. I get in my car as my mom says goodbye to Randy. Well it is just a temporary goodbye. Randy gets in his truck with Caden and my mom gets in our car with me. We follow Randy for what seemed like an eternity but I know it wasn't that long. We finally get to Waldorf (I still hate that name) and follow Randy to our new house. Yay... NOT!! "Holy shit" "Amy!! I have told you time and time again-" "Mom look at this house" My mom looks at the house and says, "Holy shit" I can not believe how freaking huge this house is. It's incredible. My mom and I get out of our car as Randy and Caden get out of their truck. "Come on Amy. I'll show you your room. Caden grab some of Amy's bags" I follow Randy through the house door after he unlocks it. He takes me upstairs and goes to the second door on the right. "This will be your room Amy" "Oh goodie" I say sarcastically. I open the door and walk in. Caden comes in my room with two of my bags so now I have all four of my bags up in my room. I have to wait a while before the rest of my stuff gets here. The room is awesome. It has a huge king sized bed in it and I have my own bathroom. "Oh my god! There's a window seat." I go over to my window and sit on the window seat. I can see out across the street at other houses. So I will be able to see the sun rise/fall when it does. Thats awesome. I get off my seat and set up my room. The rest of the day was just kinda hectic. My mom and I were just trying to get everything set up so it took all day.
~F.F. 3 days~
"Honey I know you don't like being there but it wasn't my decision. It was the judges. I'm really sorry dear" "I just don't want to be here daddy. This town is so boring and mom doesn't even pay any attention to me anymore. All she cares about are Randy and Caden. She doesn't give a fuck about me!" "Honey I know you're upset but you don't need to swear" "Sorry dad" "Just give it some time and if it doesn't work out call me again and we'll see if we can get you back here to live with me" "I know it won't work out dad!! I can already tell that" "I think you should give it another week then decide" "Fine" "I got to go Sunshine but I will call later ok?" "Ok daddy" "K baby I love you" "Love you too daddy bye" "Bye" I hang up the phone and try to calm my crying a little but it doesn't work. I bury my face in my pillow and cry myself to sleep.
~F.F. 4 more days~
Just got back from walking around town with Randy, Caden and my mom. Randy and Caden were showing my mom and me the town. We went to my new school, which doesn't seem that bad but I just want to go back to my old school and old life. That will never happen. They also took us to go see a caf thing. That was pretty cool especially because there was a really hot guy working there. Just my type too. He had dark black hair and almost black eyes and a little muscle, which I think is sexy. But of course he was eyeing a big boobed blonde bimbo. I hate it when that happens because it means I have no chance in hell with him. Oh well I still have my boyfriend back home in Utah. In fact I think I might call him right now!! I dial his number and it rings about 2 times then he answers, "Hello?" "Hey Marty. It's me your girlfriend Amy" "Ohh Hey Amy" He says hesitantly. "Marty come on! We're going to the lake!" "Ok! Look Amy I got to go. I'm going to go hang out with my family at the lake" "Ok Ill just call you later" "Uhh I'm going to be camping at the lake for a week and we don't get any service there "Ooo uhh ok. Well then I guess I better let you go." "Yea bye Amy" "Bye Marty I love you" ~Click~ Well that didn't go exactly as I planned. I know that girl I heard in the background wasn't his mom or his sister because I've heard both of them talk and neither of them talk like that. Maybe it was his cousin or something... Yeah right. It was another freakin girl probably his girlfriend. He has already replaced me. Oh well his loss. I've decided something. I'm not going to be like I was back in Utah. I'm going to be outgoing and not a stupid freak. In fact I'm going to be more outgoing right now. I'm going to go get something pierced but what? My nose? Nah... My eyebrow... No. I GOT IT!! My lip!!! I think I have some money in my little keepsakes box. Yep I do. Now to forge a letter. Let's see I have to write something adult sounding and make sure they don't ask for my number. Ok I'm done. Here is what the letter says, "I, Janet, have given my daughter, Amy, permission to get her lip pierced. I apologize for not being present at the current time but I had a very important meeting to go to. If she cannot get her lip pierced because I am not there then send her home and I will go with her later. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Janet" Pretty damn good letter I think. I grab my money and the letter and climb out my window. It was a far drop seeing as my bedroom is on the second floor but I'm a strong girl so it didn't hurt that much. I start to walk to the tattoo and piercing place we passed when Caden and Randy were showing us around. I sure hope the guy or girl will accept my letter. I get to the place and he is about ready to close "Excuse my sir?" "Yes?" "Umm do you think I could get my lip pierced?" "Uhhh how old are you?" "Ummm I'm 16 but my mom sent me with this letter" I have him the letter and he reads it. "Ok since you have this I will get you your lip pierced. Follow me over here" I follow him and sit in a chair with a whole bunch of needles and crap around it. The guy washes his hand and puts on gloves. He grabs the needle and says; "Ok this will probably hurt a little or maybe a lot" I laugh a little then hold still so I can get it pierced. He sticks the needle in my lip and I wince a little. He gets done and hands me a mirror. I look at my new piercing and it looks so awesome "Oh my god I love it" "It does look pretty hot. I did good." I laugh slightly. He goes back behind the counter thing and grabs some stuff. "Ok you need to keep it clean and it might also be sore for a while. Probably a couple of days" He hands me the cleaning stuff and I pull out my money. "Ok I will clean it but how much do I owe you?" "Well originally it's 20 bucks but if you go out with me this Friday night I'll make it 10 bucks" "Seriously!?" He nods "Lets see go out with an extremely hot guy and I get a piercing for half price... Hell yea I'm down" The guy laughs and says, "Ok well meet me here this Friday at 7:00 K?" "Ok" "By the way my name's Dave" "Mine's Amy" "Yea I saw that" I look at him confused "The note" "O yea!" I feel like such a retard "K so here at 7?" "Here at 7" "Ok see ya later" "See ya" I feel like a complete moron but oh well I have a date this Friday with an extremely hot tattoo/piercing guy, I'm happy. I start heading home and realize that it is really late and I don't know this town at all. "Hey do you need a ride?" I look over to the road and see Dave in a black convertible. "Ummm yea" I walk around to the other side and get in "So where do you live?" "Ummm down this street a little. Ill point out my house" "Ok" He starts driving and there was one of those really annoying awkward silences. I really hate those "So I haven't seen you around here before, how come?" "I just moved here" "I see. Why did you move?" "Because I guess my dad did something really bad and so my parents got a divorce and my mom wanted 'A big move' to put the past behind us" "Oh well that just sucks" "Yea it does. That's my house right there" "That big one?!?" "Mmmhmm" "Holy shit you're loaded" He pulls into the driveway and I say, "Actually my mom just moved in with 'A guy friend' so we wouldn't have to find a place to live" "Oh. You like using those quotation marks huh?" "Only when I'm talking about my mom" "Don't like her much?" "Not currently. She made me move and leave all my friends behind and my life. Before now I've lived in the same house my whole life. Now I have to find a new life and deal with new people and I hate it but what sucks the most is I had to leave my dad. Me and him had the most amazing bond and I bet you are probably thinking well why didn't she stay with her dad and I would have but I was literally drug to my car that had all my shit in it" I wipe away the tears that have started to leak from my eyes. "I'm sorry. You probably think I'm some sort of freak who is emotionally unstable" I can't even look at him I'm so embarrassed. "I do not think that. I think you are a hot girl who happens to be stuck with a selfish mom." I can't believe my ears. I look over at him and he has the most sincere look on his face. I smile then look back down "Thanks" "Mmmhmm" "Well I better get going so I don't get in trouble" "Ok so I'll see you Friday?" "Yep see ya" I start to get out of the car then Dave says, "Wait!" I sit back down and he says, "Since you are having a hard time right now I think you need a hug. So come here" He holds out his arms and I receive my hug. I pull back and say, "Thanks Dave" "No problem, but just one question" "Hmm?" "That note was fake huh?" "Uhh yea... but it was pretty damn good though huh?" "Yea. Actually I thought it was real until you started talking about her" "Cool I did really good" He just laughs "See ya Dave" "Bye" I get out of his car and walk to my door. I open the door, walk in then just stand against the door and grin. "Hey Amy" "Oh hey mom" "What's that on your lip?" O shit I'm grounded. I'll just play it cool. "Ummm it's my new lip ring like it?" "Is it real?" "Uhh yea" Here it comes "You probably did it to rebel against me huh?" "Uhh... well... I... uhh..." "Amy I understand. I made you move a thousand miles away and leave your friends and your dad. It's ok you can keep it" "Really?" "Yea. I just have one question" "Oh and what's that?" "How exactly did you get it? Because you are underage" "Uhh I forged a letter and put your signature on it" "Wow I didn't know you were that intelligent and creative and that might sound mean but whatever" "O uhh thanks I guess" "Yep no problem sweetie" "Well I'm heading up to bed now" "Ok. Are you going to come with us tomorrow?" "Where you going?" "To this wonderful state park" "Uhh I don't think so" "Well that's two no's so I guess it's just you and me Randy" "Yep looks like it" "Night mom, night Randy" "Night sweetie" "Night Amy" I walk up to my room and lay down on my bed with a smile of content on my face. I slip into some pajamas, turn off my light and climb into bed. "Maybe this move wasn't so bad" Is what I said right before I feel into a dreamless sleep. I wake up around 3:00 AM to a loud crash and yelling. I get out of bed and run down the stairs. I stop at the bottom step right as Randy pulls a gun on my mom "NO!!!!!" Randy turns around and shoots me. The pain in my chest is unbearable. I collapse to the ground and just lie there. As I'm lying there I can faintly here Randy and Caden talking. "Dad I can't believe you did that again!!!" "I had too. Janet found out about the other one then Amy came running down the stairs and I... I just.... panicked" I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation because I slipped into a deep dark sleep... The End!
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