Categories > Original > Romance > In a Heartbeat

In a Heartbeat

by the_oddity 0 reviews

Robbie is a shy, average guy who's been single for the longest time. He doesn't believe in his friend Kevin's player ways. He is about to give up hope when he meets the new girl at school. Everythi...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-06-27 - Updated: 2007-06-28 - 1501 words

"That's her." Kevin pointed to a girl standing alone in the quad. Robbie was getting annoyed. "Who?" Kevin pointed again. "Her. The new girl." Robbie sighed and looked over the crowd.
She was beautiful. Even from across the quad, Robbie could see the sparkle in her dark brown eyes. Her black straight hair reached down to the small of her back and her small, slender body gave her a gentle and innocent look.
He focused his attention back on Kevin, who was grinning smugly back at him. Robbie rolled his eyes. "No." He walked past Kevin, heading for the front doors of the school. Kevin caught up with him quickly. They walked silently for about a minute. "Come on! What's the worst that could happen?" Kevin questioned. Robbie stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned around to face his best friend. He raised an eyebrow at him. Kevin looked down at the floor. "Robbie, it's our junior year. You haven't had a girlfriend since..." Robbie cut him off. "I'm perfectly fine with being single." Kevin looked back up. He shifted his weight and crossed his arms. "Really?" Robbie looked right back at him. "Really."
He took a few more steps and dialed the combination into his lock and opened the locker door. He started housing his textbooks on the shelves and got his things together for his first class. Kevin came up beside him. "You don't mean that." Robbie shut his locker and rested his forehead on the door. "Look, Kevin. I'm just not ready to get into a relationship right now." Kevin laughed and Robbie straightened up. "Who said anything about a relationship? We're talking about girls, not love," Kevin sneered. Robbie looked at the floor for a moment. He looked back up at Kevin. "Now that is sick," He said before stalking off to first period geometry.
Robbie met up with Kevin again at lunch. They sat at their usual table by the vending machines towards the back of the cafeteria. "Robbie, all I'm saying is that you should give the girl a chance. Long-term relationships aren't really my thing, but, hey, maybe they work out well for you." Kevin said as he unwrapped a sandwich. Robbie smiled. "Thanks for the effort, Kevin, but I think I'll wait for it to happen on its own." Kevin put down his lunch. "You can't be serious. With those looks, give it a week and I swear she'll be taken. Who's to say the lucky guy can't be you? If you want her, you have to go get her. You can't expect her to come to you. Step up a bit." Robbie stared blankly at his friend. "Just drop it, ok? I don't like the idea of treating this girl like an object. She's a person, same as you and me." Kevin picked up his sandwich again. "Fine, but if you want a shot at her, your chance is now. There she is, all alone, nowhere to sit. Oh, and trust me, every other single guy in this room is eyeing her right now. Maybe even some taken ones. Act fast."
Robbie took a few seconds to let this information sink in. He looked to where she stood. She looked back. Their eyes met for a few seconds before Robbie looked away. When he looked back up, she was smiling at him. He smiled back. He didn't think he had enough confidence for something as simple as that. But he had done it. Was it a sign? He pondered this for a moment. He wasn't sure he could do it. Robbie let himself wander his mind. He thought about what Kevin had told him. There was no way that Robbie was going to let himself mistreat her. But Kevin was right on a few things. She was beautiful. If he didn't act fast, someone else would. Robbie looked back at her. She was gone. She had found a seat, and it wasn't with him. He glanced up at the clock. Fifteen minutes had gone by. He had convinced himself. He wanted her. He started to get up so he could go talk to her. The bell rang. Maybe next time.
Robbie was completely unfocused through the next couple class periods. He couldn't stop thinking about the new girl. He couldn't believe that he was thinking about her so much. He didn't even know her name. He had to find out. He wanted to get to know her. He wanted to be with her. Robbie couldn't explain why his feelings for this girl were so strong when he hadn't even talked to her before.
After the last class period of the day, Robbie found himself hurrying to his locker. He had made up his mind somewhere between English and history that he was going to talk to her after school. He had to. He couldn't let her get away from him. Kevin came up beside Robbie. "What's the rush?" He asked. Robbie was quickly shoving books into his locker and grabbing new ones. "Can't talk now," Robbie said hastily without looking up. He slammed his locker shut and closed his bag before dashing down the hallway and out the door.
Kevin followed him outside. He found Robbie standing just outside the double-doors looking over the crowd of students on the quad. Kevin leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms. "I see," he droned. "See what?" Robbie asked without turning his attention over to Kevin. Kevin laughed. "You're looking for her." "What's your point?" Robbie still didn't look up. Kevin cleared his throat. "You like her." Robbie turned towards Kevin. "Found her," he said with a smile as he ran down the stairs.
Robbie slowed down as he got closer to her. She was about to get on the bus. Robbie quickened his pace to catch up to her and he grabbed her arm before she climbed on. He smiled at her. "Hi." She smiled back. "Hi," she said as she walked towards him. He let go of her arm. "The guy in the cafeteria, am I right?" she asked sweetly. "Well I prefer Robbie," he joked. She laughed. Robbie liked the sound of her laugh. "Sam," she said, holding out her hand. He shook it and smiled at her again.
"So how are things going your first day?" Robbie asked her. He couldn't believe he was staying so casual. "Pretty good, I guess. I got a little lost and no one our age talked to me, but other than that things were just perfect." Robbie raised an eyebrow at Sam. "No one?" She shook her head. He slid his hands into his pockets. "Well I guess not everyone in this school can be as nice as me," he said confidently. "Oh yeah?" she cooed. "I'm so nice that I'm even going to offer to show you around the school." Sam smiled at him. "Really?" Robbie smiled. "Of course. Why be hard on the new girl?" Sam smiled again. They just looked into each other's eyes for a while. Sam broke the silence. "Well, I'm free tomorrow after school." Robbie gasped jokingly. "No plans?" he asked sarcastically. She laughed. He seemed to be good at making her laugh. "Nope, new girl in town, remember? No friends yet." "Well I would be honored to be your first," he said with a hand on his chest. She laughed again. "I'd like that." By now the crowd of students had cleared out and the buses had left. "Well, since your bus left, allow me to give you a ride home." Robbie offered. Sam smiled. "I'd like that"
He led Sam to his black Nissan and opened the passenger door for her. During the car ride, Robbie started to get to know Sam. They talked about each other; to each other. Robbie found that Sam was even more amazing than he thought. She had only been living in Atlanta for three days and she already had a job at the animal shelter. Robbie decided to open up to her and told her that he wasn't popular, didn't play football, and did not have a rich father. He told her the truth: he was a shy, average guy with a job at Starbucks. Here comes the amazing part- Sam didn't care. She liked Robbie exactly as he was, and as you can imagine, this was a first for him.
Robbie pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine. He looked over at Sam. She was smiling at him. He smiled back. "You know, I honestly didn't think I was going to find someone like you on my first day." Sam said. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Robbie joked. Sam laughed. "Good. Trust me. Very good." They looked into each others' eyes for a while longer before she got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride, Robbie," she called. "No problem," he replied. She smiled again and shut the door.
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