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& Then You Threw Me Up Against The Wall; Who Said That It's Better To Have Loved & Lost; I Wish That I Had Never Loved At All.

by little_miss_screamo 0 reviews

I arise today through the strength of the heaven: Light of the sun, Radiance of the moon, Splendor of fire, Speed of lightning, Swiftness of wind, Depth of sea, Stability of earth, Firmness of rock.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2007-06-30 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 1502 words



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