Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Twisted Timeline

Chapter 02: Azkaban Breached

by madnesspersonified 4 reviews

Much to his displeasure, Harry is thrown back through time into his six year old body. As a result, Harry decides to contort the timeline, purely for his own amusement.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] [?] [V] - Published: 2007-07-04 - Updated: 2007-07-04 - 4608 words - Complete

Chapter Two: Azkaban Breached.

Harry crept around Diagon Alley, humming underneath his breath. He would not be surprised if Dumbledore had not found at that he had fled the premises of Number Four Privet Drive. Harry did not want to cause a disturbance that might alert Dumbledore of his whereabouts and send him back to the Dursleys. Harry greatly suspected that Dumbledore would have some rhetoric about keeping him safe and the first time around, Harry might have been inclined to believe that. However, that time had long since passed and Harry's view of the world differed from Dumbledore's greatly. For all of the reasons that Dumbledore could give Harry in returning to the Dursleys, Harry could give him reasons of his own to take that order and stick it directly where the sun didn't shine. Plus, Harry felt he was doing the Dursleys a big favor by leaving, because if they stayed under the same roof for too much longer, their lives would be significantly shortened.

After leaving from Gringotts, Harry picked up a few important items like some decent clothing that wasn't about four sizes too large for him, along with potions ingredients and a few select books about the subject that art of Potion brewing than Snape had ever managed to do in Harry's time at Hogwarts. If Harry had a better understanding in Potions, he would not have been in the situation he right now.

Harry moved forward on the last stop on his short trip to Diagon Alley, to obtain his wand. He pulled the hood of his cloak up, obscuring his face. His hair, eyes, and scar would be too much of a dead away to his identity. Pushing the door open, Harry walked into the dusty shop of Ollivander's. It was much like how Harry had remembered it the first time around, hundreds upon hundreds of wands on the shelves in every direction. Harry walked up to the front desk, the top of his head barely reaching it.

"Good afternoon Mr..." declared Ollivander, looking around, a bit confused. He was certain someone had walked into his shop, yet there appeared to be no one around. Ollivander began to wonder if the affects of old age were finally beginning to get the better of him.

"I'm down here," hissed a voice and Ollivander leapt with a start, before leaning over his desk and seeing the young boy who addressed him oddly. Something about this young land was strange and decidedly different than other children his age, but it wasn't up to Ollivander to figure out precisely what.

"Ah, Harry Potter, for some reason I didn't expect you to arrive at my shop for several years yet," replied Ollivander in a mysterious tone of voice.

"I go to all the trouble of disguising myself and you don't have the common decency of not blowing my identity to the world," said Harry in a hurt voice. "Well actually it took me approximately thirty seconds to disguise myself but still I'm quite frankly insulted and I hope the knowledge I was here will not spread to anyone else."

"Don't worry Mr. Potter, I won't tell a soul, living or otherwise" replied Ollivander. "Now if you could tell me what arm your wand arm is."

"Right," answered Harry curtly and Ollivander nodded as a magical tape measure made the necessary measurements and after a couple of moments, Ollivander walked over to the shelf and began handing wand after wand to Harry.

Harry waved each and every wand in the shop, getting a sickening feeling of Deja-Vu, as Ollivander seemed to get more and more excited with each passing wand that Harry used.

"Ah, yes, let us try this one, Holy and Phoenix Feather, Eleven Inches, nice and supple, give it a wave, would you Mr. Potter?" asked Ollivander and Harry began to wave the wand, but much to his surprise, Ollivander snatched it away. "No, surprisingly not, closest yet through, I was certain this would be the one but we will keep trying, we will get you a wand yet."

More wands were waved over the next thirty to forty minutes and Ollivander looked a bit surprised that he had yet to find a match.

"Stay put Mr. Potter, I will be right back," said Ollivander and he walked towards the back room of his shop. Harry looked around, all the wands in the main shop had been tried and none of them had fit, even the one Harry had used the first time around had yielded a negative.

"Mr. Potter, I believe you will be most satisfied with this wand," replied Ollivander, as he walked out of the back room, with a wand lying motionlessly on a pillow. "It is a wand I created years ago that can channel immense power but most wizards have trouble even touching it. I never thought a match would be found but after you went through every wand in this shop, I feel this has to be the one."

"And if it isn't?" asked Harry coolly.

"Then I will sell the shop and go join a Muggle nudist colony," replied Ollivander in a serious voice. "But, I have no reason to believe I am wrong on this occasion. Give the wand a wave."

Harry took the wand in his hand and Ollivander had a pleased expression on his face as Harry lifted the wand high. The wand illuminated with a nearly blinding light before sparks erupted from the wand, a tell tale sign that this was the one.

"Such power," muttered Harry in a low tone of voice.

"Quite, this is an experimental wand, with two different cores from two different animals," replied Ollivander calmly. "A dragon heartstring from a particularly lethal Hungarian Horntail and a phoenix feather from a newborn phoenix. Both are powerful cores standing alone but combined, the raw magical energy within has scary amounts of power but it takes quite the witch or wizard to use it, the power would be even more potent. I trust you will find uses for it Mr. Potter and do great things."

Harry nodded, trying to suppress the urge to burst out and laugh maniacally, imagining all the chaos he could cause with a wand this powerful. He couldn't wait to put it to good use and since he was technically not a student at Hogwarts yet, the Ministry of Magic couldn't bust him for using underage magic.

"That'd be seven galleons, Mr. Potter," concluded Ollivander and Harry hastened to pay the man before setting off, to a safe location before he proceeded to find a way and break Sirius out of Azkaban. Harry would worry about getting his hands on Wormtail later but he did not put it past the Ministry to order a Dementor to give his godfather the kiss. He would not put it past them to eliminate Sirius if Harry made any noise about his godfather being innocent. Rat hunting could wait until a bit later.

Just a short while everyone's favorite Death Eaters, Crabbe and Goyle were on the hunt for young Harry Potter. Now while most Death Eaters were acquitted by claiming they had been put under the Imperius Curse, Crabbe and Goyle had escaped on another technicality. They were ruled to be too stupid to carry out a plan that was more complex than tying their shoes and thus there could be no possible way they could be Death Eaters. The only reason why Voldemort kept them around was purely for his own perverse amusement, as even Dark Lords needed a laugh that wasn't strictly caused by the pain and suffering of their minions. Lucius Malfoy had remained acquaintances with them so he had a perfect scapegoat for his own misfortunes.

In any event, Crabbe and Goyle were on the hunt, as Lucius Malfoy had arrived at the Ministry of Magic to persuade them to allow him custody of the Meddling-Brat-Who-Knocked-Off-The-Dark-Lord, also known as Harry Potter.

"The boy is close, Crabbe, old chap, old buddy, old bean," replied Goyle. "I do say, that little rapscallion gave us the slip but we will have the last laugh. Lest we forget that Lucius warned us that a couple of common trolls. Good lord, that is such a sticky wicket, being on the bubble, chap, and being replaced by a couple of trolls. We are a pair of respected..."

Crabbe gave Goyle a blank look, stopping him in his tracks.

"Somewhat respected...oh well, we're purebloods at any rate, unless we count my great uncle's obsession with house elves, which I don't, and while we don't go back as many generations as Lucius, but we do have dashing good looks my dear fellow," said Goyle before giving a goofy grin that showed several yellow, rotting teeth. "But let us not waste much time, we need to regain track of Harry Potter or our jobs will be taken by a pair of trolls. Tally Ho!"

On the island that housed Azkaban prison, Harry Potter walked slowly through the fog, shivering involuntarily. Getting the island was not too much of a problem; it was just a matter of Apparating. According the blueprints, breaking into Azkaban would take a bit of time but shouldn't be too hard. The thing Harry worried about was breaking back out and getting Sirius off the island with both of their lives and souls intact. Sirius may have been an Animagus but Harry was most certainly not so he didn't have an iron clad way to get past Dementors, beyond a Patronus Charm, naturally. Harry didn't know if he had it in him to call upon a happy enough memory to drive off the Dementors in their own habitat. All the happiness was gone, filled with bitterness and rage. Quite frankly, Harry wanted to replace the memories of his first life with better memories of this one.

Still Harry wasn't going to admit defeat even with the odds against him. Impossible odds were not a valid excuse when there was a timeline to distort beyond all visible recognition. Harry studied the blue print one more time before moving around to get a fix on the weakest part of the wards in Azkaban.

At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in an unused classroom, the remnants of the Order of the Phoenix had met on short notice. They talked quietly, Dumbledore had told them to meet him on short notice and had stressed it was a matter of greatest urgency. The dozen or so people who remained in the Order muttered as Dumbledore walked into the classroom slowly, looking as if he had aged thirty years in the span of a few hours.

"Good evening everyone," declared Dumbledore in a tired voice. "I have called you all today for a colossal emergency involving one Harry Potter."

The members of the Order gasped, with the exception of Snape who just rolled his eyes in the back of his head.

"What did that brat do?" asked Snape calmly. "Throw a temper tantrum because he didn't get enough presents and run away from home."

"Harry ran away from his home, yes, but we are not sure of the cause," declared Dumbledore in a tired voice. "I do not need to stress to you that Harry must be found at all costs and returned to his legal guardians where he'd be safe."

"Exactly where are we to return Harry to, Albus?" asked Remus Lupin, in a casual voice. Dumbledore had never told Remus where Harry was sent after Lily and James were murdered by Voldemort. According to Dumbledore, it was for Harry's own safety but there had to have been some reason why Harry had run away from home.

"Now, Remus, we've been over this, Harry's location is confidential information that only a select few are privy to," said Dumbledore in a kind voice.

"I'll respect that for now Dumbledore, providing you did not send him to Lily's sister and her husband, as I did hear Lily and James inexplicitly tell you that Harry was not to be sent there under any circumstances," replied Remus calmly, as Dumbledore looked a bit uncomfortable for a split second but managed to look calmly.

"I did not send Harry anywhere that would put his life in grave danger," replied Dumbledore calmly. "He would be perfectly safe and he is no doubt lost and scared, having had a disagreement with his family. All families go through it from time to time and children due run away on occasion. It's nothing sinister I assure you. Now, I would like all of you to keep an eye out for Mr. Potter and do whatever you can to convince the boy to return to me."

The members of the Order of the Phoenix nodded, some more reluctant that others as they left. Dumbledore sat back with a tired look on his face. Dumbledore felt that it was crucial that Harry was returned to the Dursleys to get him where he needed to be when he returned the Wizarding World. There were times where the Headmaster wished that it had been different but Harry was the only one that could rid the world of Voldemort once and for all. Many had to die so others could live and Dumbledore was willing to use a young boy as a pawn to ensure the safety of the whole of Magical Britain.

Outside of the stone walls of Azkaban, Harry Potter crept around, jabbing his wand at the wards, attempting to break them down. He had been at this process for nearly a half of an hour and that particular section of the wards was close to breaking. A crunching noise echoed through Harry's ears as the ward contorted more and more until a large burst of magic blew Harry backwards. Harry pulled himself to his feet and he felt he had sliced through the wards. The magic around the prison would replicate itself within fifteen minutes, give or take a few seconds by Harry's calculations.

Harry twisted his arm, pointing directly at the wall of the prison, which looked to have a few magical reinforcements of its own; even through it was not as strong as the actual security wards around the prison.

"REDUCTO!" cried Harry, managing to blow a small hole through the wall of the prison, large enough for Harry to slip through.

Pushing himself through the hole, Harry ended up in the prison, before pulling out the blueprints of the prison to consult them. According to them, Harry would have to move three corridors down to the right before taking a left, and then slide down an incline before he reached the high security prisoners of Azkaban. Harry hoisted his wand in the air, ready to produce a Patronus at the first instance of trouble before moving as quickly as possible. As he moved closer to the high security prisoner wing, the air got colder, and the fog became thicker. Dementors were close but Harry wasn't quite sure where as they moved around the prison frequently, but there was always a couple dozen Dementors hanging around close to the high security prisoners.

At Malfoy Manor, Lucius Malfoy arrived home to grab his best cloak before arriving at the Ministry of Magic. He needed to give his monthly donation to charity at any rate so it would be a perfect time to let the Ministry know of his views about Harry Potter. Lucius was about ready to depart when a house elf popped into his bedroom chambers.

"Master Lucius, Dobby be sorry for the interruption but he be telling you that a Mister Sevvy Snape has popped into the Floo and he would like to have a word with Master Lucius, sir" replied Dobby in a hyperactive voice, bowing madly.

Lucius nodded his head coolly before turning to his house elf.

"Dobby, I'm afraid you did not bow low enough," replied Lucius in a bored voice.

Dobby's eyes widened before he snapped his fingers and a leather strap appeared in mid air in the house elf's hand.

"Bad Dobby, Bad Dobby!" chanted the house elf as he whipped himself with the strap much to the pleasure of his master.

Lucius walked down the hallway from his room to his sitting room before seeing the head of Severus Snape in the fire.

"Lucius, you asked me to inform you if something strange has happened," said Snape calmly. "Well, I thought you and perhaps your associates might find this information interesting."

"Proceed, Severus," replied Lucius.

"Harry Potter has apparently run away from home and the Headmaster does not know where the brat is," said Snape.

"I am aware of this, Severus, I spotted the boy in Diagon Alley and I have ordered Crabbe and Goyle to tail the boy, not to let him out of his sights," replied Lucius.

"You trusted Crabbe and Goyle to not bumble up an order more complex than breathing," replied Snape in a disbelieving voice. "One of them can't read and the other cannot talk. You would be well served in sending that house elf of yours to follow Potter instead."

"Dobby, that would be a worst idea than sending Crabbe and Goyle," replied Lucius. "The bloody elf worships Harry Potter. He would probably ask Potter for his autograph and blow the entire mission. And if I am to convince the Ministry to make Narcissa and me, Potter's new guardians, I don't need the boy running off because of a house elf."

"Potter's legal guardians," replied Snape slowly. "Lucius, why on earth would you want to adopt the spawn of James Potter?"

"I have my reasons, and if you knew how much the Potter family fortune was worth, you'd want to do so too," replied Lucius.

"The thought that I'd adopt a brat, especially a Potter, for whatever reason is even more ludicrous then those rumors about the Malfoys having veelas in their family line," replied Snape in acidly.

"Those foolish rumors, as if the Malfoy line is anything but pureblood and pure human," drawled Lucius in a disgusted voice. "I'll have unlimited influence thanks to all the money, and I'd be able to buy an army to cleanse the Wizarding World of Mudbloods and other filth. I will succeed where the Dark Lord ended up failing."

"The Dark Lord would remove your tongue if he heard you speaking such blasphemy," said Snape.

"Well, the Dark Lord unfortunately is no longer with us, so another will have to take up his noble crusade," said Lucius. "I trust I can count on you Severus."

"Of course Lucius and if I learn anything further from Dumbledore, the information will be passed along as soon as I receive it," replied Snape and with that, the head of Snape disappeared from the fire.

Lucius shook his head, amused slightly about how Snape couldn't put aside old grudges for the sake of financial gain. That was too bad for Snape and all too god for Lucius, as Severus Snape's loss would be Lucius Malfoy's gain on this night.

Back at Azkaban, Harry slid down the incline, before landing with a thud in a corridor that was obscured by fog. Harry felt weak and he pointed his wand forward, where a trio of Dementors was gliding towards him.

"Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts," muttered Harry as the Dementors glided closer, their rattling breath causing Harry's skin to chill. Harry raised his wand, shakily, he hoped this would work. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

A light Patronus blasted out of Harry's wands, not bad for something with no happy memories behind it. Harry needed to come up with something quick and he looked forward, at a large metal gate. Behind it there were several prisoners, muttering underneath their breaths.

"DIFFINDO!" yelled Harry, slicing the gate in half, allowing several of the prisoners to rise shakily to their feet and the Dementors moved in to subdue the prisoners. Harry knew that a few weak prisoners wouldn't deter Dementors for long so he ran down the hallway before lifting his wand into the air. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

Another patronus was blasted into the hallway; this one looked brighter and a bit more defined. The Dementors were stalled and Harry looked forward in the last cell at the end of the corridor, slightly cut off from everyone else in the prison. A grubby looking man with filthy looking black hair leaned against the wall, a slightly blank look in his eyes. Harry recognized the man at once as his godfather.

"Sirius," muttered Harry, pointing his wand over his shoulder as his Patronus seemed to fade. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

Another patronus and Harry clutched onto the wall to keep himself from collapsing. A six year old body wasn't meant to do that many spells. In fact, it wasn't mean to do any spells at all. Harry looked in the cell where Sirius had leaned against the wall.

"Sirius!" yelled Harry and the man's eyes flickered open in recognition.

"Who's there?" asked Sirius in a slightly slurred voice, the effects of around the clock exposure to Dementors apparent.

"No time for explanations, you need to change into your Animagus form now," declared Harry curtly, as his knees buckled and he clutched onto the bars of Sirius's cell to hang on.

"How do you know about..." started Sirius but Harry lifted his hand to silence him.

"Just do it, Sirius, you'll be able to leave this place," replied Harry. "Trust me."

Sirius closed his eyes and a black dog with grubby fur stood where he once stood. Harry looked up and it seemed the Dementors were closing in on Harry, one of them lowering the hood of its cloak.

"No, not this way," muttered Harry as he waved his wand frantically. "EXPECTO PATRONUM! SUPREMUS ATERRO INFLATUS!"

The first spell obviously sent a patronus which caused Harry to slump against the wall. The second spell sent a large jet of black light, blowing up the entire left side of the high security prison ward, knocking several prisoners backwards towards the icy waters below. The Dementors floated around, subduing those who still had not been knocked out of the prison from the blast.

"C'mon Sirius, there's only one way out of here, but it's rather...wet," replied Harry, rushing towards the edge of the blasted out wall and leaping downwards rather crudely towards the water. Sirius leapt down, splashing into the water. The two swam a little ways before reaching land. Without any hesitation, Harry apparated both himself and Sirius to a safe location, the last place anyone who knew Sirius would think to look.

The two had arrived outside of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. Harry shuddered, the place was more horrible then he had remembered. The shock of Apparation had turned Sirius back to his human form.

"KREACHER!" yelled Harry and the form of Kreacher the House Elf appeared, looking at Harry with a befuddled look."

"Kreacher wondered who called him and why Kreacher felt so compelled to arrive at his orders," replied Kreacher before looking down at the form of Sirius with contempt. "Is that the Blood Traitor, young mysterious master?"

"Yes, this is Sirius, I broke him out of Azkaban and I am ordering you to take him inside and allow him to recover," replied Harry. "Make sure no one from the Ministry of Magic finds him. Is that clear, Kreacher?"

"Yes, mysterious master who Kreacher has never seen before today but has a strong, compulsion to obey," replied Kreacher, bowing. "Mistress will be most displeased but..."

"Your Mistress is a painting and thus she doesn't have the ability to give you clothes as I do," said Harry coldly. "So, I suggest you do as I say or else."

"Right, mysterious master, sir, Kreacher is on it right away," yelped the house elf in a fearful voice as he took Sirius and popped inside the house.

Harry did wonder why he was able to boss Kreacher around. He suspected it had something to do with the fact that he inherited the elf from Sirius the first time around and the magic binding the house elf to Harry rolled over but whatever the reason, Harry wasn't going to look a gift house elf in the mouth.

Plus, it would allow Harry to gain some semblance of retribution for Kreacher leading Sirius to his death.

Around this time in a limousine in London, a well dressed gentleman with black hair that had slight hints of gray turned his neck to turn to his associate, an equally well dressed gentleman with light brown hair, with two of his fingers on his right hand missing.

"That's the boy we're looking for, Antonio," replied the man with the missing fingers, showing him a picture of one Harry Potter.

"The grandson of Boss Evans, a boy known as Harry Potter" replied Antonio Parzinno. "You sure that's him Knuckles."

"Crystal clear, a couple of our men saw Harry Potter earlier today in London but he seemed to vanish into thin air," declared the man known as Knuckles. "If I thought such a thing ain't possible, I would have thought it was some kind of hocus pocus magic."

"Never mind how he disappeared, we need to find him," replied Antonio. "It was a damn shame that Lily and her husband were iced before she could take her place as head of the family. Sweet little girl, used to make good lemonade for us when her father held meetings, but she had a temper to rival the boss. Ruthless but fair, was the old boss. Still we went five years without an Evans as head of the crime family and we need a leader, because our rival Boss Zabini and his mobsters are giving us trouble, they are trying to take over our turf and we can't beat them. It's almost like they are using magic to gain an upper hand."

"Didn't Boss Evans have another daughter besides Lily?" asked Knuckles.

"Yeah, but she decided to marry that Dursley goon, who Boss Evans did not approve of, so he disowned her shortly thereafter," replied Antonio. "A six year old may not be the best choice but it will present the chance to have a unified front and Boss Zabini might step off of us a little bit."

The two mobsters drove around London, continuing the search for the boy they hoped would agree to join their crime family.

Back in Grimmauld Place, Sirius Black's eyes opened and looked around frantically. He had a feeling he was under some kind of Dementor enhanced hallucination, making him relive the hell hole that he hoped to never return to.

"Excellent, you're awake, Sirius" said a voice and Sirius looked up, not believing his eyes. He thought the Dementors were really taunting him.

"James?" croaked Sirius before getting a hold of himself. This was a young boy, no older than six or seven years old. Plus his eyes were a different color.

Lily's eyes in fact. Sirius could scarcely believe it but he could think of no other explanation.

"Harry?" asked Sirius.

"In the flesh," replied Harry.

"How did you know who I was, I haven't seen you since..." replied Sirius before trailing off, softly. "What exactly is going on here? There is no way could have known all the stuff you have and besides, a child couldn't have broken into Azkaban. Hell, an adult can barely break into that place."

"It's a long story, and it begins with events that will no longer take place twenty years from now," began Harry.
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