Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Everlasting love

The journey

by xayurax 0 reviews

Deidara and Akemi had travelling through the trees for what felt like days on end until they found themselves a little temporary lovenest.But what happens in the lovenest?Read to find out.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Other - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-07-07 - Updated: 2007-07-07 - 550 words

Akemi and Deidara had been travelling through the trees for what seemed hours until they spoke again.

"So where are we going exactly?"Asked Akemi

"To the Akatsuki hideout."He replied not looking at her as he went."We have got about another two and a half more days left before we reach it yeah."

Night started to fall slowly yet the pair were still going.Another hour had passed until Deidara started to slow down and gradually stop.He could see that Akemi was tired and instead of carrying on found them a place to stay the night.

It was a sort of cave with enough room for about six people to sleep in.Deidara lay down.Akemi still stood quite still.

"Come on then,yeah.Lie down."Deidara said

Akemi agreed and lay down about two feet away from him shivering from the cold.Deidara noticed this and wriggled closer putting his cloak and arms around her.She took advantage and snuggleed in closer to him until their torsos were touching.

They slept like that all night never breaking apart once from each other like they were stuck together with superglue.

Morning came and they were still unseperated.Deidara took his arms around from Akemi,who awoke a short while after him,and streched.

Akemi sat up and yawned.Her body warm from the heat of Deidara's.
She had a sudden thought.In a sence,she had just slept with him.

Deidara stood up.

"Just going to the find something for us to eat yeah."

"Erm,ok."She said."Do you want any help?"

"Nah,i'll be ok on my own,you get yourself sorted out yeah."

She agreed and took out her hairbrush from her pouch.Akemi gently started to brush it through her hair.

About twenty minutes later,Diedara emergad from the trees clutching a few bunches of different types of berries.

Akemi had finished getting ready only shortly before he appeared again.

Deidara handed her a bunch of black berries and a bunch of raspberries.They ate in silence until Deidara broke it.

"Are you like,sure about what your doing,you know.Coming with me and stuff yeah."

She took a few seconds before answering.

"Why?Do you because i don't know myself."

He looked at her with no apparent emotion on his face.This time it was his turn.He leaned over her pushing her on her back onto the floor.Gently he started to kiss her neck,rarely coming up up for breath.

He moved his position so he was directly on top of her and started to kiss her again,but on her lips this time.Their tounges intertwined in the middle.Deidara could see Akemi was recieving great pleasure from this and ran his hands along her thighs.

After about five minutes of kissing Deidara got up and sat back down next to her in a normal position.Reffering back to the question he had asked her earlier he said,


Akemi looking flustered crawled over to him and pushed him back down the way he had done to her.She lay on top of him and placed her lips next to his left ear.

"I don't think so"She said as she slid her hands down his chest
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