Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > One Step Forward, One Step Back

Chapter Ten - Today, I saw the sky fall

by Tarah-Jane__ 1 review


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-07-17 - Updated: 2007-07-18 - 1048 words

2 years later.

I stalked the streets. I was the strongest vampire out there. Everybody knew about me, everybody was scared, of me.
William had wiped out my memory of the past, he told me it was causing me so much pain that he had to wipe out my memory. I don't know my past anymore all I know is a vampire and living my life with William. Hunters were becoming more confident and also went through the streets, looking for us, to kill us. I was at what we called Section C tonight, my senses were brilliant so I laid down on my stomach on top of a starbucks, head in hands I peered over the edge and into the streets. I was watching groups of kids, care free, enjoying life hang around out front of starbucks for a while then slowly walked away. I would kill to have a care free moment like that. It seemed like a quiet night tonight, I closed my eye's trying to remember anything of my past at all. Nothing.
I heard a scream, not a help me Im in trouble scream, but a playful one. I heard laughter then and someone saying something. I wasn't concentrating on it enough to find out what they were saying. I sat up a bit when I saw a shadow of a group of people coming down the road. There was four boys and one girl.
They were all having fun except on, he had his hands shoved in his pockets, every time they past an alley his head would shoot up and look down it and around, looking for something, but never finding it. They came straight for the Starbucks I was on. As the lights hit there faces something happened. It was strange I can't say what it was only a flashback.

"No stop!" I screamed through fits of giggles.
"Haha you love it" A mans voice said

His voice and face was blurred or something I couldn't quite register him.
I looked back down at the group, they seemed to have stopped and were standing there in an awkward silence.
One coughed.
"Lets uh go home" He said. They all nodded and walked back down the street in silence. His voice triggered something in me that I couldn't quite pick. I shook my head and laid back down. I noticed some people hiding out in the shadows near an alley, I watched them intently waiting for any signs that they were hunters. The I saw it, one of them dropped a steak. Idiottttttttt.
I jumped down and sauntered over, my partner was Brendon that night he too started over. From a distance you wouldn't know we were vampires, so they didn't react, then they saw our eye's, the fangs, the power in our stride. They totally freaked as we quickly moved in on them. I grabbed one by the shoulders.
"What were you doing?" I asked as I he struggled against my grip.
"n-n-n-nothing" he stammered.
"Nothing?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He nodded furiously.
"Honest to god im only eighteen this was a dare I didn't want to do it I never wanted to hurt you or any other vamp honest please don't hurt me" He started crying. I looked over at Brendon. He shrugged his shoulders as he held onto the other boy. I turned and looked this kid straight in the eye's.
"What's your name kid?" I said loosening my grip so he could relax a bit.
"p-p-peter" he stammered. The name made my heart leap. I clutched my chest for a second then gathered myself up, standing up straight I shoved the kid into the wall most probably breaking something.
"Keep out of business that doesn't concern you" all I could hear is his whimpering as I walked away. I went back to the starbucks and sat down on top of the building. I heard footsteps behind me. Brendon.
He came up and sat next to me.
"Your remembering aren't you" he said looking out over the streets.
"What do you mean" i replied. He snickered a bit.
"I mean, your remembering your past don't you, before William wiped out your memory, your remember all those times. Do you want to remember?" He asked looking at me. I glanced at him then looked down at my shoes.
"Well yes and no, I want to know the person I was then, the people I used to hang around with, what it was like to have a normal life that isn't a vampire you know. But part of me tells me that knowing it hurts too much and that it's safe to just walk away from it. Idunno"
I fiddled with the clip of my boot, they were knee high and had clips down them.
Brendon just nodded.
"You wanna take a chance?" He said looking at me curiously.
"Chance? What do you mean" I said looking at him confused.
"I mean, I know part of that old life. I know the people you hung with and where they are. You wanna take a chance and go take a look" He said looking over the streets again.
My heart stopped and my mouth dropped.
"You'd do that?" I said getting excited. He just smiled "Cause you're my best friend here" He stood up and I followed.
"Lets go" He started towards the side of the building and dropped, I followed. We started walking down the streets, head down mouths clamped shut. We entered a suburban area where it was a little darker, we walked casually around. Brendon led me down another street. It started looking so familiar and I looked at it all with great interest. The he stopped and turned down a driveway. I was frozen at the end looking at the house, the smell coming from the house. It hit home and I felt a longing pain to walk in there and be with those people.
Brendon had crept up to a window and looked in, he turned and waved me over. I crept low and peered into the window. My heart stopped.

soooo sorry this is late, my computer decided to hate me.
Thanks for the reviews guys, big thanks to fobgal your awesome.
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