Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > An Unexpected Birthday Present

Can We Take This Chance

by awe-or-sympathy 0 reviews

A fan's golden birthday turns out to be more than she ever imagined when she attends a concert for Panic! At the Disco.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-07-18 - Updated: 2007-07-19 - 945 words

Amanda's POV
It seemed like hours I had been standing there, waiting for something to happen. I wouldn't budge. If I spoke, there was a good chance I would either burst out into tears or turn around and yell out question at him. Either of the two wouldn't be good. He would have to do something about it just as much as I would.
As I thought, I knew that it wasn't entirely my fault. He had shown the signs to. So I came to a few conclusions: He either liked me like that or was using me. Those two seemed the most logical, but I didn't understand either of them. I mean, he had seemed like a nice guy to begin with, like I'd hoped he was before I even met him, so the second choice didn't follow through with that, and the other was just too much for me to comprehend. We hadn't known each other for more than five minutes, and if we both liked each other and were on the brink of kissing in that short amount of time, things were moving way too fast.

So maybe that was another conclusion, or maybe I was trying to analyze the situation too much.
I wouldn't have been over-thinking the whole thing if he would've said something to me. And on that thought, I began to feel angry toward him. I didn't know what the hell he was doing back there anyway.
Eventually, I turned my head, seeing him out of one eye as he stared at the ground. While I was almost sure he wasn't looking, I quickly reached down and grabbed the pick with my right hand. With the other, I loosened my grip on the neck of the guitar and pushed my fingers between frets again, only this time, I knew what I was doing.

I played the only song I knew: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.

I had failed to mention that a few years back, I had taken guitar lessons, and such was one of the only melodies I kept stored away in my head. As I moved my fingers faster, it reminded me of when I played my flute. Something about moving me fingers that fast and hearing the right notes followed it gave me an absent enjoyment out of the entire thing. All the while, I didn't look up once. Not at the ground, not at the wall in front of me, and certainly not behind me. My eyes were glued to the guitar, not caring that the notes sounded somewhat scratchy from my lack of experience. I just played all that I knew and repeated it once it was over, wondering if it would be enough to break the silence between Ryan and myself.

Ryan's POV
Hectic thoughts raced through my mind as the silence continued on. I had no clue what she was thinking. It was making me nervous, giving the thoughts more reason to remain inside my head. A few times, I felt like reaching out and asking her some random question that I knew I wanted to ask her. By the time the silence was broken, I had the chance to think through just about everything. The main thing I had come to find was that I was still unsure of myself. Maybe in time we could get to know one another and actually be able to kiss, but I hardly knew anything about her. What if I didn't like anything about her? What if she didn't like me?

I started to feel almost like an early teenager again with these thoughts circulating around inside of me until they had been settled. Still, I knew what the one answer to all my questions was: we would have both wasted that wonderful moment we had shared. I didn't want that, regardless if I knew her or not. Hell, that was what meeting people was all about: taking the chance. When I looked back up at her, I knew that it was time to take mine.

My lips parted, about to ask her one of my numerous questions, when all of the sudden she started playing the guitar. That sparked a new, but shorter train of thought. She had lead me to believe that she couldn't play, so did she lie to me? It didn't make sense. She seemed like a nice, fairly good-natured girl to start, so I let my mind straighten out on that fact as I listened to her play the soft melody.
There was a short pause when the song ended, and I collected my thoughts again, about to explain myself to her.


She must not have heard me, because she started playing again. I spoke a little louder, not wanting to hide behind her anymore. "Amanda!"

The playing stopped short right there. I watched her jump slightly at the sound of my voice, then whip herself around, guitar and all, nearly tripping over the cord. Once she had her balanced, she stood straight up and stared at me. I could sense how she had taken the entire thing just by the look on her face. Her eyes were big, not widened in shock, but just larger than normal as they stared at me, a small frown upon her lips.


The loss of words couldn't have come at a worse time. What was I going to say to her again? A few seconds ago, I had had it all planned out in my head, but it had vanished, leaving me with nothing to say but what I could think of off the top of my empty head.

"I'm sorry..."
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