Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Dark Side Of An Angel

Fall To Earth

by DemonGuitar 7 reviews

Frank's an angel that was sent to earth and meets Gerard and Mikey, but bad thing is... Mikey's a demon, and Mikey no likey Frankie.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-07-19 - Updated: 2007-07-20 - 752 words

Yep, Frank's an angel, Mikey's a demon and Gerard is just... confused. And in the story Frank is 18, Gerard is 21 and Mikey is 19 I guess.

Frank's Point Of View

" But from all the stories I've been told, Earth can't be that great" I whined again, walking along with Bobby, one of the only other angels that wasn't as old as dirt its self, " But if he picks you to go to earth, that means he see potential." This is what annoyed me about the older angels, they knew too much, " All I'm saying is that, if you're chosen to go down to earth, then you're meant to do something." He finished. I sighed deeply, " Alright, I guess I get it. See you when I'm done then" I smiled, as we hugged and went out separate ways.

" Well that was rather violent and uncalled for, couldn't I have flown or something?" I asked looking up at the sky and getting no response. I started to pull myself up from the ground of some desolate alley. I heard a few loud voices from outside the alley and hid by the wall until I realized it was people, " Oh yeah.. people can still talk" I said to myself as they got closer, how could I explain being here when I don't even know where here is? I then bumped into a metal container and fell over, " Ow.. Pain." I whined

Gerard's Point Of View

" Mikes why the fuck are you walking sideways?" I slurred as my younger brother pulled me out of the bar and down the street, " I'm not walking sideways, dude. You're just shitfaced" He growled. " Not completely! Only had three bottles of whiskey.. and.. two of vodka, okay fine" I gave up. While we continued there was a crash and a quiet, " Ow.. Pain." and then nothing but feet shuffling. I let go of Mikey and turned down the alley, " Gerard! Come on lets just go, its probably just some junkie!" He said nervously. I continued down until I saw someone who stood out in contrast to the rest of the dingy city, His light jeans and red t-shirt were perfectly clean and pressed, a few wrinkles I would assume from the fall, " Hello? Um.. are you okay?" I tried to hide my drunkenness as he turned around looked almost shocked that I was talking to him. His golden eyes looked up at me in innocence, almost as if he was an angel.

" Well, um.. Yeah I guess. Just this metal um" " Trash can?" I offered and he nodded, " Yeah, it kinda ran into me." He giggled a little and tired to pick it back up, but gave up after a few seconds of trying. " What are you doing down here in this part of town anyway?" I asked, ignored my brothers sounds of almost agony as he really didn't want to be here. " Um.. I really don't know, actually. Where is here, if I may ask?" He said, moving out of the alley and almost passed me before he saw Mikey and got a look of fear and hissed something under his breath in some weird language. " New Jersey, do you need a ride somewhere?" I asked ignoring him and Mikey's stare down. " Gerard! The kid's probably a crackhead, he doesn't even know how he got here." He hissed, " Actually, I think I might need a place to stay for a few days, I just kinda got kicked out of my house" He hissed looking at the sky lightly before smiling at me. I grabbed his hand and ran down the street until I found Mikey's car.

Frank's Point Of View

I watched Gerard get into this strange... something or other. I glared at Mikey as he got in the seat in the front, I wasn't too fond of the energy coming from him. Maybe thats why I was here, to save this Gerard person from him. " Come on... sorry, what is your name?" Gerard looked embarrassed, " Frank" I said, opening the door awkwardly and climbing in beside Gerard and copying him in putting that strap on. I really don't like this. I hissed. The machine then started and I jumped and squealed, " Chill dude! Its just a car!" Gerard laughed. I laughed nervously as Mikey glared at me through the mirror and I nodded, " Yeah.. Just a car"

Aww, Frankie's a confused little angel, it'll get violent and mean soon don't worry. And Mikey's gonna posses someone cause I'm bored.
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