Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Discrepancy

Static Joe-Fro

by VividDiscrepancy 3 reviews

Yes... another phone call. I'm sorry, I missed my Joe-Fro.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Published: 2007-07-20 - Updated: 2007-07-20 - 613 words

"So... you got together with Pete?"

I sighed audibly. "Joe, why do you call him 'Pete'? He prefers being called Peter."

"Yeah, whatever. So you got together with him?"

"Well... yeah."

"And Erin?"

"Called me a whore and said, 'I am so done with this' and stormed out. She left fingerprints on my newly-painted front door. Bitch."

"Andy! You owe me a fiver!"

"Why does he owe you a fiver?"

"Because he betted that Pete's non-stop ranting about your greatness would not drive Erin over the edge."

"Peter does not rant about me non-stop."

"Does too."

"Does not."

"Fine, I'll prove it." There was a pause. "PETE! WHAT DO YOU THINK OF CHARLEY'S FRONT DOOR?"

"It's awesome, just like she is. Seriously, seriously awesome. I should paint my front door green too, don't you think? Patrick, what do you think?"

"See?" Joe said triumphantly.

"Oh whatever."

"And while we're talking about couples... PJ and Courtney?"

"PJ and Courtney?"


"A couple?"



"Well they were kissing in my yard."

"Courtney was in your yard? Why?"

"Me and PJ were working on the weeds and she just appeared. Then I went inside. I came back out and they were like glued at the face."

"PJ and Courtney... ew."

"Yeah, I know. I had to witness it."

"Poor Joey bear. And speaking of couples... Jeffers and Joe?"

"No way."

"I thought so."

"But speaking of Jeffers... she is going to be so pissed off when she hears about you and Pete. She'll like blow a fuse."

"And I was hoping to be friends again. Oh well."

"So caring."

"I can't help it. It comes naturally."


"So. What do you like about Pete?"

"Erm... he likes me."


"He has good hair."


"He has the prettiest eyes and a really cute, goofy smile and I love it when he does the eyebrow thing and I love his laugh. And he dresses really cool and -"

"Since when did size five girl pants become cool?"

"Shut up. You asked."

"Let's talk about something else. I've got an entire ten minutes to kill before Andy gets back with my five dollars."

"Do you think Jeffers will be really angry?"

"Well yeah."

"I don't blame her. He cheated on her."

"Bullshit! Pete didn't cheat on her, he just dumped her. Then he got a new girlfriend."


"Can't blame him. She was thirteen and he was turning eighteen. I don't even know why he dated her."


"Eight minutes to kill."

"Oh er... do you think it's a good idea that I'm dating Pete?"

"What happened to 'Peter'?"


"Well... maybe, dunno. The guy's practically head over heels in love."


"Yes, really. Why would I say it otherwise?"

"To taunt me."

"Probably." Another pause. "But really, Char, he really likes you."

"And I like him back."

"Joe? Is that Charley you're talking to?"

"Hold on a sec, Char. Yes Pete, it is."

"Ask her if she wants to come by some time and listen to us rehearse."

"Char, wanna come by and listen to us rehearse? This is a request from Pete, not me."

"Well, okay. I'll come by now 'cause I have nothing to do."

"But I still have three and a half minutes to kill!"

"Well then, you can kill them by waiting for me. I'll be over in a couple of minutes."

"That leaves me with one and a half."

"Shut the fuck up Joe-Fro."




Author's Note: And that's it folks! You'll have to wait another two weeks for the next chapter. Unless I write one at two in the morning. Screw sleeping (a quote from Lizzard lol).

Charley xxx
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