Categories > Original > Drama > How she became visible

Lori The Ghost

by WannaBeeLoser 0 reviews

Lori meets her cousins Roxi and Phoebe at their dorm

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2007-07-17 - Updated: 2007-07-17 - 191 words

The first day of College is like a living hell for a new kid moving halfway across the country. You know nobody. As you may wonder most kids would love getting away from their old lives and start a brand new one for college. But Lori was different.Not because she was Emo but because she left her family, friends, love and emotions there. This was not normal. She was sent away because her mother couldn't handle her and her father had recently died in war. Why would her mother send her away... she didn't want her. Lori was not an idiot she knew how her mother drank and would kick her out of her house for hours, days, weeks. but what merely could Lori do...she had no choice but to go as far away from life as possible. She wasn't paying for it either she was sneaking in with her cousins, Roxi and Phoebe. Roxi was also Emo but Phoebe was just a plain idiot. She was a teenybopper and a wannabe cheerleader. Little did Lori know she was going to in for the greatest adventure of her life.
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