Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer

From the Ashes

by Tainted_Goddess 0 reviews

I suck at summaries, and if I write one I'll probably just end up giving the whole story away.

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Giles, Jenny Calendar - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-07-26 - Updated: 2007-07-26 - 715 words

Title: From the Ashes

Chapter: 1/?

Spoilers: Eventually, from throughout the series as the story progresses. For this chapter, just season 7 and season 2.

Timeframe: After season 7, during what should be season 8 of Buffy

Summary: I hate summaries..and if I give you one it's liable I'll just give away the entire story :P

Rating: PG-13

Willow sat at the kitchen table, reading the paper, when Buffy came in. Willow turned and looked at her, she smiled.

"Morning sleepy head." Willow said, happily.

"Morning." Buffy paused and looked at her watch "Oh...bad...very very bad...Dawn's late for school...again...I woke up too late..again..." She started panicking

"Whoa. Calm down, Buff. Xander took her to school about an hour ago." Willow smiled as Xander walked into the kitchen

"Morning all...hey Buff...what's up? You look terrible." Buffy raised a brow at him "Did I say terrible? I meant wonderful....ya look wonderful Buff."

"Nice save, Xander." Willow rolled her eyes and changed the subject "Hey, anyone seen Giles this morning?"

"G-man's probably still asleep..." Xander said, walking over to the coffee pot.

Buffy's jaw dropped " Giles? The man who counts being asleep past dawn as like, the 9th deadly sin? I think along with loosing an eye you've lost some brain power there, Xand." Buffy grinned. Willow chuckled slightly.

"Har har...lets all make fun of the guy who lost his eye by a psycho women hating, preacher man." Xander glared at them

"Aww..we're's's kinda funny, you looking like a pirate and all..." Buffy grinned again.

Giles walked into the kitchen. "Good morning all."

"Morning Giles....quick question...why don't you ever sleep in?"

"Because Willow, I'm english...we don't sleep in."

"You mean unless you got drunk the past night?" Xander grinned "Like that time when Angel killed Ms. Calendar..." Everyone looked at Xander "Oops..." Xander looked to Giles "Hey...sorry...I um...I wasn't thinkin'."

Giles nodded sadly. "And once again Xander you've managed to turn a completely good conversation into a horrid one with your stupidity!"

Xander looked hurt, but understood Giles' pain. " didn't mean" Giles cut him off

"It is perfectly alright Xander...It is what I should've expected..seeing as how most of the time you speak without thinking about what you are saying or who your saying it to." Giles walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his room, he walked into the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water. He looked up into the mirror

"I didn't know I was gonna fall in love with you..." Her voice rang in his head...he could hear it as clear as if she were standing next to him.

"Stupid bloody idiot!" Giles cursed himself. "6 years..six bloody years we could've had together had I just stayed...had I just protected her..." He thought to himself.

Meanwhile, downstairs

"Way to go!" Buffy looked at Xander in disbelief. "Now you've got him all upset and thinking about Jenny...what were you thinking? Or were you even thinking at all?!?"

"I didn't mean to-" He cut himself off after he looked at Willow...she was sitting at the table, shaking, holding her head in pain...obviously having one of those visions that she had gotten from time to time in the past year. Ever since the destruction of the hellmouth. Ever since the powers that be deemed her fit to have the power to see the future within her reach. Buffy and Xander ran over to her just as she was opening her eyes.

"Will? Are you okay?" Buffy asked, concerned

Willow had a look on her face of both worry and confusion "Um...I'm not sure..."

"What do you mean? Will, what did you see?"

Willow was hesitant to tell them. "Um.." She paused, trying to think of the right words to tell them of what she just saw, though, truth be told, she wasn't even sure of what it was.... It was strange. The powers that be tended to be very vague with the visions they sent her way, never giving very much in detail. It was nerve wracking. If Willow ever figured this one out, she would be very surprised.
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