Categories > Anime/Manga > Rurouni Kenshin > Bliss - Moving Out

The Parting

by Scarred_Sword_Heart 0 reviews

Yahiko says his goodbyes to Kenshin and Kaoru as he prepares to move out of the dojo. A/N: The ages of all characters born before 1902 are calculated using the Oriental standard. See my profile ...

Category: Rurouni Kenshin - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Kaoru,Kenshin,Yahiko - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-08-17 - Updated: 2007-08-18 - 525 words - Complete

Disclaimer: Watsuki-sensei (along with Sony, Viz, Shonen Jump, Shueisha, Media Blasters ADV and Fuji TV) owns Kenshin. I'm just borrowing, not profiting. I'm really extremely grateful.

October 17, 1878
Kamiya Dojo

Today was the day. Everything had been a whirl of events recently with Enishi's Jinchuu, the battle on the island, the time spent recovering from their wounds and then the departures of Aoshi and Misao, Megumi and Sanosuke. Upon leaving to see the world, Sanosuke told Yahiko to leave the dojo and gave him his Ruffian Row flat.

Yahiko looked around the room that had been his for almost a year. He felt oddly like crying as he looked at the walls that had once had pictures of great swordsmen hanging on them as well as other things he'd collected and added to make the room his, which were now stripped bare. Yahiko quickly swallowed his tears. He was a man now! He had fought Hennya of the Juppongatana, Otowa of the Rokutai and Genbu of the Sushin and had mastered Kamiya Kasshin Ryu all before he would turn 12 years old on New Years. Was it not shameful to cry over something as stupid as moving out?

Taking one last look around the room to be certain he hadn't forgotten anything, Yahiko headed out to embark on his greatest journey since Kyoto and the Island, the journey toward adulthood.

Upon entering the main living area, Yahiko came face to face with Kenshin and Kaoru, the people who had been his surrogate parents for almost a year. He winced inwardly when he saw the tears shining in Kaoru's eyes.

"Now don't think leaving the dojo means you can slack off in your training. I expect you to show up on time every day and work hard. Show up late tomorrow and you'll do 2,000 strokes," admonished Kaoru.

"Hey, no problem busu," said Yahiko.

"If you didn't need to be awake to move out, I'd clobber you for that crack," said Kaoru, blue eyes flashing.

Yahiko decided not to push a fight with his sensei since he'd still be exhausted from moving out tomorrow. Yahiko turned his gaze to Kenshin who was smiling gently at him, violet eyes shimmering with amusement at his and Kaoru's antics, but also with sadness at this parting.

"Do you have everything you need?" he asked softly.

"Yeah, I got everything," said Yahiko.

"Take care of yourself and don't hesitate to come to us if you need anything," said Kenshin.

"I know. I know," said Yahiko, feeling more and more awkward by the moment.

Just then he heard the sounds of the carriage he'd hired stopping outside the gate. He raised his eyes to his foster parents once more and smiled at them.

"Well, see ya!" he said.

"Good luck," Kenshin and Kaoru said together.

With a smile and a nod, Yahiko picked up his huge load and walked toward the gate. Taking a second to pause and look once more at the sprawling yard of his first home since his parents had died, Yahiko turned and left, shutting the gate behind him. He never saw Kaoru's tears finally spill forth from her eyes.
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