Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Blood Shot

by xMusicxCrazyx 0 reviews

First Chapter Of My Fan-Fic, Tell Me What You Think x

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-08-20 - Updated: 2007-08-20 - 1010 words

Chapter 1

“WHY?!” screamed Gerard as he ran to the cracked bathroom sink. This wasn’t the first time he had woken up in a run down hotel room with every inch of his body covered in someone else’s blood. He looked up at himself in the broken mirror; staring at himself so hard his eyes stung with teardrops swelling in both eyes.
He walked back into the paint-peeling bedroom and sat on the blood stained covers. He looked so tired, he just couldn’t cope anymore, but the last thing he wanted was to be locked way in some room, with nothing but drugs getting shot into his arm every second of the day. He jumped as he saw something slide under the cobwebbed doorframe. The headline read “Brutal Murder; Body Left In Pieces, Family Grieve For Their Little Girl”. Underneath the headline was a picture of a 14-year old school girl, he guessed that was the victim he brutally murdered the night before.
He picked up the paper and suddenly remembered how it got there. He ran out the room, down the narrow hall ways and out the back entrance. They had got away again, Gerard knew somebody else knew about him, but the mental torturing question was who?
Gerard ran back to the room he just came from, trying so hard to remember which number it had been, why had he left the room came echoing through in his mind. He didn’t have to run far to get to it, number 19, well that’s what it appeared to be. The 9 seemed to be hanging on by its last inch of effort making it look like 16. He slammed the door shut hearing a small clang on the floor outside the door, the nine fell of then he thought to himself. He grabbed his black rucksack and stuffed the blood stained sheets and clothes into it; he pulled on a new set of tee shirt and jeans he had found in the bag before hand. He headed for the door remembering the newspaper and grabbed it, walking quickly out of the hotel.
For some reason Gerard liked to keep the photos of the victims he had murdered. He thought to himself, counting on his fingers to double check, of course that makes 19 victims and he was in room 19 why hadn’t he spotted the link before. Each time he had awoken in a run down room in the middle of nowhere he was so quick to get out of there he never took notice of which number it had been. Of course the first time was a bit different when he tried the pay for the room the man behind the desk, if you could call it that, said it had been paid for. The funny thing was, there was never any money missing from his wallet, and when he received his credit card bills none had been charged by any hotel.
There were so many questions he wanted to ask but no one to answer them. He walked quickly back to his one bedroom flat in Manchester without looking once over his shoulder, he was never certain of the way but always found his way back in the end. As he approached the newly painted door he saw an envelope pinned to the front of it, he grabbed it and tore it open to read it. It was made of newspaper printings, and it read; Death Will Come To Those Who Don’t Keep Quiet. He looked up absolutely stunned.
Gerard opened the door in such a rush he tripped over his loveable pet cat, Roxy, “sorry” he mumbled. He saw he had an answer message and he rushed over to play it, it could be from…from…them? He pressed it; “You Have One New Message; “Hey Gee its Frankie, Mikey says you have been abit off lately, what’s up? Anyway, come over some time, got some new albums you just have to listen to, well bye for now”. “End Of Messages”. He slid down into his moth eaten armchair, “If only you knew the half of it” he whispered. “Half of what?” came a familiar voice. Gerard jumped so quick out of his chair he thought he had left his body right there on the chair for a split second. “Mikey, what the hell man, don’t do that” rushed Gerard so fast even he thought it didn’t make much sense. “Chill Gerard god, I just came over to drop your Smashing Pumpkins CD off, but if you’re this moody I’ll let you sleep abit more, you look like you been out all night with a girl again, when are we going to meet her?” finished Mikey in such a cool voice his words made Gerard even jumpier. “I err I went out for an early morning walk?” he sounded so unconvincing it made him even more on edge. “Whatever dude just sleep, everyone knows you’re not a morning person, oh yeah by the way have you seen the news! Another murder, hope that bastard rots in his jail cell when he is caught, some people hey” his words so certain it broke Gerard right there on the spot. Mikey took the fact Gerard slid back down towards his armchair again that was a cue to leave. “Well see you later then I guess… hey meet me and frankie at the pub later, say 6, great, see you there” before Gerard could answer Mikey had shut the door and was heading down the stairs. ‘Oh great’ he thought to himself as he slid further into the armchair. How am I going to keep such a convincing face to prove to everyone I’m okay, even if I’m not… Its not like I want to kill and not remember it is it, in fact I don’t even want to kill at all! He placed his hands over his face, looked at Roxy and said quietly, “am I losing my mind?”
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