Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We Like Movies

Rocky Horror

by MCArmyWife

A double date

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-08-22 - Updated: 2007-08-23 - 1445 words

We drove in silence the next morning. We had slept apart the previous night. After he had walked out of the bedroom I had waited hoping he would come back but he never did. Now as we pulled up along side the bus I was suddenly afraid he would send me away. I was getting too close to him, he was caring about me and that scared him.
I decided I had one more thing to say to Gerard before we joined the others. “Last night when we first got to the house I know you tried to scare me, you tried to drive me away. Well you can’t. I don’t know why you are like you are and you’re determined not to let me understand. Fine, remember I’m with you cause it’s my choice. You can’t deny there is something that draws us together. You want me and I sure as hell want you. Stop being over dramatic about the bump on my head. I could have just as easily hurt you when I pushed you last night. We both know why we’re together. We’re lost souls you and I. Lost souls that for some reason have found each other. We have to play this out, Gerard. Fate brought us together for a reason.”
He pulled up along side the bus and cut the engine. “Fate didn’t bring us together. I did. About a year ago I was with Mikey and Alicia and she was looking through her old photos. She pulled one out of you and her at some fucking high school game and showed it to me. She told me you had been her best friend in high school. As I held the photo in my hands I felt something I can’t explain. I knew I had to have you. It didn’t matter that you were engaged. I had to have you. It was like venom was coursing through my veins. I made sure I met your fiancé at that party. I was there with the express purpose of breaking you two apart. Lucky for me he had tendencies he was trying to suppress. It was so fucking easy to seduce him. Afterwards I said just the right things to place the guilt in his brain that made him confess to you. Of course he did leave out the part of the story about it being a man he was unfaithful with.” He looked over at the bus then back at me. “Did you ever wonder why Alicia called you out of the blue just when you needed a friend? I bet she doesn’t even remember me mentioning a few months later how we all should get in touch with old friends.” He leaned his head back against the back of the seat. “You see Laura it wasn’t fucking fate it was me.”
I stared at him for a moment, “Poor Gerard, you really think you’re the puppet master don’t you?” He turned to glare at me. “It was fate that made her take out that photo for you to see. If she hadn’t you would never have known I existed and I would be married to a man who would be cruising the bars looking for something he needed that I couldn’t give him.” I put my hand on the door handle and swung the door open. “You need to wake up to the fact that we are meant to be together.” I got out and slammed the door.

Alicia and I were sitting back stage while the band did their sound check. It was the first time we had gotten a chance to talk since Gerard and I had gotten back. “So have a good time last night?” she grinned.
Shit, if only she knew what it was like to be with Gerard. “It was an adventure,” I answered honestly.
“Laura are you sure this is what you want?”
“Been talking to Ray have you?” I shot back. I hated to lose my temper with her but I was tired of the question.
She didn’t take offense. “No, actually Ray was pretty quiet all night. He and Mikey talked a bit after you guys left then I guess he went to sleep.”
“What does Mikey say about Gerard and I?”
I could tell she was trying to choose her words carefully. “Mikey really likes you Laura and he loves his brother.” She looked down at her hands; “I think he is hoping you can save Gerard from himself.”
It was at that moment the band came off stage. I wanted to ask Alicia what her last comment had meant but I couldn’t. Gerard walked up to me and surprised me by leaning down and pressing his lips to mine. He smiled as he stood back up. “Miss me?”
Shit, suddenly I was dealing with nice Gerard. I looked around and wondered why. There didn’t seem to be anyone he was trying to impress with this nice act. I decided to play along. “Of course I did.”
Ray shot both of us a look and stormed towards his guitar tech. He handed off his guitar and slammed a door on his way out. I looked up to see Gerard smiling. He held out his hand and I stood. His arm found it’s way around my waist. “We’ve got a night off tomorrow night. I was thinking we could go see a movie,” he said as we walked back towards the backstage dressing area.
Wow a date. He really was playing nice Gerard. “Sure, sounds good.”

The date turned out to be a double date. Alicia and Mikey accompanied us to the theater. It was a special showing of the cult classic Rocky Horror Picture Show. As we drove in the van Gerard asked me if I had ever seen the movie.
I laughed, “Hundreds of times. Shit, Alicia and I used to go to the midnight showing every Friday night. Of course we took all of our supplies, toast, lighters, rice, ect, ect, you know.”
Alicia laughed, “Fuck, we even dressed the parts. I was Magenta and Laura always dressed as Janet.”
Gerard took his eyes off the road to give me a surprised look, “You dressed up and went to the show?”
“Fuck, yeah. I loved being Janet. That is once she got with Frank-N-Furter. Man, was Tim Curry hot.”
“Fuck, yeah” Alicia agreed. She giggled, “Gee dressed up as Frank-N-Furter for a costume party.”
“Holy shit” I said out loud before I could shut my mouth.
He laughed, “Quite a visual?”
“Oh yeah, that’s quite a visual. Don’t suppose you still have the costume do you?’
Mikey spoke up, “He only rented it. Fuck, you should have seen mom’s face when he walked upstairs wearing it.” He shook his head, “I was sure she wasn’t gonna let us out of the house.”
“Hey little Bro, want to tell they who you were dressed as?” Gerard challenged.
Mikey rolled his eyes, “I was Columbia”
I couldn’t help it I burst out laughing, “Complete with gold top hat and taps?”
He laughed, “Yeah, for sure. Poor mom”
I wasn’t surprised when we got to the theatre and there were people dressed up as characters from the movie. I saw several Frank-N-Furters but none who could begin to live up to the picture I had in my head of Gerard in the role.
The night turned out to be something I hadn’t expected, fun. No one realized who the Way brothers were, which was a bonus. We were just two couples out having fun. Gerard shocked me by holding my hand most of the evening. We even ended up necking in the back row, of course so was Mikey and Alicia. It didn’t even embarrass me when the rest of the theatre turned and said “Hello back row”. (If you don’t get it you really need to see the movie).
We got back to the bus late and once I changed into my sweats I crawled into Gerard’s bunk feeling pretty damn good. I was sleepy and started to doze before he crawled into the bunk behind me. “Goodnight” I whispered sleepily.
“Night, Laura” he whispered.
I thought of something, “Gee?”
He pulled me closer to him, “Yeah?”
“I had a nice time tonight.” It sounded so corny but fuck it, it was true.
He sighed, “Me too.” I smiled until he added, “Too bad it was all an act.”
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