Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The End.

The End.

by My-Childish-Romance 0 reviews

When Gerard gets knocked out on stage, is it all over? Flashbacks, memmories, and guilt, all at once. How could he cope?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-08-26 - Updated: 2007-08-26 - 587 words - Complete

So raise your glass high for tomorrow we die, and return for the ashes you call.

Chapter 1:

The crowd was moshing like crazy all the way through I’m Not Okay. Everyone loves this track. The kids at the front were going wild. It was mental! They charged into each other, jumping upwards and sideways at the same time, their heads shaking, their bodies heaving. They started to surge towards us in a massive tidal wave of bodies. Two idiots climbed onto one of the amplifier towers and were swinging off the lighting bar. It was out of control. That’s what alcohol does to people. Real fans would never do this kind of thing. I couldn’t take it. I just stood there, silent. Suddenly, the other stack wobbled, and I looked up.
“WATCH OUT” called Frank. He had a look of absolute horror on his face.
But it was too late. Something sharp and heavy fell and hit me on the head. It all happened so fast. I remember opening my eyes for a second, revealing a microphone covered in sticky red blood. Then I lost consciousness.

First, there was a period of quiet darkness. Just fucking darkness. Like plunging into a deep, sudden sleep. It probably only lasted for a few seconds but I was already in the place that I’d thought about many a time – where time didn’t exist. The past, present and future were meeting and embracing like old friends. And I was weaving in and out of them. My mind became full of the most colourful images – it was like watching a video diary of my life, except the events were all in the wrong order, jumping backwards and forwards in time.
Yet these were not the edited highlights of my existence – this wasn’t the best of Gerard Way. They were just everyday scenes, ordinary moments that I’d shared with my 4 best friends.
Then it hit me. Frank, Bob, Mikey and Ray. What’s gonna happen to them? The band. My Chemical Romance. I couldn’t leave them, there’s no way I could live without them.
That was when I realised. I was not about to ‘not live with them’. They were going to ‘not live with me’. I was dying.

There I was, as a toddler with my parents in the garden, next minute, I was in high school, having my school photo taken. Suddenly, I fast-forwarded to the Download Festival in 2005, where I told the crowd that I wasn’t wearing any underwear. This was insane. Then I went back, I was sitting on my bed as a teenager, and was on the brink of suicide. If I would’ve ended it then, I don’t think I would have coped with all this, it was hurting me inside.

I felt dizzy and sick, utterly disorientated. I tried to call out “Stop!” But my throat was dry and no words came out. I begged for the pictures to fade or at least slow down. I wanted peace, silence, rest…

Then, suddenly, the image I was seeing remained fixed. And it wasn’t from the past – it was from the present. Fuck. It was happening right now, at Birmingham NEC. A lot of people were clustered together on the wrecked stage. I could make out Ray’s hair and Frank’s make-up. Frank looked fucked up. So did the rest of the band. I fucking hated this. I wanted it to end right this second.
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