Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Beautiful Disaster

BIG kiss for some BIG Lips

by Meg2005 3 reviews

Brendon and Chelsea are on again and off again and back on again...will this never end....probably not.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2007-08-27 - Updated: 2007-08-28 - 1308 words - Complete


‘Babe are you sure you’re up for this trip?’ Brendon asked as he put Chelsea’s suitcases into the back of her Denali.

‘Brendon I’ll be fine besides no one knows about it so shut up and stop mentioning it.’ She snapped.

‘I’m sorry.’ Brendon pouted as Chelsea slammed the front door just as Brendon’s cell phone rang. Brendon pulled it out of his pocket and looked down at it to see Ryan calling. Brendon felt a feeling of relief to talk to his best friend, ‘Hello.’


‘What’s up?’

‘Are you almost ready to go? Jennifer and I will be over in about half an hour.’

‘Yeah, be warned though the misses is not in a good mood this morning. I don’t think she’s said one nice word all day.’

‘Have you two taken the test yet?’

‘No not yet, we’re still waiting, I’m assuming we’re going to take one soon but there is only one thing it could be, she’s sleeping all the time, she’s moody, she’s throwing up left and right, and eating like crazy…She’s pregnant.’

‘good job idiot.’

‘I’ll have you know, it take two to make a baby.’

‘Yeah but it’s easier when the one is a massive horn dog’

‘Whatever, all I know is it’s going to be a long nine months.’ Brendon said as Chelsea came back outside, ‘So you and Jen are going to be here in half an hour.’

‘she came back out huh?’

‘Yeah okay see you then.’

‘bye.’ Ryan said before hanging up. Brendon looked at Chelsea as she walked towards the car. He tried to look as sad and as pouty as he possibly could just so she wasn’t so mean to him but unfortunately it didn’t work.

‘Don’t give me that pouty bullshit; I’m not in the mood.’ Chelsea said as she put her purse and Thomas’s bag into the back seat before going back into the house to get their sleeping son.

‘Thanks for doing this mom.’ Chelsea whispered as she laid Thomas down in his pack-n-play in her parent’s bedroom as she was still conked out.

‘You’re welcome sweetie have fun in New York.’

‘We will bye.’ Chelsea whispered before hugging her parents and walking back out to the car to get in with Jennifer, Brendon, and Ryan.

‘Are you better now?’ Brendon asked sweetly as Chelsea met everyone back at the terminal after throwing up.

‘Fine.’ She mumbled sitting back down in the plastic chair putting Brendon’s jacket closer around her.

As the plane soared through the stratus clouds Chelsea had pulled out a notebook as she began working on a list of plans for the wedding.

Brendon walked over and sat down next to her. He looked at her as she wrote down names that began their guest list, ‘So we’re really going to do it now huh?’ Brendon whispered.

‘Do what?’

‘Have a big wedding.’

Chelsea stopped writing and looked up at him. Into his gorgeous big brown eyes, ‘Looks like it huh.’ She said softly.

‘When are we going to take the test?’

‘We can take it when we get to the hotel.’

‘Do you have one?’

‘Yeah, I’ve been too scared to take it.’

‘Why are you scared?’

‘Gee I don’t know it could be the fact that we have an eleven month old baby right now, adding another one into the mix will not only be ridiculously hard but completely insane. I mean how is Thomas going to feel about this, I don’t even know how I feel about this and now our poor baby has to share his parents with a new baby, I don’t think he’s ready for it.’

‘He’ll have to get used to it sooner or later, we were planning on having more kids later right?’

‘Yeah but much later, when Thomas is actually able to understand that we’re still going to be his parents that we’re not abandoning him.’

‘We aren’t abandoning him; we’re just adding a new friend for him.’

‘Are we ready for this?’ Chelsea asked looking up at him.

‘We’re going to be fine.’ Brendon said before he gave her a much need kiss before they went back to their guest list writing.


‘So what do you have to do today?’ Chelsea asked walking into their hotel room and looking around.

‘We have a rehearsal at two, do you want to come?’

‘No, I think I’m going to take a bath and a nap and then when you get back we can take the test.’ She mumbled as she sat down on the bed to take her shoes off.

‘Do you want to take it now?’

‘I just peed, we can’t take it now.’

‘Alright…well I still have a little while before I have to leave, do you want to cuddle with me or make out or something?’

‘Don’t push it Urie.’

‘Man, I don’t know what is different about this pregnancy then when you were pregnant with Thomas but I don’t think I like it much.’

‘What are you talking about?’ Chelsea asked giving him a look.

‘When you were pregnant with Thomas you were all about cuddling and making out, you just wanted to be close to me all the time but now you basically want nothing to do with me. I don’t understand.’

‘Brendon, I have to tell you something and I don’t want you to think I’m completely crazy for this.’ Chelsea said finally sharing her fear with her husband and the father of her baby.

Brendon sat down on the bed expecting the worst news of his life, that the baby wasn’t his, but what he got was nearly laughable, ‘Brendon….something about this pregnancy doesn’t seem right.’

Brendon gave her an amused look, ‘What do you mean?’

‘I don’t know, I can’t really put my finger on it but it just seems like something is off. I feel like my hormones are all fucked up. In the past forever that you and I have been together the only time I have not wanted to be around you was that day that you and your cousin went to your grandmother’s house and came back covered in mud and god knows what else but literally seeing you and especially smelling you makes me want to vomit and I’m really not sure if it’s you or my hormones but it’s something.’

‘Thanks for being nice about it.’ Brendon said.

‘Honey, I’m sorry. It’s driving me crazy, all that I want to do is cuddle with you and kiss you like there is no tomorrow but I can’t. I can’t even kiss you.’

‘I didn’t know you hated the way I smell that much.’ Brendon said looking down at his feet that had suddenly become the most interesting thing in the room.

‘No, I don’t hate it in fact I love it, it’s one of those things about you that I want to take with me everywhere but there is something about this pregnancy.’

‘And what if you’re not pregnant?’

‘Brendon, I have to be, can you explain everything that has been going on with me any other way but for me to be pregnant?’


‘Okay then.’

‘Man this sucks! So for nine months we can’t kiss, cuddle or have sex?’

‘Just until my hormones quiet down.’

‘I’m going to rehearsal.’ Brendon said getting up and taking his side kick, kissing Chelsea on the cheek, and walking out of the room.

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