Categories > Original > Humor > Five Minute Soap Dish

Week 37

by johmichaels 0 reviews

On the way back from a movie, Steve spots something odd.

Category: Humor - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2007-09-08 - Updated: 2007-09-09 - 1167 words - Complete

Week 37

“And when he sees his Dad run off, and starts firing into the air-brilliant!” Nick cheered as he and Steve walked home from the cinema.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s was pretty good,” Steve said, looking at his shoes.
“And that last scene-where the fight in the model town, and the steeple goes up through his mouth. That was-“
“Yeah, I saw it too. It was pretty good.”
“Pretty good. It was fucking awesome! It’s the best fucking movie ever.”
“You say that about every movie.”
“Not every movie. Dirty Dancing Havana Nights continues to suck royally,” Nick said, then switched his concerned mode on, “And once upon a time you liked every movie you saw too. What’s up? Didn’t work with Gia?”
“You know it didn’t.”
“Wrong. I strongly suspected it didn’t. She may have been won over by your invisible charm that can only be experienced by you, several women, and all canines.”
“Well, she wasn’t. What’s worse, she ambushed me. She called up Evelyn and Joanne and told them where I’d be.”
“Who’s Joanne?”
“Gothic Rose.”
Nick nodded with recognition, “Oh, of course. So, were they happy to see you?”
“No, of course not. But one thing had me confused though. I mean, Gia only met them that one time, at the party, so she wouldn’t how to contact them. And neither do you or Kelly. In fact, I’m the oly person who had a clue how to contact them, and I definitely didn’t.” Steve accused a relaxed Nick, “So, how did she get the number?”
“Oh that was me and Kelly. Didn’t you wonder why I hugged you that time?” Nick asked, reaching into his pocket to get out Steve’s mobile, “I made a few calls to that Name based relationship score number, but apart from that your credit is still good. And hey, it was worth it to find out that Jesus and Satan are 85% compatible.”
Steve took his phone back, coming to terms with what his friend just said, “Why? Were you just being an arse? Trying to stop us from getting together?”
“Not entirely,” Nick explained, “You see, if you were good old bad Steve, who we know and love, but Gia hates, you’d have shown Gia that you’re lying scum in front of her. But if you’ve truly turned over a new leaf, you’d impress Gia with your honesty to these girls. Think of it as a litmus test.”
“Well it failed on both counts,” Steve said as they went past a doorway lit by a single light bulb. A few men were smoking underneath it, and they wolf-whistled the pair as they went on.
“He’s taken!” Nick shouted, throwing his arm around Steve, whose homophobia compelled him to move faster away from the men.
“What was that place? A gay bar?”
“Not exactly. You know how a gay bar has music, drinking, dancing, and sex?”
“Well, no one drinks, dances, or plays any music there,” Nick said.
“And you don’t mind living near it?”
“No, in fact it’s very enjoyable. Nothing cheers me up more than seeing these guys stumble out at seven, and realising they’ll have to go back to their unaware wives and girlfriends,” Nick said, “But enough of my exposition-what happened with Gia?”
“Well, I was honest with the girls, and by the end of the lunch they’d actually become friends again. With each other, not with me, but they definitely felt better towards me,” Steve explained, “But Gia-she wasn’t convinced. She thought I was just going to screw them over again. What do I have to do, Nick? Call up every girl I’ve ever slept with and apologised?”
“God, now!” Nick said, “For one thing, I’m fairly certain the Amish don’t have phones.”
Steve gave Nick a wry smile as they stopped by Steve’s car, “Very funny, Nick.”
“Oh, you’ll get over her, Steve. I mean, I felt like you once, and nothing came of it, and looked what happened to me.”
“You became bitter and twisted, forced all your friends away, and became incapable of happiness.”
“But I still can have fun, can’t I?” Nick said, walking in the direction of his flat.
“Sure, but at the misery of others.”
“But it’s still fun,” Nick called out, “Good night, Steve. Safe driving.”
“Night,” Steve called back, getting into his car and starting it up. As he drove away from Nick’s flat he passed the doorway with a solitary light bulb just as more guests were walking in. And then he did a double take as he saw who was going in.
“Oh my God,” Steve said, stopping the car to make sure he had seen correctly. Not being certain in this level of darkness he stopped the car and ran out to get a closer look. And then he was certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Steve ran back to his car, and after starting it up, did a sharp turn and called a number on his mobile at the same time, well aware of the number of violations he was doing.
“Kelly-get to Nick’s place now! I’ve got news.”
“Piss off,” was the response.
“I need your help-it’s not just me who’s involved in this one. If you’ve ever cares about anyone apart from yourself, come to Nick’s now!” Steve said, hanging up.
He drove his car back to the same parking space he left it, and ran to Nick’s flat. When he got there he knocked loudly on the front door.
“Nick, it’s Steve. Let me in, we need to talk.”
“Kinda hoping I could have a shower now, Steve,” Nick called back, “Are you sure it can’t wait until tomorrow?”
“It’s about Gia-“
“Then it will definitely be able to wait until tomorrow.”
“It’s Mark. I just saw him go into that pick-up joint you showed me,” Steve shouted at Nick.
There was a pause, then Steve heard the door being unlocked. Nick opened the door marginally, to prevent Steve from entering.
“You’re not bullshitting me?”
“No, God’s own truth. I just saw him walk in there,” Steve explained.
“Because, if you were bullshitting me-it would count as you trying to screw up Gia’s relationship, and then you and I would be through. You know that, don’t you?”
“Yep, I know that, and so I haven’t lied. I saw Mark walk into that pick up joint just then.”
Nick opened the door, “Then come inside.”
“I’ve called Kelly, she should be coming,” Steve said, entering as soon as the door opened.
“I’ll call her again, in case she doesn’t like you,” Nick said, “And then, when we’re all here, we need to have a little chat.”
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