Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Jake, London Orphan

Lessons Gone Wrong

by AshenWolf 0 reviews

Alternate Reality. Werewolf Harry. Jake has been a street kid for as long as he could remember. But is he really just an orphan on the streets with his 'brother' Cody or does he have family out the...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Harry, Lupin, Sirius - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-12-30 - Updated: 2005-12-31 - 1655 words

Jake, London Orphan. Chapter 3: Lessons Gone Wrong

2 years later, Jake is 9 and Cody is 19 (almost 20)

Jake readjusted his loose bandana to make sure his scar was covered up. There was once a time when he liked his scar, but that was before the accident that occurred a few months previous. It had been one of his and Cody's "nights" out in the forest, when it happened. The brothers had gotten into a semi fight with each other. It was meant to be all fun and games like all the previous mock-duels, but Cody got a little too excited and ended up clawing at little Jake's forehead leaving a disfiguring scar that blended in with an old one that he had had all his life or for at least what life he did remember. He hardly remembered his Uncle Vernon anymore, let alone anything before that.

He tamed his long black hair into a brown leather throng as he turned toward Bethany, a new 10 year old girl they had accepted into their little group about a month and half ago. She was a short, thin girl with violet eyes, who always wore her long mahogany colored hair in two thin braids that reached past her hips. Jake was quite fond of her actually, not just because he was the youngest of the group and her age was the closest to his, but there was just something about her that he liked. He didn't know if it was her candor and straightforward attitude or the fact that she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She did have a spectacular smile when she chose to show one and a charismatic and bubbly nature.

Jake more often than not wondered why she was with their group. Who would want to give up such a nice and caring person? He, of course, never asked her, for then it would be breaking the unspoken code: never ask others about their past. An "or you'll regret it later on" was inferred.

Bethany was waiting for him as he was slightly lost in his thoughts. They were going to try their lot at pick-pocketing today for they hadn't done any for awhile and their proverbial funds were near zilch. They would meet up with the others later after a "hard day at work" as Cody put it.

Jake was an expert at the art of pick pocketing and slight of hand now, thanks to his big brother Cody, but Bethany was just a beginner and Jake made it his mission to teach her.

He smirked at her and grabbed her tanned hand. "Come on Beth, today's the day you learn the art or 'borrowing from others'". She returned his smirk with one of her rare smiles as she flipped her braids behind her. "Finally!" she nearly shrieked with excitement. "I've been waiting every since I got here. Is it hard? I mean: is it really hard to do and not get caught?"

He pulled her along as he replied, "oh not that hard. Maybe at first but you'll learn fast enough. Don't worry yourself too much, alright? You'll do fine if you do what I tell you."

He stopped just before the shadows of the alley they were in faded onto the streets. "Okay first look for a person who looks pretty well off. Then, you locate where they keep the money. Like that one, for instance." He stopped talking for a moment as he pointed at a rather plump lady walking towards them dressed in what seemed to be an expensive suit. She was most likely on her break from the lawyer's firm or some profession of similar financial gain.

"See how she dresses? That usually means they're rich, so they are the prime targets. Now, see the little piece of brown leather sticking out of the side pocket?"

She nodded as she watched the lady critically, as if she were an enigma she couldn't quite figure out. "Yea", she whispered in response with her nod. "That's most likely a wallet, since she doesn't seem to have a purse. That's you goal. Got me?" he queried as he fiddled with a thin white gold chain around his neck.

"Yeah, Pup, I got you. I'm still a bit scared at trying it though. I just know I'll get caught for sure." Her voice quivered slightly in nervousness. She linked her hands together to keep them from shaking. Jake took her trembling hands into his own as he smiled brightly at her. "I said don't worry Bethany. You'll do fine. I was just as shaky as you are right now when I first tried it and I didn't get caught."

He bit his bottom lip as he lied. Well, he hadn't been caught, so to speak, but he had never ran faster in his life than he did that fateful day back in March of his seventh year of living. That had been his first attempt at pick-pocketing. Let's just say he was lucky he had singled out a rather fat, aging man who had no chance of catching up to a high-energized seven year old in the many winding streets of London. Cody had had a good laugh about it though. "/Traitor/," his subconscious mind threw into the fray.

Bethany just squared her shoulders and set a determined face for the event. "Okay, Pup, I think I can do this. Wish me luck, okay?" She never once looked at him as she scoped out the people walking by with the rapture of a predator stocking there prey.

It had been a good 10 minutes of no talking and just watching before Bethany finally seemed to find her target. It was a little old lady that looked stinking rich. Her clothes just screamed of finery and her little purse was ordained with small pearls and what looked to be small diamonds.

Jake smirked, showing his canine like pearly whites and his eyes shined with excitement. He knew he wasn't the one doing the "borrowing from society" this time, but it still gave him a rush. 'Perfect target, Bethy,' he thought gleefully. 'Old, so she can't run after you and richer then the Queen it would seem.'

"Okay, now Beth, you need to..." he cut his statement short because she had already left his side and was practically almost on top of the lady already. "Beth", he murmured dismally; "you weren't supposed to go, yet...."

He started to fiddle with the chain around his neck again. Only this time, it wasn't out of just having to do something with his hands, but out of shear nervousness he felt for his friend. He nearly closed his eyes when Beth "clumsily" fell towards the old lady and made a snatch for the purse. He did close his eyes for moment when he heard the old woman's outraged and shocked screech.

Beth almost made a run for it with the purse, only the old lady wouldn't give up on it. They were playing a small game of "tug-a-war" for a moment with the old lady shrieking her head off for "the dirty little wretch" to let go.

'She's strong for an old person' Jake thought a little amused and exasperated at the same time as he rushed out there and helped Beth pull her way. People had already stopped around them to watch, but a bit shocked to actually do anything, that is until the rich lady started call for the police.

Jake pushed the purse into Beth's grungy hands and told her to "run like hell" as he ran in the opposite direction. Hopefully the hysterical woman made the police run after him instead. It would be harder for the police that was for sure. Their targets would be split now and so would any security officer that was on duty in the area.

He risked a look back and saw two police officers running after him and another one running towards Beth's direction. The lady was still screaming her head off and looked rather steamed. Jake had no time to observe any further as he was running and he needed his eyes to be set forward in order to make it anywhere with falling down and getting caught. 'Maybe this wasn't a good idea', he thought as he rounded a corner and pushed straight through a couple holding hands. 'I should have had Cody teach her. He's much better at teaching that's for sure.'

As he rounded another corner in hopes of throwing his pursuers off, he risked another glance. 'What happened to the other one?' he contemplated. 'I'm sure there were two.' He looked ahead just in time to see nothing but a sea of dark blue before ricocheting off said object and onto the concrete. He scrambled to his feet and changed his direction to find another sea of blue. He made his way down the alley, but stopped half way when he realized it was a dead end alley and he was trapped.

"Ah shit" he cursed aloud as he slowly turned around to face the two officers who had been chasing him. One was quite taller then the other one with a cold gaze of dark brown and short military style cropped hair. The other, whom was a good foot shorter, wore an expression quite polar to his partner's. His hazel gaze shone with compassion and pity, rather then disgust and abhorrence. Even his loose and shaggy brown hair put Jake more at ease. Both wore those horrible dark blue uniforms that meant nothing but doom and trouble to his pack and that was what he was in: trouble.

He sighed resignedly even as his eyes still looked for escape, but his mind knew there wasn't one. He whimpered like the small child he was and wished now more then anything that he had let Cody teach Bethany rather then insisting he could.
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