Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Hate My Life

Karma is a bitch

by clutsy_93 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-09-13 - Updated: 2007-09-13 - 1353 words

“Yo, two people who are in this room, are you ready to go to our next stop?” Gerard moved his arm from my shoulder and quickly got up.
“Yeh Frank give us a second, we will meet you down in the lobby” Frank shut the door and Gerard went to grab some of his things and pack them in the suitcase, I soon followed but I noticed that Gerard had already packed my stuff, so I just sat on the bed, he is truly like a dad, I think picking up all my clothes and that. I wonder whether Mikey knows about Gerard’s plan, for me, well the band for that matter.
“Claire, do you have enough stuff for you’re ah period?” I looked up at him and nodded.
“Because I don’t know when our next stop is?”
“Yeh, well this might sound weird but I’m almost finished so yeh” He just laughed handed me my handbag, I was about to reach for my suitcase, but Gerard gave it to the bell boy, and we went down to the elevator. We saw the guys all sitting down on the couch and talking, Frank grabbed my arm and we soon went walking to the car to take us to the bus.
“What did you buy shopping?” I looked over at him and we got into the car.
“Uhm, a grey singlet dress, Gerard chose that out, I chose a couple of tee’s, CD’s and 2 band shirts”
“Oh cool, what band shirts?”
“Oh and chocolate, a my chemical romance one” He just smiled, a very big one,
“And drop dead, gorgeous”
“I’ve never really heard of them, do you have them on you’re iPod?”
“Yeh, here you go, you can listen to it for a while”
“Cool, thank you, ha you were just listening to techno?”
“Yeh, I like dancing around to it”
“Pretty awesome” It was only Frank and I in the car, and he had the music really loud, he gave me a head phone and we listened to E.R by Drop Dead, Gorgeous. I hummed the tune, and Frank looked over at me.
“What is you’re top 6 favourite bands?”
“Uhm, My Chemical Romance, Drop Dead, Gorgeous, Kill Hannah. Bring Me The Horizon, Paramore and In This Moment”
“Paramore are new right?” I nodded and I saw the bus come into view, we hoped out and Frank was really close to me mainly because if we would move the headphones would come out.
“So I hear you are really into Photography?”
“Yeh, I have a scrapbook in my suitcase, I’ll show you”
“Well, when it gets here” we laughed and sat down on the couch, he changed to some techno he took the headphone off of me, and he started jumping around, his arms were up in the air with his fingers pointing up, and his legs well let’s just say they were going crazy. I couldn’t contain my laughter, I was on the floor laughing my head off, and I saw the door open and the guys looked down at me, and smiled but soon there attention went to Frank who was now on his knees dancing around.
“Frank what the hell are you doing?” asked Ray, he put on a look of confusion, and then took out the headphones.
“No need to yell Frank, we are right here” spoke Mikey, Gerard helped me up and walked me to the bunks.
“Our next stop will be tomorrow, we have a couple of days off, so we can venture around if you want too?”
“Hell yes, this will be fun”
“What do you want to do?”
“Well at the moment, I’m really tired”
“Me too, wonna watch a movie on the couch or just go to sleep”
“A movie will be good” we went out to the couch, we flicked on the TV, and went through random movie channels, we finally stopped on The Sweetest Thing,
“Have you ever seen this?” asked Gerard,
“Yeh loads, pretty funny” it was just the start, he laughed a lot during it,
“Have you?”
“Nope, I’ve heard about it but yeh” I soon fell asleep with my head on his chest, he placed his arm around me and I was in my own world.

I jumped of the bed, when I heard a bang, and fell on top of Ray. I looked up and he just smiled. I could not move, I must’ve hurt myself when I fell. Ray helped me up, and placed me in Gerard’s laps, he had an evil smirk on his face, I looked up at him and he started tickling me,
“Ahh, what is with you guys and tickling?” Ray looked over and joined in, I started kicking and laughing my head off. I looked into Gerard’s eyes, I rolled onto my back but they started on my sides.
“Ah, you two suck” I rolled of but Ray had caught me, he lifted me up and chucked my on his shoulders, he went to the kitchen and grabbed some water, he put me down but before I had a chance to run he chucked the water on me.
“Ah!! It’s cold” I jumped around and he laughed at me, I chased him down towards the lounge hearing everyone laugh, I jumped on his back and he fell to the ground, I started tickling his sides.
“Karma is a bitch” I got of him, and I helped him up, we went back to watching the TV, bug a new move was on, I don’t really remember it though, I lay down with Gerard and I heard his stomach rumble, I looked up at him and he just laughed.
“It needs feeding” he pointed to his stomach and got up; he went to the kitchen and looked through the tiny cabinet.
“Anyone up for Mac and Cheese?”
“Yes” we all said, he set the table and started cooking it, it smelt good, we were called up and started to eat.
“Claire, what did you buy shopping?” asked Bob,
“Uhm, how about I show you guys after tea?”
“Cool” they started small talk about the upcoming show, I was finished and went to have a shower, I came out and Frank was listening to my iPod, kicking his feet in the air, Gerard, Ray, Bob and Mikey were going through my camera, and looking at my iPod photos, I chucked the bag at them and they looked through my shopping.
“Woah, someone did shopping” spoke Ray,
“Yup, what are you guys doing with my camera?”
“Looking at you’re photos, missy you might have a career in photography, maybe you could take the photos of us” spoke Bob,
“Ha, yeh right”
“I think Bob has a point, you could do that, and like come on tour with us a lot” said Ray,
“Well guys I had an idea, maybe Claire could live with me, I mean if it’s okay with her mum and yeh” I sat down next to Frank and he handed me a headphone, he was still in my techno and humming tunes.
“Gerard can I talk to you for a second” Mikey pulled Gerard of into the distance and I watched some TV. I looked over and the brothers were pretty happy with each other I thought they were going to fight, but yeh.
“I’m going to bed, night guys”
“Night” they all said, I didn’t know where to sleep so I slept in the bunk where my bags were and was about to sit down, but I heard a cough behind me.
“You can sleep in my bed, I don’t mind”
“Oh well I thought you might like room and yeh” he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bed, I was next to the window I turned around so I was facing it, Gerard gave me a kiss on the cheek and put his arm around me, was this wrong? I have no idea.
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