Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Rapid Hope Loss


by panda_1418 1 review

Seeing Nosey in his current state has two different effects on two different people.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-09-13 - Updated: 2007-09-14 - 1164 words

Julius and Emmett borrowed one of Scarlett’s many cars to get to the hospital. They spent the whole ride in silence, each running over ideas of how exactly to make the men who hurt Nosey pay. In fact, Emmett was so caught up in one fantasy – involving a monkey wrench and a pair of pliers – that he coasted through a four-way stop, nearly running over an innocent red convertible in the process. He seemed completely unaware that the couple inside the car had gotten out and were shaking their fists at him as he rolled away.

In the lobby of the hospital, people looked up as the pair strode determinedly towards the receptionist at the desk. They stared at the grim expressions on the agents’ features. The woman behind the counter glanced up and froze slightly.

“Can I help you gentlemen?” she asked, trying her best to keep her voice under control.

Emmett stepped forward. “We’re here to see Nosey,”

The woman looked at him, trying to decide if he was joking or drunk. “Um … Nosey? Are you positive that is your friend’s name?”

Julius rolled his eyes at Emmett. “He means the man who was involved in a mugging earlier today.”

Nodding, the receptionist checked her computer. A few minutes later, she opened her mouth to answer them, but checked herself. “Are you immediate family?”

“Sorry?” Emmett inquired, his anger starting to show.

Julius nudged him. “No, we’re not. Just friends. Is there a problem?”

“I’m sorry, sir, but it is hospital policy not to let anyone except immediate family is permitted to see a patient while they are in ICU.”

Growling inwardly, Julius tried to keep his expression polite. Delilah was in Nosey’s room, no doubt; she could easily pass for his sister. Al would probably have claimed to be his father, and Scarlett his stepmother or something. He should have known they would hit this roadblock! Emmett could probably have pretended to be Nosey’s brother, and then relay information to him. However, now there was no chance correct his mistake. No problem, he could still use his charm. Julius began to rearrange his face to look coy, but Emmett interrupted his plan by slamming his fist down on the desk.

There was a lull in the conversation. People around the lobby looked up.

“We need to see him!” Emmett snarled through clenched teeth.

The woman looked taken aback. “I’m sorry, sir, but our policy clearly states--”

“To hell with the policy!” Emmett shouted, his fury showing in his eyes.

Julius saw his friend was likely to lose his temper soon, which could have disastrous consequences. He grabbed Emmett’s arm and appeared to gently pull him away, while in reality he was tugging as hard as he could.

“Come on, Emmett,” Julius hissed, jerking him away. “I’m sorry—”He glanced down at her nametag—“Janine. He means well.”

Janine nodded dumbly, her eyes still wide with shock.

Smiling once more, Julius led Emmett to the seats in the waiting area. Emmett’s eyes were closed tight as he tried to control his emotions. As he sat down, however, the strong feelings overpowered him. He slumped forward, putting his head in his hands and began to shake. It took Julius a few seconds to realize he was crying. Julius was taken aback; he had never seen Emmett display any emotion. This was new to him. Unsure of what to do, Julius pretended to be unaware of Emmett shedding tears beside him. Al would come down soon enough … and perhaps then he would be ready to finally see the damage done to Nosey.


Almost an hour later, Al did just that. He ventured down to the lobby, leaving Nosey with Delilah and Scarlett, to see if Julius had shown up yet. As soon as he entered the waiting area, he spotted Julius and Emmett. Al had to admit, he was surprised to see that Julius had actually put in an appearance. When he had seen the young spy in his office this morning, Julius’ body language had clearly communicated that he wasn’t comfortable to see Nosey in such ill health.

“Julius!” Al called across the room. “Emmett!”

Both of them looked up at the same time. Emmett was the first to get up, with Julius not far behind – however, Al did notice how he faltered as he rose. He was still unsure … frightened. Al couldn’t help but wonder if Julius was indeed ready to see his friend in such a condition. It had surprised Delilah, Scarlett and he, and they had been prepared. But Julius …

Al dismissed the thoughts. If Julius determined that he was ready, he was undeniably ready. The two spies went up the stairs wordlessly as Al explained things to Janine, who readily agreed, glancing fearfully at Emmett.

When Emmett and Julius entered Nosey’s room, they stopped dead in their tracks. Emmett was only stunned for a second before he quickly strode over to the doctor to demand answers. However, Julius remained in the doorway, struggling to keep his rage in check. Hadn’t this been a mugging? Muggings didn’t end up like this! Not sending people to ICU. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself before going to stand beside Delilah.

“Is he okay?” he asked hoarsely.

Delilah looked up, surprised. She’d only seen Emmett come in, and assumed Julius had stayed behind. “Oh … Julius … yeah, he’s fine. He’ll probably need a kidney transplant, but he’ll be fine,” Just keep telling yourself that.

“A kidney transplant?” Julius repeated in disbelief. “Delilah, what happened?”

Quickly, she gave him the whole story, saying at every possible chance that Nosey would be just fine when he woke up. Julius just shook his head, and left when she was done to find Emmett.

The spy was standing in the hall, staring at the walls blankly. Julius walked up to him and nudged his elbow.

“So do we know who did this to him?” Julius asked.

Emmett blinked, as if seeing him for the first time. “What?”

“We’re going after the punks who did this. We need to know who they are.”

“Julius …” Emmett stared intently at him. “You’re not still thinking of hunting them down?”

Julius took a step back. “What?” he questioned, anger rising.

“You’ve seen Nosey, man,” Emmett continued. “We can’t just leave him like that.”

“Delilah and Scarlett and Al are with him. He’ll be fine. But we can’t just let those jerks run free!”

“I can’t leave Nosey, Julius. He’s my friend.”

Julius’ eyes narrowed. “He’s my friend as well, Emmett. And that’s why I’m going after these guys. But, heck, if you want to back out of really helping Nosey, that’s fine with me. I’ll do it by myself. I don’t need you anyway.”
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